Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 50 The First Soul Skill

When Ling Yi quietly absorbed the soul ring in his own home and broke through to the soul master level, the entire Shanhai Village, except for the momentary stress reaction caused by the "Blue Silver Grass" everywhere, was peaceful and no one knew about it.

Not even the four little guys playing in the Ling family's yard close at hand, nor Zhang Xiaoyu and Ling He, who were guarding the children while busy with their work, didn't know that there was something underground just a dozen meters away. , his/her brother, son, and nephew have broken through the generations-old barriers between the Ling and Zhang families and are about to open a new chapter in the Ling family's bloodline.

It was evening, when Ling Xiaoshan and Zhang Lei came back from the fields, Zhang Dahe also came back with a basket of big fish, and his grandparents and grandparents also came back with a basket of vegetables.

In addition, the Ling family itself breeds domesticated pheasants, hares, wild boars and other livestock and poultry. Zhang Xiaoyu and Ling He slaughtered chickens and rabbits, and hung them on the kitchen beams to smoke. The pork that had been eaten in the evening was more hearty than that at noon. Everyone had a mouth full of oil and a round belly.

At dawn the next day, early in the morning, Ling Yi took Zhang Lei, accompanied by Ah Huang and Miaomiao, into the old forest in the north of the village.

"The first soul skill: full of vitality——!"

Under the "Iron Birch Tree", Ling Yi held the martial soul "Blue Silver Grass" in his hand and whispered his first soul skill.

Before he finished speaking, a faint, blue and green light flickered on the "Blue Silver Grass" martial spirit.

Also flickering was the bright yellow halo at Ling Yi's feet.

Feeling the soul power in his body spontaneously running along an inexplicable route, he completed the journey in an instant and entered the martial spirit "Blue Silver Grass" in the palm of his right hand, and turned it into a ball of active energy full of vitality. As soon as Yi thought, the active energy immediately turned into a light green light and shot toward Zhang Lei, who was two steps away.

At this time, Zhang Lei was stunned by the scene in front of him and had no reaction to being hit by the light green light.

But soon, the physical comfort brought Zhang Lei back to his senses. While feeling the comfort all over his body as if he were soaking in a hot spring, he opened his eyes wide and looked at Ling Yi in front of him:

"Ayi! became...a soul master...!!??"

Zhang Lei's voice became a little shrill because he was too surprised.

"Ah~" Ling Yi nodded, holding the martial soul "Blue Silver Grass" in his right hand, with bright yellow soul rings circling under his feet, and his whole person seemed to be glowing at this moment.

The light green light only lasted for seven or eight breaths, and then stopped as the active energy in the martial spirit "Blue Silver Grass" was exhausted.

When Zhang Lei opened his mouth to ask something, Ling Yi raised his left hand and gestured. Zhang Lei immediately suppressed his inner curiosity and stood obediently in silence, waiting.

At this moment, Ling Yi was reviewing his feelings when he just used his first soul skill.

Moreover, because he mobilized his mental power throughout the process and relied on the active energy, Ling Yi also sensed the various changes in Zhang Lei's body under the baptism of active energy.

A few minutes later, after all the details had been reviewed, Ling Yi spoke to Zhang Lei with an impatient expression and asked: "Brother Lei, tell me, when you were just enveloped by my first soul skill, What does it feel like?”

"The first soul skill~" Zhang Lei muttered and repeated, then raised his head and looked at Ling Yi with admiration, longing and yearning: "A Yi, you have indeed become a soul master!"

Regarding Zhang Lei's performance, Ling Yi did not urge him. He just nodded with a smile and said with emotion: "Yes~ I finally became a soul master——"

Zhang Lei, who was also filled with emotion, just remembered Ling Yi's question just now. He thought about it and said to Ling Yi: "Ayi, just now, when that light hit me, I felt very comfortable. First, it felt like this Just like in the forest, the breath in your nose is full of fresh fragrance..."

"Then~" Zhang Lei continued while thinking about it: "I felt that my body was like a ball of dry soil in the field, and the green light was like water. When soaked in the water, my body was growing stronger little by little. , it became like fat mud dug out from the bottom of the fish pond..."

"Well~ It was as comfortable as taking a hot bath, but the green light was not hot, but refreshing and cool..."

Listening to Zhang Lei's simple and straightforward descriptions, Ling Yi thoughtfully refined the key information inside.

"Is there more?" Ling Yi asked again, and at the same time he raised his finger and pointed at Zhang Lei's left arm and waist: "I just sensed that the amount of the first soul skill gathered in these two places is more. …”

"Huh?" Zhang Lei was startled when he heard this, and immediately rolled up the sleeve of his left arm, and then lifted up the hem of his waist.

Just looking at it, Zhang Lei said "Huh?", looked up at Ling Yi, and said with surprise: "A Yi, my injury... is healed -"

When Ling Yi heard this, a look of concern and inquiry immediately appeared on his face: "Injured?"

Seeing the concern on Ling Yi's face, Zhang Lei explained to Ling Yi: "It's nothing. I was hoeing in the field a few days ago and suddenly dug out a snake. When I killed it with a hoe, I accidentally killed it. I twisted my waist..."

"As for the arms..." Zhang Lei exposed the outer side of his left arm to Ling Yi, and continued: "When I was digging lotus roots in my dad's fish pond two days ago, I was poked by a bone spur on the back of a big fish. After a while..."

Ling Yi saw that the wound had healed, leaving only a scar with a white mark the size of a broad bean. He recalled the previous accumulation of active energy here and understood that it was accelerating the recovery of the injury.

At the same time, under Ling Yi's attention, he discovered that most of the active energy was concentrated on Zhang Lei's back, arms, calves, etc.

Ling Yi is very familiar with these locations.

Because they are basically the areas where the force is exerted when performing "Farmer's Three Postures" and "Basic Gymnastics"!

Obviously, years of practicing "Farmer's Three Postures" and "Basic Gymnastics" have exercised and strengthened the muscles in these parts, but it is also inevitable that strains will occur.

Next, Ling Yi calculated the consumption of soul power in his body and used the 'First Soul Skill: Full of Vitality' on Zhang Lei three times at intervals.

These three times, Zhang Lei was asked to perform the hoe swing, sickle swing, and ax swing in the "Farmer's Three Stances".

As a result, as expected by Ling Yi, whenever Zhang Lei's body was strained, the active energy generated by the soul skills would spontaneously gather together to perform passive effects of repair and healing.

After completing the verification of the effect of the soul skill on the human body, Ling Yi asked Zhang Lei to step aside and seize the time to practice the hoe swing a few more times while the soul skill BUFF was still on.

Facts have proved that among the "Farmer's Three Movements", Zhang Lei's practice has the best results in the hoe swinging posture, and the hoe swinging posture has gained the most benefits.

Ling Yi himself was sitting under the "Iron Birch Tree", closing his eyes to rest, and instantly fell into a deep sleep.

Ten minutes later, Ling Yi opened his eyes, with a look of complete energy on his face. Both his mental state and the soul power in his body were back to their peak at this moment.

Although the first soul skill was used at intervals before, it actually consumed about one-third of the soul power in the body. But now, in just ten minutes, Ling Yi consumed one-third of the soul power. , it was completed in one fell swoop, and even the upper limit of the soul power in the body was faintly increased!

When Ling Yi stood up, in the open space not far away, Zhang Lei was already holding the "hoe" martial spirit, guarding the prey.

The prey on the ground included three hares, four pheasants, and a half-sized deer. They were all hunted by Ah Huang and Miaomiao within four or five miles of the surrounding area.

At this time, the necks of the four pheasants had been broken and they had no sound. They could only be used as lunch for a while. Of the three hares, one also tilted his head and remained motionless. The other two were a little better, but had white and bloody stubble injuries on their front and rear legs.

The last half-grown deer had the least injury. There was only a deep wound opened by a sharp blade at the hind hoof joint. At this time, under its own lick, the bleeding had stopped.

Now, it's time to verify again how effective his first soul skill is in healing injuries.

Similarly, Ling Yi also wants to know, in addition to the active energy transformed from the soul power in his body, can he induce some vitality from the outside the "Blue Silver Grass" all around him?

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