Such a violent ball shocked the hearts of all the audience.——

"World...A world wave?! Blue Prison tied the score to 2-3 with a world wave!!! Incredible! Too incredible!!"

"This is a magical team, it created one miracle after another tonight!!"

"People often say that no one knows what will happen in the next second, and today's game really showed us this!!"

What will happen in the next second, God said, He will let me rule the entire stadium——

"Sing a song while you can."Tono Maki looked at his opponent who was ready to fight and smiled in an ambiguous way.

If you want to tie the score, it depends on your ability....

Tono Maki clapped his hands to signal everyone to gather, and then talked about the next arrangement - the 10 people were divided into three attacking groups, organizing the attack separately.

Wu Lu Ren, Senqiri Bao Ma, Oto Yakage

Tai, Jie Shiyi, Itoshi Rin, Feng Le

Hui, Mikage Reio, Nagi Seishirou, Yukimiya Kenyu

, and Tono Maki would be the bridge connecting the three groups, ready to serve at any time.���After completing the strategic deployment, Tono Maki looked at Shidao who was ready to go, and said with a smile,"Eishin, I will make good use of your masterpiece."

The game was about to start, and Shidao was like a tiger descending from the mountain, unstoppable - come on genius, I'm here!!

"What are you dreaming about, pink cockroach?"Yuono Mu appeared behind him and blocked his movements with his body.

"I thought you didn't like 1 on 1, pretty girl.——"A sweet fragrance came from behind. After a brief moment of daze, Shidao smiled and said

"Of course I don't like it." Tono Maki said coldly,"But, for my vision, I can sacrifice it."

He resisted the nausea of his clothes being stained with the opponent's sweat, quickly kicked the ball away, and began to run along the route he expected.

"You don't look well, ha, you deserve it." Itoshi Sae stopped him head-on, looked at his pale face and said with a smile,"Mysophobic man, 1-on-1 feels good, right?" Itoshi

Sae took advantage of the moment when he was stunned, snatched the ball away, and then passed the ball in an instant -

Shidou looked at the flying football, and the waves in his heart began to surge - what's going on with this feeling...It's still a long way to go, but every cell in my body is jumping for joy.....

In front of everyone's eyes, Shidao flew up, and then shot the ball with great force - the ball crossed the half court, and like a missile being thrown out, it hit the goal directly.——

"By...With a long-range overhead kick...U-20 The national team has tied the score!!!"

Tono Maki looked at the tied score with a pale face and laughed - they fell into the trap again, idiots

"Foolish clown, thinking he can strangle fate"......


Ah, they are here as expected, the stupid rebels -

Tono Maki looked at the enemies that kept attacking him, and he smiled evilly,"You still don't understand me, Sae"

"Do you think I would reveal my weakness without any confidence?"He passed by quickly and then whispered in Itoshi Sae's ear.

It was like the wind brushing past his ear, like a blade brushing past his shoulder, and like the whisper of a ghost.

"So, you simple football fans are the easiest to be manipulated."Tono Maki said, passing the ball in a tricky arc.

Then it accelerated instantly - the ball was passed several times at high speed and kept approaching the goal.......

Senkiri Bauma, Otoya Kagetai, Yukimiya Kenyu——Tear through their heavy armor with speed!!

The high-speed passing of the ball overwhelmed the opponent and made it impossible for them to react.——

"Jie, don't let me down." Yuan Yemu passed by Jie Shiyi and said with a smile.

The strong wind will sweep through this stadium and will collapse the indestructible wall!

No one can stop me - we will be free in the end!!!

"Slow guys, this ball belongs to me!!"Qianqie Baoma smiled and sped up again.

"It looks like we have to give the ball to the Pink Panther."

""Catch it, Red Hair!" Otoya Kageta said, and pulled the ball out vigorously -

Qianqi Leopard Horse jumped up, stopped the ball, and then dribbled the ball to the front of the penalty area.......

"Hello, Neon!! My name is——Qianqi Baoma!!!"


Too fast, everything happened too fast...

In such a short time, before they could even react, the enemy had already begun to bomb their territory.

Itoshi Sae looked at the thousands of troops approaching the goal and slowly stopped. It was meaningless to return to defense. It was better to save energy and wait for the next opportunity.

Itoshi Sae remembered the first time he fought against Tono Maki. I could never guess what he was thinking because he was a madman.......

At the beginning, he was the midfielder. Everyone wanted to be in his favor, including me as a striker. To the enemy, he was like a spider weaving a giant web, binding all enemies to his silk, waiting to be devoured by him. To us strikers, he was the best commander.

No one disapproved of him, because everyone who disapproved of him became his"cannon fodder" and was"sacrificed" by him.

This is Tono Maki, a person who almost became a"god"......

""Brother Eyelash, what are you thinking about?" Shidou asked in confusion.

Itoshi Sae glanced at Shidou standing beside him, then looked at his bracelet and said lightly,"I'm thinking about how to defeat him."

How to defeat him as a midfielder——

"Scoring a goal will win the game, am I wrong?"

Itoshi Sae was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said,"No, you are right"...

"Oh? It's faster than I thought, but...."Looking at the two men ready to go, Touno Maki said,"As a midfielder, I can't change the ending written by God."

Looking at the approaching"embarrassing" team, Touno Maki made a gesture to Ling Wang beside him.——

"Understood."Ling Wang said, and then prepared to retreat.

"Although I dare not say that I can fight two at once."Tono Maki said with a smile,"but creating an opportunity is not difficult for me.""Itoshi

Sae, it's time to step out, aren't you already the world's number one midfield commander?

"Devil, you must keep the ball firmly under your feet."Itoshi Sae looked at a man not far away and said,"If you lose it, you can forget about my line."

"I know, Brother Lower Eyelash. I will make you hand over your line."Shidao said with a smile, but his movements became more and more wild.

"So, the main attacker is you, pink cockroach." Tono Maki looked at the constantly changing balls and said in an ambiguous tone,"That's really - what a pity!——"

The distance between the two was extremely narrow, but for Tono Maki, it was already an extremely wide attack route - being thin is sometimes an advantage, isn't it?

Like an ocelot, it jumped out, flexibly intercepted the ball, and then held the"prey" in its mouth, alert to the attack of the two beasts.

""What?!!" Shidou, who lost the ball in an instant, shouted in surprise

"Muscle idiot." Tono Maki said frivolously, and then quickly turned around and began to retreat.

"Don't even think about it."

Looking at Itoshi Sae who was blocking his way, Tono Maki asked lightly,"Want to fight me 1-on-1?"

Itoshi Sae said nothing, always paying attention to his movements.

"Don't be so nervous, some moves become meaningless if you use them too much." Although he said so, his movements kept speeding up.

At a certain moment, the ball disappeared under his feet, and then he heard the sound of hitting the ball not far away.

Itoshi Sae reacted instantly, and then disappeared - no one?

"Hmm?" Shidou was confused when he received the ball, thinking it was the ball from Itoshi Sae, and then he smiled and prepared to sprint forward.

"Stupid devil!!"

"It's too late——"Tono Maki quietly appeared on Shidao's right side, and then swept the ball away with the force of thunder, and then kicked it out

"Dance, hungry beasts." Tono Maki watched the last part of the plan being completed, and then dodged in front of Itoshi Sae,"Checkmate (General)"...

The beasts opened their bloody mouths, maintained a high-pressure posture, and approached the goal step by step through precise passes and quick movements - breaking through from the wing, using personal skills to dribble past the opponent's defender, and passing the ball to the penalty area, passing the ball to Nagi Makoto who had been waiting for a long time.......



"Rest - Think——!!!"Shantang stood in front of Nagi Seishiro with sweat dripping down his face.

Damn juniors!

Shantang cursed in his heart, but he was also impressed by the excellence of these juniors. He smiled bitterly and said to Nagi Seishiro,"I'm standing here after risking everything I have!!"

"Really? What a coincidence!——"Tono Maki rushed out from behind him at lightning speed.

Nagi Seishiro kicked the ball out instantly.——


Hook hook!!!

After landing, Tono Maki turned around and said to Shan Tang,"Me too"...

Three goals. This man trampled the dignity of the U-20 team under his feet with three goals.

This stadium was completely under his control, and everything was at his disposal. Is this the No. 12 of the Blue Prison?......

It really is...It's scary......

Tono Maki stood in front of the goal with his hands open, bathing in the praises that came. That calm posture was reflected in the eyes of Aikong and Shandou, making them feel a pang of pain.

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