Everyone at BlueLock lives in dire straits every day, but a person whose passport has expired and who has not received a reply from his friends for a long time has returned to Japan in a"glorious" way under the hyena-like style of the media.......

"Sae Itoshi, as a talented midfielder, you belong to the youth team of the world's top giants Real Madrid. According to the rules, you cannot play in the first team, so you returned to Japan. Does this mean that we have the opportunity to play in the domestic league?"

Although there were well-known Japanese media in front of him, Sae Itoshi replied nonchalantly,"I would never do this. Instead of playing in such a country, I might as well play with German college students." Playing football in Japan? What's the difference between that and killing me. Really, why are there always people who can't recognize their position? Please, Japanese football is really terrible.

Faced with such a reply, the interviewer was a little unprepared, but based on the professionalism of the worker, he continued the interview,"Then....May I ask what are your expectations and ambitions for representing the Japanese national team in the future?"

Ishishi Sae felt even more bored after hearing this, and said coldly,"I have no interest at all. Playing for the national team of a country with weak football, I will never be able to become the best in the world, and my dream is to win the Champions League."

He looked at the stunned guy opposite him, and continued mercilessly,"No forward in this country can receive my pass. I was just born in the wrong country."

Representing the Japanese national team? Ah, just because I was born in Japan, I have to play for Japan? What a stupid idea.

After speaking, he pushed the door open and walked out, not caring about the thoughts of the people inside.

It doesn't matter what happens, anyway, Japanese football is rubbish, so annoying, by the way, when can I get my passport.......

With this in mind, Itoshi Sae walked down the corridor, thinking about his flight back to Spain.

"etc.....Xiao Sae....The media will hate it........", the agent appeased the media interviewer and hurriedly caught up with Itoshi Sae.

Listening to the agent's speech, Itoshi Sae waved his hand indifferently and said,"The media in this country is not important at all. I came back because my passport expired."

"That's true, but......"

Before he finished speaking, the agent noticed that Itoshi Sae was standing in front of the conference hall. He looked around and remembered, and said,"Oh, the Football Association is going to hold a press conference today."...........

"Use 299 forwards as a cocoon to cultivate the strongest forward."

I don't know who is on the stage, but these words deeply attracted Itoshi Sae. He looked at the unknown lady and couldn't look away.

Trampling the dreams of 299 people, destroying all their proud abilities, and finally giving birth to a"King Gu".

Interesting, so interesting!! A madman's idea, a genius plan!!!

Itoshi Sae looked at the last PPT on the screen - BlueLock, his eyes became more and more fanatical and excited.

Ah, let me witness the birth of Neon's strongest forward, let me see his strength!!

"Xiao Sae, if you don't leave now, the flight to Spain......"

"Cancel it." Itoshi Sae replied quickly, and then said with a full sense of oppression,"What kind of lunatic will be born in this country, I want to see it with my own eyes."

The agent was stunned for a moment, and then executed Itoshi Sae's"order". He had to admit that at that moment he was frightened by Itoshi Sae's sense of oppression. It was like accidentally seeing a lion hunting, even if the prey was not himself, he would be scared.

Itoshi Sae felt that something strange was burning in his body, perhaps ambition, perhaps excitement......He thought that if the neon"hero" did not meet the standards, he would definitely crush the defective product!......

"The goal of the Blue Prison Project is to train a striker who can lead the Neon team to win the World Cup...."

"To cultivate one person is to sacrifice the lives of 299 others..."

"[[Entering the World Cup] This dream has already fulfilled its mission. Now Japanese football should have a new goal - to stand at the top of the world...."

"Do you have the courage to make a breakthrough in your dream of winning the World Cup?"...

Isn't football a sport for crushing others? Only the winners can get rewards and glory.

Is Japan crazy to rush to the World Cup, so it is talking nonsense?....but....

But what if a hero is born?....

Itoshi Sae had to admit that no matter how disappointed he was with the national team, he still had hope for it and looked forward to its rebirth.......

Moreover, strictly speaking, winning the World Cup for his country is his dream.

BlueLock, let me see what kind of lunatics this country can produce.......

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