The choice has already been made in my mind.

When the list was determined, the competition began one after another -

Group A: Tono Maki, Itoshi Rin, Nanahoshi Nijiro, Hyori Ayaka, Jie Shiyi


Group B: Shidao Ryusei, Karasunori, Shikuma Kyohei, Saraban Kairyu, Senkiri Hyouma

"The two guys on the opposite side, my goodness, are so manly!!" Qixing Honglang looked at his opponents, his eyes full of admiration and excitement,"Oh, I feel that as long as I perform well in this game, entering the U-20 national team will no longer be a dream."

"My goodness?" Jie Shiyi repeated doubtfully, scratching his head as he looked at his overly active companion.

"Oh, sorry! In my hometown, this means"excited"!"Qi Xing embarrassedly touched his face and said,"If I accidentally speak dialect, just ignore it!"

Under the influence of Qi Xing's lively personality, Jie Shiyi and Bing Zhiyang gradually relaxed, chatting and laughing in the corridor and came to the door of the green field.

"It's reassuring to have teammates like you."

"Yes! It feels like home! But...Don’t hold grudges against each other in the future!"

"That's right. After all, life depends on this one game."

"Well, everyone should go all out!!!"

The words were like a drum, boosting morale.

The three of them strode forward and walked on the green field..........

Wu Lu Ren looked at his teammates and smiled,"I'll leave the defense to you."

Shidao Longsheng said nothing, staring at the person opposite him, his smile getting bigger and bigger.

Qian Qili Bao Ma looked at Shidao's back squatting on the grass, as if he saw a beast ready to attack, looking at his prey with greed.

Then Qian Qili laughed, he felt that every molecule in his body was thirsty for battle - Tono Maki is not prey, if we want to hunt him, we must do our best!!

"Go together!!"

"The wave is with me"

"..." the other side...

Listening to the sound of footsteps, Tono Maki looked at Rin with a smile and said,"Our people are here, are you looking forward to it?"

Rin looked at Shidao Ryusei who was staring at him and said lightly,"I hope he is not someone who gets in the way."

Tono Maki looked back at his teammates who were approaching and said with a smile,"Jie, I'm glad to see you."

"Ah, me too."Jie Shiyi replied with a smile

"Has Jie Shiyi become 'Jie Shiyi'?"

Jie Shiyi was stunned for a moment, and his smile became even brighter,"Of course!!"

The countdown is about to reach 10-

Tono Maki looked at Shidao Longsheng opposite with a smile, and said coldly,"Ah, what a disgusting face. What a disgusting look"

"Kill you, pink cockroach!!!"......

The whistle of the game blew, and Shidao Longsheng galloped on the field like a wild horse.——

"No one can stop me~"

Tono Maki raised his eyes and looked at the newcomer coldly, smiling and said,"You are so brave, Shidao"

"Because we are the same kind, little pretty——!!"Shidao pushed the ground hard, bursting out at a very fast speed, and ran towards the direction of Tono Maki.

Tono Maki sneered and accelerated towards Shidao.

The two of them were like meteorites about to collide, both of them were speeding, vowing to die with each other!!


Tono Maki urgently slowed down and changed direction, and then rushed to the opponent's unguarded backcourt!

"Hey, hey, where are you going?" Shidao looked at Tono Maki, who was about to pass by him, in confusion, and then changed direction and sped away.

""Hey, hey! Don't run!"

It's just a disgusting hyena!!

Tono Maki looked at Shidou who was chasing him, and ran faster with a cold face - compared with Loki, you Shidou is more disgusting.

Pink cockroach, I don't have time to play with you now! Get away from me!!

Rin was already standing in the backcourt to confront Wu Lu Ren, and Jie Shiyi had already arrived at the best point...

Toono Maki looked at Shidou who was approaching and quickly completed a long pass, sending the ball to Jie Shiyi's feet.

Jie, start your imagination, the stage has been set!!

"Everything is just right!!"Jie Shiyi ran with the ball, and attacked the opponent's defense together with Bing Zhiyang and Qixing Honglang.

Seeing the arrival of Wu Lu Ren and the running position of Shishi Lin...

"Hey, Jie, do you think too little of me?"

"Ah, Qianqie, it is precisely because we know ourselves and the enemy that——"Jie Shiyi decisively passed the ball to the"winner"

"I can't let you run freely!!"


Team A :Team B 1:0

Qian Qie Bao Ma looked at Jie Shiyi and laughed as he watched the score change."Ah, bastard Jie Shiyi!""

"What an annoying young lady."

Even so, both of them were smiling....


The black traveler looked around while holding the ball, then lowered his eyes to think for a while and rushed towards Jieshi who was running towards him - their bodies collided and he left gracefully.——

"The weakness of this team is you, Jie Shiyi."Wu Lu Ren said with a smile,"Only you, when fighting alone, are mediocre."

Facing Jie Shiyi's blocking, Wu Lu Ren easily responded - kicking quickly, running quickly, hooking the ball!

Jie Shiyi gritted his teeth and chased after him, but at this time Lin had already blocked Wu Lu Ren.

Facing the double-team, Wu Lu Ren's expression remained calm, and his footwork changed rapidly....

I should be able to grab it!! Jie Shiyi stared at Wu Lu Ren's changing movements, constantly guessing his next move.

He turned sideways and quickly, like a bird dancing in the embrace of the sky - light and agile!!

Wu Lu Ren broke through the defense line and ran with the ball....

Ah, is it a fake move?!!!


The Black Traveler stood in front of the goal and said with a smile,"I will poke your weakness hard until it becomes a fatal injury!"

Using my strengths to attack your weaknesses, this is me, the killer Black Traveler!!!

""Just a crow." Tono Maki said, looking at the direction of the crow.

Although he didn't think the opponent was a strong player, he couldn't deny his excellence - in such a short time, he scored a goal alone. You are really good, crow....

Bing Zhiyang stood beside Jie Shiyi and said,"Rely on your keen analytical ability to identify the weak links of the opposing team."

"Then concentrate all your strength to suppress the opponent until the end of the game, this is the style of Wu Lu Ren."Ice Weaver looked at Jie Shiyi and continued,"It seems that he has targeted you, Jie."

Yuan Yemu wiped the sweat from his forehead and said,"Use your strengths to compete with him, Jie"

"We have never been barbarians."Tono Maki looked at Shidou not far away and said coldly,"Eating them is our way."

The way for civilization to fight against barbarism has never been to become a part of the barbarism!!


Rin holds the ball and gallops on the green field with Nanahoshi Nijiro. Everything looks so beautiful.

However, when Jie Shi saw the crow that was waiting for an opportunity spread its wings, he accelerated and rushed towards him.

He must not let him hinder the attack of Shitoshi Rin!!

At the same time, Tono Maki and Shidou Ryusei began to fight.——

"Xiaowu, you are so slow....."Shidao Longsheng opened his arms and kept blocking the way of Tono Maki,"You can't wait, right, pretty girl?"

Feeling Shidao's sticky gaze, Tono Maki said coldly,"Don't look at me with that disgusting look, you bastard pink cockroach"

"Ah~" Shidou laughed even more happily,"Are you finally going to take off your coat and show it to me~"

In such a plot, a ball flew across the sky and landed at his feet.

Tono Maki looked at Shidou Ryusei who was smiling brightly in front of him, looked at the running Wu Lu Ren, put his hair behind his head, showed a pair of eyes burning with flames, and smiled a little hideously

"Disgusting guy, die as a token of your sins!!!"

He lowered his body, changed direction quickly, and passed the ball.——

"I'm here to catch you~", Shidou's voice became erratic due to running, like a leopard in the grassland in hunting state.

Rin began to rush towards Tono Maki, and Wu Lu Ren followed closely behind.

Wu Lu Ren looked at Tono Maki who was entangled by Shidou, and ran faster and faster,"Sitting and waiting to die is not my style."

The enemy is approaching, and now he is surrounded by enemies.

Nervous? No. Excited? No.

At this moment, there is only one existence called"tyranny" in Tono Maki's heart-an annoying group of guys! Kill you!!

Arriving at the best point imagined, Tono Maki, with a cold face, quickly broke through Shidou Longsheng's defense and kicked a powerful shot.

The ball turned into an arrow that cut through the sky, ignoring Shidou's surprised face, and flew into the goal——



A gap of 4 seconds, you can't cross it.

So, kneel down and look up at me!!!!

Tono Maki stood in front of the goal, turned around and looked at those who were only one step away from victory, with the most indifferent expression.

Shidou stood closest to him, witnessing the lightning-like blow - hahaha, I'm getting excited~ Great, really great!!

Shidou looked at the"high and mighty" person, letting the fire ignite his eyes, and he laughed happily...

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