Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 30 Entering School at the Age of Seven

When the stars and moon in the eastern sky gradually became brighter, a huge creature crawling on the ground appeared at the end of Ling Yi's sight.

[Shuimu Principality] Capital City, "Muzhi City".

Fortunately, it was not time to close the city gate yet. The carriage that Ling Yi and others were riding in, among the scattered pedestrians leaving and entering the city, entered the city through the east city gate without any trouble.

As a subordinate principality with only one province of the suzerain [Tian Dou Empire] and the smallest province in terms of land area, its capital is naturally not that big.

The city wall, which is more than thirty meters high, would have been difficult to defend and difficult to attack in the ancient times of Ling Yi's previous life. However, in the Douluo Continent where extraordinary powers are everywhere, such a height can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

Of course, no matter what, this is the capital of a country, and it still has the required standards.

Apart from anything else, the [Martial Spirit Hall] established here is the same as [Barak Kingdom]’s royal capital ‘Barak City’, [Silves Kingdom]’s royal capital ‘Silves City’ and other large cities. The first-level Wuhun Main Temple is second only to the Wuhun Temple in the imperial capitals of the two major empires in terms of regulations.

As for going up further, that is the Pope's Palace in the "Martial Spirit City", there is no comparison.

When Ling Yi asked Ethan Pike for the location of the Wuhun Main Palace in "Muzhi City" and received a reply from him, the carriage arrived at the innermost roadside of Chaoyang Street in the east of the city.

"Master, the academy is here~" The coachman of the Ethan family shouted softly to the carriage.

"Hmm~" Ethan Pike pursed his lips, his eyes swept over the faces of Lilian and Annuo, who looked a little stiff, and Ling Yi, who looked curious, and said softly: "We're here, let's get out of the car-"

Lilian and Anno didn't respond, just nodded.

Ling Yi smiled brightly and said: "Okay~Okay~~"

None of the four people brought anything big to salute. Except for Ling Yi, who carried a package on his back and a roll of thin bedding hanging on the back of the carriage, the three members of Ethan's family basically had a small handbag, giving them a relaxed feeling of being alone.

After getting off the carriage, Ling Yi looked around, passing by the closed stores on both sides of the road, and turned his attention to a gatehouse located at the end of the street a hundred meters away.

With the bright moonlight of the half moon diagonally above his head, Ling Yi's strong eyesight allowed him to clearly see the row of big characters on the door: Green Leaf Junior Soul Master Academy!

If it were an ordinary child, he might ask Ethan Pike why he didn't let the carriage drive directly to the gatehouse, but stopped more than a hundred meters away.

In this regard, Ling Yi imitated Zhang Lei's sometimes careless and naive attitude, and looked like he was focused on the curiosity after entering the big city for the first time, which made the three Parkers who were already organizing vocabulary in their minds breathe a sigh of relief.

The atmosphere suddenly became a bit more harmonious. The four of them walked comfortably on the deserted street, and the distance of more than a hundred meters passed by in a flash.

As for the carriage and the driver, they turned around and headed towards the street. They thought they would find a place with a reasonable price to settle down and return to Beikouhe Town tomorrow.

[Greenleaf Junior Soul Master Academy] entrance.

Under the introduction of Ethan Parker and the other three, Ling Yi showed the guard the martial arts certificate issued to him by Yan Bin last year, as well as the work-study student introduction certificate he received two months ago. After some verification, he was allowed to enter. Inside the college.

"We working-study students all live in Building 3 to the west of the college..."

On the bluestone road in the college, Ethan Pike introduced to Ling Yi: "There are three floors, four rooms on each floor. Your new work-study students this year should live in Room 304 on the third floor..."

"It was originally the dormitory of the sixth-grade work-study students. Now that they have graduated, the room is just for you freshmen..."

"Where are you, seniors?" Ling Yi asked at the right time.

When Ethan Pike heard this, he turned to look at Ling Yi, "I am also on the third floor, but I am in room 303, right next to you..."

He paused for a moment, glanced at his cousin and cousin, who had been silent since entering the academy, and continued unhurriedly: "Lillian and Annuo are in rooms 102 and 104 on the first floor respectively. ~”

"Although we are still young now, the youngest is six years old and the eldest is less than twelve years old, the college still stipulates that men and women live separately. Therefore, in dormitories 1 and 2 on each floor of Building 3, there are They are girls among the work-study students of each grade, while the boys live in dormitories 3 and 4——"

"The two buildings on the north side~" Walking to a wide playground paved with gray and white slates, Ethan Pike continued to walk along the blue slate road on the side, while raising his hand and pointing to the other side of the playground. The two six-story buildings on one side said in a low tone, "It's nothing, it's best not to get close~"

"Where is -?" Ling Yi showed curiosity in cooperation.

Ethan Pike glanced sideways at Ling Yi and his voice became indifferent: "The dormitories for self-funded students in the college~"

From his voice, Ling Yi smelled the smell of the victim in the news about campus bullying incidents that he had seen on the Internet in his previous life.

Ling Yi nodded to show that he remembered. He looked back at the two buildings in the dark, with a flash of thinking in his eyes:

'It seems that the relationship between students in this [Greenleaf Junior Soul Master Academy] is more serious than that in the original [Notting Junior Soul Master Academy]~'

'No, it should be Tang San, who is the protagonist. From the very beginning, with his innate soul power, the first soul ring in a hundred years, exquisite fighting skills, etc., he suppressed the city lord who is the eldest among the self-funded students in the academy. Son, Xiao Chenyu...'

'Otherwise, judging from the fact that Wang Sheng, the boss of the work-study students, often has bruises and scars on his body, campus bullying is the real norm! ’

‘Here is Douluo Continent, where the hierarchical differentiation is more obvious and naked—! ’

'And Tang San and Xiao Wu have never been ordinary work-study students from civilian backgrounds~'

Thinking about it, these two, a reborn person, the father of a titled Douluo, the number one sect in the world, the number one martial soul in the world, twin martial souls, innate full soul power and a series of labels, from their From the moment the martial soul awakening ceremony was successful, he was destined to be on the private plane heading to the top of Douluo Continent;

The other one is in the form of a soul beast. He has an attitude of hatred and vigilance towards human beings. He comes to live and study among humans just to increase his strength. If the protagonist's brainwashing aura is not too serious and his own mind is also missing, I'm afraid. He can kill humans more fiercely than Liu Erlong, the 'Killing Horn'...

'Two people like this, during their six years in [Notting Junior Soul Master Academy], they naturally experienced folk life like a prince or a princess, mainly relaxed and comfortable...'

'It can only be said that if you are a real civilian work-study student, you will be quite advantageous if you can enroll during the period when these two people are studying~'

The premise is to marginalize yourself, silently absorb the knowledge taught by the academy, develop quietly, and don't hang around in front of these two people.

Otherwise, it is very likely that it will get into the eyes of Yu Xiaogang and Tang Hao.

Ling Yi, who was thinking like this, had a sudden idea. He didn't know if the authors who wrote about Douluo fandoms in the previous life had ever written novels along such a line. Staying away from the center of the plot, wandering on the edge, developing yourself silently, watching the turbulence of Douluo Continent... It wasn't until the final battle ended and the protagonist group went to the God Realm that they took to the mainland stage with considerable strength...

As Ethan Pike introduced him, the bluestone road beneath his feet was stepped over step by step. After a while, the four of them left the edge of the playground and arrived at a small three-story building on the west side of the college.

Like the previous doorman at the gate of the college, Ling Yi successfully obtained the room key and walked into the dormitory building after showing his martial arts certificate and work-study student certificate to the dormitory aunt in the small expanded room at the corner of the first floor.

"Let's rest first~"

At the door of Room 303 on the third floor, Ethan Pike said to Ling Yi: "At this time, the college's cafeteria is closed. If you are hungry, eat some dry food. If not, I have some dried meat here..."

"Thank you, senior~" Ling Yi carried the package on his back and his thin bedding under his arm, and responded with a smile: "But no need, I still have a few pancakes in this package..."

"Okay~" Ethan Pike nodded, put his hand on the door handle of Room 303, and said sideways: "Go, I've been riding in the carriage for a day, have a good sleep after dinner, and I have to go tomorrow morning Find a teacher to handle admission and accommodation..."

"Your move-in is only temporary. It will only be finalized after you register with the Admissions Office..."

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