Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 5 Toddler

Douluo calendar year 2592, mid-spring.

Ling Yi woke up lazily, smelling the fragrance of vegetation that filled her nose and feeling the warm sunshine coming in from the window.

"It's been a year~"

Ling Yi was lying on his little bed, with blue light and shadow all around him in the corner of his eye, and he murmured softly.

Last month, Ling Yi celebrated his first birthday in Douluo Continent, his first birthday, accompanied by his parents, grandparents, grandparents, uncles, aunts and other relatives.

In the past month, Ling Yi has also begun to progress from rolling over and crawling to standing and walking.

Probably because of time travel and rebirth, the adult soul has grown again from childhood. Ling Yi's infant sleep regression period came extremely late, at least it has not yet appeared.

Normally, when babies are three to four months old, most babies will alternate between deep sleep and light sleep, suddenly changing from normal sleep to sleep disorder, with symptoms such as going to bed early and waking up frequently at night, which makes the parents who take care of the baby exhausted. .

In addition, most newborns sleep for about 18 to 20 hours, babies between two and three months sleep for about 16 to 18 hours, and babies between five and nine months sleep for 10 hours. About five to sixteen hours, a baby's sleep time at one year old is about fourteen to fifteen hours.

But Ling Yi is different. In the one year and one month since he was born, he has slept more than twenty hours a day.

If he hadn't been in particularly good spirits when he woke up and everything was normal, such as eating, drinking, drinking, etc., the Ling and Zhang families would probably have to pool their money and take Ling Yi to a big city more than a hundred miles away to find a soul master. Take a look.

Although Ling Yi spent most of his time sleeping for a year, careful observation when he was awake, and the gradual development of his vocal cords when he was four or five months old, guiding the direction and content of the conversations of people around him with sporadic words, still made him more capable. I got a rough idea of ​​my situation.

Of course, just like learning to walk, although you can try to stand and walk early, Ling Yi still chooses to play it safe and only move his body mainly by crawling and turning to avoid hurting the young bones. Speaking is only gradual, roughly in sync with the growth of ordinary children.

Return to the information Ling Yi has.

The first thing is time. It is the year 2592 of the Douluo Calendar. In other words, Ling Yi was born last year in the early spring of the year 2591 of the Douluo Calendar.

At this point in time, Ling Yi still doesn't know what stage he is in the "Douluo Dalu" he watched in his previous life.

I read the original novel in high school in my previous life, and watched the anime when I was young. To be honest, Ling Yi didn’t pay much attention to this Douluo calendar era. He went to watch the dazzling martial arts and exquisite character modeling. Who would pay attention? These details.

The village where the Ling family is located is in a truly remote area with too little contact with the outside world. It is also a fantasy to judge by the current celebrities and famous events in Douluo Continent.

Next, let’s talk about geographical location.

The Shanhai Village where the Ling family is located is located in the capital of Shuimu Principality, about one hundred and sixty miles east of Muzhi City.

The [Shuimu Principality] is one of the two major empires in the Douluo Continent. It is a small subsidiary country of the [Tian Dou Empire]. It is located in the east of the Tian Dou territory. Its land area is not even half of the smallest province of the [Tian Dou Empire].

In the [Shuimu Principality], there are only three major cities including the capital "Muzhi City". The rest are basically small towns surrounded by villages.

Back to Shanhai Village, as its name suggests, the village is close to the mountains and the sea.

To the west of the village, there is a dirt road leading to the capital "Muzhi City", with flat farmland on both sides of the road. There is a river in the south of the village, coming from the further south, passing through many villages along the way, winding and drawing a 'huan'-shaped arc outside Shanhai Village, and then flowing eastwards for seventy or eighty miles, that is The endless sea.

To the north of the village, behind a forest that is more than twenty miles deep, are mountains that stretch for an unknown distance.

Finally, there is Ling Yi’s family relationship in this life.

On the paternal side, grandpa Ling Changqing is thirty-nine years old this year, and grandma Yan Hong is the same age as grandpa. His father, Ling Xiaoshan, is eighteen years old this year, and his mother, Zhang Xiaoyu, is one year younger than his father.

There are four people in Grandpa Ling Changqing's generation. Grandpa Ling Changshan went deep into the woods in the north of the village more than ten years ago and never returned. He is basically dead. The third master, Ling Changshui (from the same village), and the fourth aunt, Ling Changxiu (married from the next village). As for the great-great-grandfather and great-grandmother above, they died from overwork and illness two years before Ling Yi was born.

Maternal line: Grandpa Zhang Qiang, grandmother Lu Yun, uncle Zhang Dahe, aunt (aunt) Ling He, cousin Zhang Lei. The second uncle Zhang Meng (moved to the woman’s village after marriage).

The above is the network of relationships that Ling Yi has access to in this life.

As for the protagonist group, the [Martial Soul Palace], the two empires, the three upper sects, the lower four sects, etc., they are all too far away from Ling Yi.

The Ling and Zhang families, who are related to each other from all over the world, told Ling Yi that in his place, apart from the deacons from the [Martial Spirit Hall] who come down every year to go through the motions and awaken martial spirits for school-age children, there are also contacts There is no soul master with soul power!

You can't even get in touch with soul masters, let alone have a better understanding of the world that belongs to soul masters.

There are dozens of people in the Ling and Zhang families, but only three or four of them have been to the "Muzhi City" one hundred and sixty miles away, and they can be considered to have seen the world.

Others, such as his father Ling Xiaoshan and his mother Zhang Xiaoyu, have only been to the market in Beikouhe Town, which is more than 40 miles away.

If Ling Yi wanted to further understand his location and timeline, it would be most convenient to pass through the Wuhun Branch Hall in Beikouhe Town.

However, if the timeline is before and after the collapse of [Martial Soul Palace], then getting up to it right now is like ‘lighting a lantern in the toilet’.

After thinking about it, Ling Yi looked at his small body, which was just over one year and a month old, suppressed the slightest urgency in his heart, and began to think about today's meal.

As the saying goes, food is the most important thing for people.

The sky is big and the earth is big, and eating is the biggest thing.

No matter how far the future is, every bowl of rice now is crucial.

If you don’t eat enough, how can you have the energy to move your body and spread your mind?

It will be four hundred days since the time travel, and what needs to be solved most for Ling Yi right now is not whether he can awaken a powerful martial spirit during the martial soul awakening ceremony five years later, nor whether he can awaken his innate soul power.

But the quality of life of Ling Yi, a small family of three, needs to be improved urgently!

Ling Yi, who is over one year old and has stopped breastfeeding for nearly three months, is worried about her family's two and a half meals a day.

There is no "Xuan Tian Gong" that the protagonist of the original work brought with him, but he eats almost the same gruel as the protagonist. The nutrients that such a diet can absorb are not very likely to be a template for awakening innate soul power.

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