"Ahh, is it finally starting?......."Jie Shiyi clenched his fists, his body began to tremble nervously, but his face was filled with an excited smile.

"Huh? If you are scared, go home early, kid!" Lei Shi looked at Jie Shiyi's trembling back and laughed,"Absolutely, I will definitely tear them to pieces!"

Jie Shiyi's smile became bigger and bigger,"Absolutely, I will definitely bite them to death!"

""Oh oh! Tear them apart! Tear them apart!" Feng Lehui echoed excitedly.

Qianqi Leopard Horse shrugged noncommittally and said to Tono Maki beside him,"They are a little too excited, aren't they? Although I am too."

Tono Maki glanced at him and said lightly,"I hope you can repay my efforts with the victory of this game." Qianqi was stunned, then grinned and said,"Of course!"

Team Z VS Team X, Blue Prison's first game kicks off...............

As the metal gate rose, the players from both teams entered the competition venue. It was like a Colosseum opening, and murderous intent ignited at both ends like a raging fire.

Ah, although I don't know the names of the opponents, I can't wait to torture them!!!

Toono Maki looked at Jie Shiyi, whose eyes were becoming more and more perverted, and thought - does this kid have some, uh, strange habits?...

"All violations and irregularities in the first selection will be determined by VAR. The first match in Building 5, 45 minutes into the first half, Team X vs. Team Z, let’s start!"

The first to kick off was Feng Lehui.

Feng Lehui dribbled past the defense, passed the ball, and sent it to...Tono, no, under Kira's feet

""Maki~ Eh? Then give it to Xiaobai~", Feng Le thought, there is no need to rush at all since it has just started. Kirara was stunned, then looked for Tono Maki and tried to pass the ball to him to score the first goal of the game.

Then, he found that Tono Maki was...rear????

"Kirara! Don't be in a daze!....Although......but.......

Hearing Jie Shiyi's call, and fearing the opponent's aggressive attack, Kirara didn't have time to think, and made a quick decision, sending the ball to his own midfield, hoping that the midfield brain could organize a new attack route.

Then the ball arrived perfectly at the midfield and was intercepted by the national god.

"Tsk."Tsk." Tono Maki"squiggled" on the court at the speed of a grandfather's stroll. Seeing Kirara's choice, he silently snorted.

The rigid brain is indeed the product of rigid education, tsk tsk.

"Hey, hey! Princess! What are you doing? Could you please condescend to run faster!!"

Alas, his laziness was discovered. Although he thought it was not good, his actions showed no repentance at all - he increased his speed a little bit.

Moreover, he did not forget to turn the tables and said,"Mind your own business! Durian head! So annoying!!"


Compared to the orderly dribbling routes of Team Z, Team X was a mess.

They took away the positions of their teammates, and their defense and offense were a mess. Everyone kept rushing forward, trying to snatch the ball from the feet of the members of Team Z, and then score a goal themselves.

Toono Maki looked at the opposite side and thought irrationally that he would never see such a bad team again in his life. What's the point of playing this game? Just win.

This idea was not only shared by Toono Maki, but also by everyone in Team Z. The goalkeeper, Yamaru, had already sat down, and was playing with the grass on the field with his hands. However, at the same time, everyone in Team Z was also thinking that if it weren't for Toono Maki, they might not be much different from the opposite side now.......

"Jie, should we give them the ball?"

"Long time ago, you mean...."

"I think after they get the ball, they'll probably kill each other, right?"


After a brief discussion, Jiuyuan and Jie Shiyi told their teammates about their ideas, and then they all agreed - otherwise this game would be really boring!!

So, Guo Shen slowly dribbled the ball forward, trying to show the opponent a flaw, but he failed to do so when passing the ball, and the ball was passed to Jiuyuan - he really couldn't get over it.

So Jiuyuan used his rather poor acting skills to successfully fool the opponent and sent the ball out. After the end, Jiuyuan couldn't help but turn around and laugh, successfully making the opponent think that he was sad about his mistake.......

"Hey! You bastard! What are you doing!!"

"Ha! The rule is whoever gets the most points wins, the team or something doesn't matter!"...

Team Z: Wow, they’re fighting each other, coooooooool—

Tono Maki cursed softly,"Du bist ein Idiot."

After a brief (?) stalemate, a figure rushed out from the opposing team with the ball, like a wolf ready to hunt its prey.

"Oh! It’s getting interesting now!" Seeing this scene, Feng Lehui happily rushed forward, ready to intercept the beast.

"Don't stand in front of me. I'll kill you."Ma Lang Zhaoying said with murderous intent

"Left? Right? Or...."Feng Le kept changing his defensive moves to guess Ma Lang's attacking method, muttering to himself.

Ma Lang picked up the ball with his back foot, then broke through Feng Le, stopped the ball on his chest and continued to move forward with the ball.

Although he was passed, Feng Le was very happy - this is fun!

"Sorry, everyone, let him go.~"

"It doesn't matter, leave it to me!", Qian Qi replied

"I'll help you. Let's stop him together." Guo Shen said.

Qian Qie raised his eyebrows, then smiled and said,"Look down on me? Guo Shen, you slow guy, have you ever seen speed?"

"Varied......", Guo Shen was puzzled, and when he was about to ask, he saw a pink lightning rushing to the front court, quickly snatching the ball from Ma Lang's feet, going straight into the opponent's penalty area, and shooting.

Along the way, Qian Qie did not forget to talk some trash to his opponent,"Are you a turtle? So slow?"

Listening to the whistle of the goal, Guo Shen came back to his senses and exclaimed,"Amazing." After scoring the first goal of the game, Qian Qie jumped up excitedly and shouted,"Yea——ch!!!", and after landing, he did not forget to tidy up his hair and taunted,"Bad opponent, winning easily~" and"Who is this guy?......"So fast!" is a phrase that is repeated in the enemy team.......

"Ah, I'm angry, I'll kill you." Malang Teruei said irritably, flicking his hair.

Kirara, who was closest to him, clearly felt that something was about to wake up....

The second round of the game started soon.

Team X was responsible for the kick-off of the football.

Facing Team X, which had just learned to cooperate, Team Z could easily defend them.

Two defending one, intercepting the ball, and then launching an offensive.

Unfortunately, after a short pass, he was stopped by Ma Lang who flashed by, and then charged with the ball. When everyone relaxed their vigilance because of the goal, he drove straight into the penalty area and successfully completed the shot with one kick.

The three defenders had not yet reacted to the arrival of Ma Lang, and then with a hurried and flawed cooperation, Ma Lang successfully broke through.

Wo Yawan tried to remedy the situation and defend this ball, but this ball was too fast and the angle was too tricky, so he failed to stop it.

With Goooooooal displayed on the screen, the score was tied, and Team X burst into cheers that resounded through the sky.

"He is tall, but very flexible and has good ball skills......"Yuan Yemu looked at Ma Lang and commented, but frowned at Ma Lang's subsequent remarks.

"Listen to me you bunch of idiots, the ball is not my friend to me, it is my spherical servant that makes me shine. On the court, I am the king."

""King, Malang Zhaoying! King!" Team X shouted, with the enthusiasm as if they had found salvation......

Tono Maki said nothing, but an inexplicable pressure emanated from him.

Jie Shiyi, who was closest to Tono Maki, couldn't help but look at him, and saw an expressionless face and eyes that looked like he was looking at a dead person.

So scary......Jieshi thought

"Jie. Pass the ball to me later."

"Hey! Yes...yes!"

"Hehe, you want to be the king, but you don't even consider whether you are worthy of it!"

Jie Shiyi: Ma Lang Zhaoying is finished

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