Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 11 First Awakening

It is the eighth day of November in the year 2594 of the Douluo Calendar.

The [Shuimu Principality], located in the northeast of Douluo Continent, welcomed the silver-clad decoration early.

The heavy snow has lasted for several days, and 99% of the people have stayed at home, quietly enjoying the leisure and tranquility that is rare in the year.

However, that morning, all three generations of the Ling and Zhang families got up early and gathered at Zhang Dahe's house, waiting silently for something.

Time passed by, the cold wind howled outside, the sky remained gloomy, and heavy snow fell.

While waiting, grandpa Ling Changqing and grandpa Zhang Qiang each held a dry pipe and took a puff from time to time, while grandma Yan Hong and grandma Lu Yun lowered their heads and picked up the soles of their shoes one by one.

Zhang Xiaoyu and Ling He were busy in the kitchen preparing the lunch meal.

In the back room, Ling Shan and Zhang Xin were still lying on the warm quilt, sleeping soundly.

Beside the bed, Ling Yi was sitting on a low stool, with his elbows on the edge of the bed, fisting up four fingers, pressing his left and right thumbs on his temples, and scraping the inner surface of the second section of his left and right index fingers up and down his eye sockets. , the upper side starts from the brow to the tip of the eyebrow, and the lower side starts from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner of the eye, first up and then down, scraping up and down in circles.

At the end of the bed, Zhang Lei was sitting on a low stool like Ling Yi, and his movements were consistent with his.

Just when the "Eye Exercises" in their hands was coming to an end, Ling Yi's movements paused for a moment, and then returned to normal. Together with Zhang Lei, who was unaware, he completed the first round of eye acupoint massage today.

A few breaths later, the door of Zhang Family Courtyard was pushed open from the outside, and a figure wearing a cloak and snow came in.

In the white environment, Ling Xiaoshan's slightly dark face was relatively conspicuous. At this time, the skin that used to feel rough was not tough enough, with a numb feeling. From the brow bone, there was a slight chill that penetrated into the head. pain.

Ignoring these discomforts, Ling Xiaoshan had no intention of entering the house. He stood in the yard and shouted into the house: "Lei Zi——! Come with me quickly——! Master Soul Master is about to enter the village——!"

After hearing the content of Ling Xiaoshan's shouting, the four old people in the room could no longer sit still. Their tobacco pouches, needlework, and half-stuffed shoe soles were all placed on the wooden table. They stood up and turned their eyes to the door curtain of the inner room.

The next second, before Zhang Qiang could speak, the door curtain was opened and Zhang Lei rushed out quickly.

Following closely behind, Ling Yi followed suit and walked out of the room.

At this moment, except for Ling Shan and Zhang Xin who were asleep and unaware, everyone in the family, from Ling Changqing and Zhang Qiang to Ling Yi and Zhang Lei, looked slightly excited.

Without wasting any time, Ling Yi and Zhang Lei, who wrapped themselves into balls in a few seconds, pushed open the door, faced the wind and snow, and walked out of the courtyard with Ling Xiaoshan.

Behind them, pairs of eyes full of expectancy looked straight at the backs of the two young ones, and gradually disappeared outside the courtyard gate.

It seems that Ling Xiaoshan can feel these expectant glances. At this moment, Ling Xiaoshan seems to feel that the wind and snow in the sky are not so cold anymore.

Turning around and looking at the two little guys next to him, especially the excitement and anxiety on Zhang Lei's face, Ling Xiaoshan couldn't help but sigh in his heart: 'I was like this more than ten years ago...'


The two imperceptible words came out from Ling Xiaoshan Pass, and instantly melted into the ubiquitous cold wind and disappeared without a trace.

Shanhai Village is not big. After a while, the three of them came to the center of the village, in front of a relatively gorgeous and solemn stone house.

At this time, there were already six or seven figures, large and small, standing there against the cold wind and heavy snow. Even though their bodies were shaking uncontrollably, their eyes were full of desire.

"Little mountain~"

Zhang Dahe stepped forward, faced the three of them, nodded to Ling Xiaoshan, then turned his eyes to his son Zhang Lei, opened his mouth, and finally said nothing. He only raised his big, stiff hands from the cold and stroked the top of Zhang Lei's head. He rubbed the rabbit fur hat gently.

Feeling his father's familiar movements, Zhang Lei's original anxious mood seemed to be relieved, and he suddenly felt that he was not so nervous anymore.

On the side, Ling Yi, who witnessed all this, remained silent, just watching and waiting quietly.

It is true that if Ling Yi mobilized his own mental power and cooperated with language, gestures and other guidance methods, he could resolve Zhang Lei's nervous state, but Ling Yi did not do so after all.

Sometimes, experiencing something personally and experiencing the ups and downs of emotions is also a necessity for growth.

The consistent calmness of the old well, and the calmness achieved by external forces, is harmful to Zhang Lei, who is in his early six years!

The clouds in the sky are getting thicker and the north wind is howling, making people have to bend down and surrender to the power of God.

Fortunately, Ling Yi and the others were not kept waiting.

After a while, a burly figure walked in the wind and snow, step by step. On the thick snow that was up to the ankles, the speed was not fast, but it was very steady.

Seeing this figure, everyone was refreshed and their eyes became a little brighter.

As we got closer, the impact of the heavy snowfall on our sight weakened, and everyone could clearly see the face of the person coming.

This is a tall, strong man. With his beard, he gives people a rough feeling in the wind and snow. No matter how strong the wind and snow are, it cannot shake his majestic body.

He was wearing a white outfit that was held up by strong muscles, and a black felt cape was half wrapped around his body to protect him from the cold wind. There is a fist-sized word "soul" in the middle of his chest, which represents his status as a direct member of [Martial Soul Hall].

The badge with three sharp swords on his left chest tells everyone that he is a great soul master-level attack-type battle soul master!

A pair of tiger eyes glanced around, and a voice like thunder sounded: "Okay, don't waste time, everyone enter the hall and start directly -!"

Hearing these words that were louder than the roar of the wind, the villagers of Shanhai Village had no objections. They all silently followed the strong man who was leading the way and strode forward, and filed into the stone house - the Wuhun Hall of Shanhai Village!

Ling Yi's eyes moved slightly, and he inadvertently took in the strong man's expression with the corner of his eye. His hand was held by Ling Xiaoshan, and he followed step by step.

When they arrived at the palace, the cold wind, ice and snow outside were blocked. Everyone felt relaxed and felt as if their stiff bodies were warming up.

"My name is Lu Yi~"

The strong man's expression was indifferent, and his voice was as cold as the ice and snow outside: "Twenty-ninth level great soul master."

"You four line up~"

His eyes swept over the four children, including Ling Yi and Zhang Lei. As Lu Yi spoke, his hand as big as a leaf fan took out a blue crystal ball the size of a child's head from the bag on his waist and placed it on the stone. The only desk in the house.

"Uh...hun...soul master..."

Just when Lu Yi put his hand into the bag again, Ling Xiaoshan subconsciously hugged Ling Yi into his arms. While carefully looking at Lu Yi's face, he said in a hopeful voice:

"This little kid of mine is only three and a half years old. He's still... not yet six years old. He... he..."

Ling Xiaoshan was a little panicked at this time. He had known that he would not have brought Ling Yi in. If he offended the soul master in front of him, not to mention that both father and son were in danger, the entire Shanhai Village would be in big trouble. !

Originally, Ling Xiaoshan planned to take Ling Yi outside the house to wait with Zhang Dahe and other villagers. Zhang Lei and three other children of appropriate age entered the house with the soul master to continue the martial soul awakening ceremony.

who knows……

The soul master actually let them in together!

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