Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 27 Farewell one by one

In one year, many things have remained the same, and many people and things have changed.

Over the past year or so, with the help of deep sleep's fatigue refresh and repair function, as well as the self-hypnosis mimicry "Blue Silver Grass" and the created "Blue Silver Grass" environment acceleration function, Ling Yi's soul power has been fully improved. Almost level three.

According to Ling Yi’s conversations with several elderly soul masters and soul warriors in the town this year, this speed has reached the level of ordinary first- and second-level soul warriors with innate soul power, although it has the factor of a low starting point for soul power. Speed ​​up.

In addition to soul power cultivation, Ling Yi has not given up on strengthening his body.

"Basic Gymnastics" includes more rabbit and chicken shapes than a year ago. In terms of effect, it roughly overlaps with the cat and dog shapes, but it also exercises some body parts that were not taken into consideration before.

As for the "Farmer's Three Postures", during last year's autumn harvest season, more than 300 people worked continuously for half a month to observe, and the sickle swinging posture was successfully perfected. Before winter, Ling Xiaoshan and Zhang Dahe took the lead in organizing the villagers of Shanhai Village to cut down five to six hundred dead and crooked trees in the old forest before perfecting the axe-swinging technique.

Unfortunately, as a child, his underdeveloped body has its limits, and the improvement in strength is relatively limited, only gaining less than fifty kilograms of strength.

Here I have to mention the slingshot made of iron birch. Although it has been replaced with a stronger bow string, the effective range can only be limited to seventy meters.

It's not that it can't hit a farther place. As far as the sight is concerned, Ling Yi can currently calculate the impact point to accurately hit the peanuts at a distance of 120 meters.

But this distance, in terms of power, is no different from a normal free fall.

Only within seventy meters can a stone bullet be guaranteed to blow a pheasant's head off.

The iron marbles made in the blacksmith shop, with the instantaneous explosive power of the third level soul power, were enough to penetrate the skull of a wild boar within twenty meters.

Unfortunately, there is too little soul power, and such an explosion can only have the power of one blow. It is most efficient to target weak points such as eyes, ears, joints, etc.

In terms of the way of the soul, there has been little progress in the realm. It is still in the second stage of deep sleep. The third stage of 'sleep during movement' has always missed the opportunity.

As for hypnosis, there are a whole family of young people, Ah Huang Miaomiao, cows, sheep, pigs, rabbits, etc. to practice with. In addition, mental power naturally increases with age and soul power. Ling Yi has recently been able to initially master the lives of hypnotic objects. Rhythm, without the cooperation of the other party, you only need to mobilize your own mental power, and you can hypnotize the other party in a very short time through language, gestures and other suggestions.

The premise is that the other party is not very wary or resistant.

In addition, thanks to his own martial soul "Blue Silver Grass", through the stimulation of soul power, Ling Yi can turn his breath into a member of the "Blue Silver Grass" at any time. In the "Blue Silver Grass" environment, with his mental power, he is the leader of the "Blue Silver Grass" group!

Blue silver mimicry, so terrifying!

Ling Yi, who was amusing himself in his heart, said goodbye to Master Jiang and Ling Bai, walked out of Jiang's blacksmith shop, and walked towards the north of the town along the diagonal path.

Beikouhe Town is not a big one. Under Ling Yi's brisk footsteps, it only took about ten minutes for him to arrive in front of a courtyard near the edge of the town.

Knock on the door and enter. As soon as you enter the yard, you see a field of more than 200 square meters. On the edge are rows of brown wooden shelves with various weapons such as swords, guns, axes and sticks.

"Boy Yi is here~"

Facing the courtyard gate, in front of the main house, a burly old man was sitting on a recliner. When he saw Ling Yi approaching, he didn't get up. He just nodded with a smile and said hello.

This old man with white beard and hair has bulging muscles all over his body, and there are many scars on the exposed body parts, giving people a fierce feeling. What is striking is that the old man's left trouser leg is empty, and one limb is actually missing!

After nodding and thanking the woman who had just opened the door and guiding the way, Ling Yi turned to the burly old man and cupped his hands, and responded warmly: "Master Huang, I'm here to say goodbye."

Master Huang Lianghuang, a retired veteran, used to be a high-ranking officer in the [Shuimu Principality] army. More than ten years ago, he went with the centurion team to guard the outskirts of a soul-hunting forest in the North. During the patrol, he was attacked by a group of "Gray Shadow Wolves" , although one leg was broken, one life was saved.

After becoming disabled, he was naturally unable to continue serving in the military. With his savings over the years and 30% of the golden soul coins issued by the military, he returned to his hometown of Beikouhe Town, bought a house and land, married a wife and had children, and became Mr. Huang.

A year ago, Ling Yi, accompanied by Ling Xiaoshan, came to visit Huang Mansion with two adult wild boar carcasses that Zhang Lei and he had hunted in the old forest. With the blessing of his own soul warrior status, Ling Yi successfully began to learn from Master Huang the swords, guns, clubs and other combat skills used in the army.

"Farewell?" Master Huang held up the teapot with his left hand for a moment, then raised it without noticing, put the spout to his mouth, took a sip of tea, and then cast his tiger eyes at Ling who was standing in front of him. Yi, with serious eyes, looked up and down for a while, and sighed: "Yeah~ Another year of Wuhun Academy has started..."

Then, he said to Ling Yi: "Last year's work-study student quota was taken by those two families. This year, it is your turn~"

After a pause, seeing that Ling Yi's face remained calm and calm, without any hint of resentment or unwillingness, Master Huang nodded in his heart first, then shook his head, suppressing some of the thoughts that had just emerged, but at the same time he couldn't bear it. He felt a bit of appreciation, thinking of the other person's young age, and even a hint of admiration.

Skipping the topic just now, as if the previous words had never been uttered, Master Huang asked again: "Have you found a carriage to go to Muzhi City? Although it is not far away, it is not far away. Bar?"

Ling Yi nodded and shook his head, and said: "I didn't go looking for a carriage specifically. The young master of the Ethan family happened to be taking the two clan brothers and sisters from their second room to Muzhi City to report back to the college in advance. They Said you could take me with you~"

Hearing this, Master Huang's eyes flashed and he looked at Ling Yi intently. After a few breaths, he saw his calm expression and smiled: "This is a good thing——"

"Okay~ study and practice hard when you get to the academy. Although your innate soul power is only half a level, you still have a great chance of working hard, cultivating to level ten, getting a soul ring, and becoming a soul master~ "

"It's a pity that your martial spirit is "Blue Silver Grass". However, the boy has learned the skills of using the four weapons in my hand, namely, knife, gun, stick and ax in one year. I don't think it would be better for a spirit of the same level as a great spirit master or below." Master, as long as you are not a genius with high-level martial arts, you should be able to handle it——"

Listening to Master Huang's comments, Ling Yi had a warm smile on his face from beginning to end, and he responded and said a word of thanks from time to time.

For a time, the huge square in the front yard of Huang's mansion was filled with Master Huang's heroic laughter.

After saying goodbye to Master Huang, Ling Yi left the Huang Mansion and went straight to the Wuhun Hall in the center of the town.

Deacon Yan Binyan should also say something~

A year has passed, and Yan Bin's position has not changed, but his soul power has increased by more than one level, almost to the twenty-fifth level.

Based on the other party's age and qualifications, he is expected to reach the soul master realm before he is thirty years old.

Coupled with his status as the deacon of Wuhun Palace, this is a person who needs to maintain a friendly relationship.

Thanks to [Book Friends 20210317235826218] and [Book Friends 20210317235826218] for the reward, and thank you all for your support and reading, thank you! ! (`)

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