Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 13 Plowing the Fields


There was a panic-inducing muffled sound in the distant sky, causing Miao Miao, who was lying on Ling Yi's lap, to subconsciously arch her back.

Ling Yi turned to look in the direction where the sound came from, and there happened to be another strong light dancing on that side.

Squinting his eyes slightly, he waited for nearly ten breaths. After another roar came in his ears, Ling Yi shouted to the more than 20 people digging in the field not far away:

"Grandpa! Grandpa! Dad! Uncle! Brother Lei!... It's going to rain! Let's go home first——!!"

Upon hearing this cry, everyone did not stop directly. Instead, they waved their farm tools, hoes, and martial arts "hoes" several times at the land in front of them.

After waving goodbye to the smiling uncles in the village, Ling Yi followed Ling Changqing and others to speed up and walk towards Ling Xiaoshan's house.

Today is my turn to have a meal at Ling's house.


“Crash, lala—!!”

As luck would have it, six men from three generations of the Ling and Zhang families had just entered the house, and the thunder that was still in the sky exploded overhead.

Along with it, there is the pouring spring rain.

As soon as he entered the door, Ling Yi did not take care of Zhang Xin and Ling Shan who were playing in the corner of the hall, nor did he go to the kitchen door to wash the dirt on his hands and face with his father Ling Xiaoshan and others, but ran straight back to his own small room. .

Looking at Ling Yi's back, Ling Xiaoshan, Zhang Lei and others did not ask him to wash up first. After all, Ling Yi did not go to the fields to work, but just sat on the field ridge among the "Blue Silver Grass" plants, taking a leisurely rest. It's not like they all have sweat and dirt on their bodies.

On the other hand, Zhang Xin and Ling Shan in the corner put down the clay and wooden toys, got up, and followed Ling Yi into Ling Yi's room.

When Zhang Lei washed up and opened the door of Ling Yi's room, he saw his younger brother Zhang Xin and Ling Shan sitting obediently on a bench, quietly watching Ling Yi's methodical work at the small square table.

When Zhang Lei arrived, Ling Yi's work was about to end.

He took out the last grain of off-white flat pebbles from the water in the pottery bowl and stuffed it into a ball of dark brown mud next to it. Ling Yi used the remaining water in the pottery bowl to scrub the dirt between his fingers. , and began to tidy up the small square table in front of him.


Zhang Lei came closer and looked at the dozen or so fist-sized clay balls, knowing that there was a 'small stone' inside.

This kind of scene has happened repeatedly recently and lasted for more than ten days. There can be as few as a dozen a day, and as many as thirty or forty.

"I don't know how long it will rain outside~" Zhang Lei turned his head and glanced at the closed window. Hearing the sound of rain outside the window and on the roof, he said: "I'm afraid it will be a little late for you. Only then can we go to the old forest to plant seeds——"

"It's okay~"

With the help of Zhang Lei, Zhang Xin, and Ling Shan, Ling Yi took the mud balls in front of him one by one under the window of the room and put them into several pots planted with "Blue Silver Grass".

He picked up the pottery bowl with turbid water and walked towards the door. As he walked, he said: "You saw it at this time last year. It doesn't matter if these seeds are left for two days. It won't rain for two days in a row."

"It's raining so hard, it won't be easy to do the work in the fields -"

With that said, the four of them came to the main room. Zhang Lei took the two little guys to the corner and played with small toys, while Ling Yi continued to go out and went to the kitchen to wash hands and clean the pottery bowls.

Not long after, two square tables, one large and one small, were placed in the spacious hall. On one table were two old men, Ling Xiaoshan and Zhang Dahe, and on the other table were four women, grandmother, grandmother and mother and aunt. As for Ling Yi and Zhang Lei, of course, took Zhang Xin and Ling Shan to sit at the children's table.

The dishes on the three tables are almost the same, except for the old men who work hard in the fields. There are stir-fried vegetables in green, white and green colors, as well as egg and fish soup, which are now essential for every meal at the two restaurants.

After lunch, the weather was good, and the heavy rain outside had subsided, and it looked like it would stop in the afternoon.

Sure enough, within an hour or so in the afternoon, the clouds dispersed and the rain cleared, leaving the sky clear and blue.

The adults went to the fields to check the accumulated water, while Ling Yi, accompanied by Zhang Lei, took Ahuang and Miaomiao and set foot on the dirt road to the old forest in the north of the village.

The time has now come to April 2595 in the Douluo Calendar, and half a year has passed since Zhang Lei's martial soul awakened last year.

At this time, the Ling and Zhang families have four children. Zhang Lei will turn seven in three or four months. Ling Yi has just celebrated his fourth birthday in two months. Zhang Xin and Ling Shan are one and a half years old and one and a half years old. age.

As the two little guys are getting older, the two families have recently officially prepared to add new members to the family. Anyway, given the current conditions, they can afford to raise them!

In Shanhai Village, and even in the surrounding villages and towns, the more children and grandchildren a family has, the more prosperous it is.

After all, whether it is from the perspective of the village's voice or the probability of soul masters having soul master talents upon awakening, the larger the base number, the better.

The old forest, somewhere five hundred meters outside.

After beating several times with a long wooden stick, Ling Yi squatted under a big tree, stretched out his hands wearing double layers of rabbit skin gloves, picked up the fallen leaves and soil on the ground, and took a hand from Zhang Lei. The ball of mud was buried gently.

After getting up, I saw another big tree about ten meters away to the left, hunting grass to scare snakes, digging holes, and planting seeds.

Repeat this for ten times, and finally all the mud balls are planted. Zhang Lei came to Ling Yi, took the double-layered rabbit skin gloves covered with dark brown soil, put them into the backpack, took out a yellow-skin gourd, tilted the mouth of the gourd slightly, and slowly poured out the water inside. For Ling Yi to rub and clean the sweaty hands covered by gloves.


Ling Yi stood up straight and looked around. Although what he saw was the same as before, Ling Yi felt a little excited in his heart.


Zhang Lei stuffed the mouth of the gourd and put it back in his backpack. Following Ling Yi's example, he turned his head and looked back and forth, and asked, "Can these ginseng seeds be planted alive?"

"I didn't see those little red fruits from the ones I planted this time last year..."

"Don't worry~" Ling Yi shook his head and said: "Whether these ginseng can survive depends on luck. Most of the ones planted last year have sprouted and bloomed. As for the results... we have to wait a few years~"

When Zhang Lei heard this, his face fell: "How many years?"

"Yeah~" Ling Yi nodded calmly: "I can't say how long it will take, but I will eventually gain something."

"Let's go~"

In the distance, he saw Ah Huang encircling his territory under a tree. On a branch of the tree, there was a pheasant in its mouth. Ling Yi called Zhang Lei to go over there, "I'll dig up the ginseng I found last year." Come out and have dinner in the evening——"


When Zhang Lei saw Miaomiao's harvest, the smile that just appeared on his face froze and the corners of his eyes twitched.

He quickly followed Ling Yi's footsteps and started discussing softly: "Ah Yi, can we have beggar's chicken tonight? Or roasted chicken or braised chicken -"

"No more..." Looking at Ling Yi's unchanged side face, Zhang Lei pursed his lips, and after a few hesitations, he continued: "It's okay to drink chicken soup, but... is it okay if I don't add ginseng?"

"Chicken soup with ginseng tastes so weird!"

“Not chicken soup at all!”

"We are different from you. We have been eating a piece of "Blue Silver Grass" every day since we were one year old. Although it has a little sweetness, it is more bitter and astringent, so you can't stand it. Come on, I’m still persisting until now, and I haven’t stopped even a day..."

In the empty old forest, Zhang Lei's suppressed voice echoed gently, telling the voice's owner's helplessness and admiration.

Thank you to the book friend [Just Like the Snow Between My Eyes] for your monthly tickets and rewards, thank you to the lady for your continued support, and also thank you to all the veterans who came from the previous book for their support. Thank you all! (ω)

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