After the game, the four people started their happy (?) training life...

As the first team to become a four-person team, their opponents have not yet appeared. So, there will be some free time to do some training and chat with teammates.....

Although it seems harmonious, there is one person who has been unable to integrate into the group...

Nagi·straight man·tasteless·insomniac·Seishirou OxO: What's going on with this strange atmosphere...Are you all JKs?…


"Erzi, why do you keep your bangs so long?"

"To cover acne…"

"Oh?" Yisheng suddenly became interested."Even a fashionable man like me cannot escape the clutches of that devil."

"Eh? Does Yisheng-kun also have this kind of trouble?" Erzi said in surprise, looking at his smooth and fair face. Then he looked at him with envy and jealousy - ah, the damn physique that gets acne without leaving scars!

"Don’t look at me with such an unfashionable look, Erzi." Yisheng stroked his flowing hair and said proudly,"This uncle has such fashionable skin only through acquired factors, not because of a physique that does not leave scars."

Speaking of this, Yisheng felt extremely proud, because even if he did not have a physique that does not leave scars, he still managed to have such fashionable skin. Ah, this uncle, is so fashionable~

Hearing this, Erzi’s eyes sparkled,"Please tell me, Yisheng-kun! Thank you very much!"

Oil control, cleansing, sun protection, repair...

Pay attention to diet, less oil, less salt, less spicy...

Erzi was seen writing furiously with a small notebook, looking at Yisheng with admiration from time to time.…...

Nagi Makoto watched the scene in confusion and couldn't help asking,"Is acne a big deal?"

[Nagi Seishiro: That's weird......]

"Of course!!!" Erzi raised his head suddenly and said excitedly.

Yi Sheng also turned around, playing with the ends of his hair with his fingers, looked at him contemptuously, and said,"Of course it is an important matter, you unfashionable guy."

Nagi Makoto: OxO?

"It's because you don't take it seriously that your skin is so rough... Tsk, it's really not fashionable. Look at Maki-kun, and then look at you, tsk."

Nagi Seishiro: OxO!

"Summer insects cannot talk about ice."

The despised Nagi Makoto couldn't help but look at Tono Maki.

Nagi looked at Tono Maki who closed his eyes, exploring the"fashion" of his face, and then a question came to his mind - they are all the same, what's the difference?

Being stared at by the burning gaze, Tono Maki could no longer pretend to ignore it....

""Nagi, why are you looking at me like that? Is there something wrong?" Toono Maki opened his eyes, took off his headphones and said. It's hard not to notice someone staring at you like that...

If it were an ordinary person, they would basically be ashamed of their own presumptuousness and keep silent.

However, Nagi Makoto is obviously not an ordinary person. He immediately asked the question,"Maki-kun, is my skin rough?"

"?"Toono Maki was annoyed by his incoherent question,"Your skin? Not bad..."

Toono Maki: Has this world finally gone crazy?

"Ant said that my skin is rough and not fashionable..." Nagi Makoto Shirou accused Ant of his crime like a wronged child.

"Oh, so that's the case..." Toono Maki suddenly realized, carefully observed Nagi Seishiro's face, and then said,"Well... a little bit... It should be related to your abnormal schedule and diet..."

Nagi Seishiro: OxO?!

"Eat less snacks, stay up less late, and it should be better."Tono Maki said casually.

Nagi Seijirou was shocked and puzzled. Don't you have a nightlife? Are you really young? For the sake of beauty, can you even abuse yourself?

Such a casual remark shocked Nagi Seijirou, and then fell into deep thought.....

Nagi Makoto: Are you guys some kind of JK? Am I the only normal person?

""Mu, are you awake?" Yisheng noticed the movement and looked at Yuanye Mu's figure and greeted him.

"I didn't sleep, I just read a book and my eyes were a little tired, so I closed my eyes to rest." Yuan Yemu closed the book, rubbed his hair, and said,"By the way, what are you doing there?"

Erzi looked up and said with shining eyes,"Ant Shengjun is teaching me how to be fashionable!!"

""Well, try to be fashionable, Erzi." Yisheng nodded with satisfaction and said.

At this time, Yuan Yemu got off the bed and prepared to drink some water. Then, he was"caught" by Yisheng.......

""Mu, I feel like I've seen you somewhere before." Yi Sheng looked at the profile of Tono Mu, and the more he looked, the more familiar he felt, but he was also a little confused,"It's really strange, someone as fashionable as you, I shouldn't have forgotten you."

Tono Mu paused for a moment while drinking water, and then pretended to be normal, saying,"How could that be, it's just because I look a little bit like the others"

"Um....That's true", Yisheng couldn't figure it out, and then he was convinced by Tono Maki's words.

After dispelling Yisheng's doubts, Tono Maki secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then cursed Mitchell Caesar in his heart.

The damn blue peacock can always make trouble for me no matter when and where!!

The matter dates back to two or three years ago. By chance, he and Caesar were accidentally picked to shoot a magazine. I have to admit that although Caesar is a rubbish, his face is really good. Caesar never hides his charm, so he accepts all the shooting requirements and gives some suggestions from time to time-some boring bad ideas!!

The theme of the magazine shot at that time was"Prohibition and Desire". Although, in the final photo, he contributed a side face, and the rest of the picture was Caesar, but this did not affect his scolding Caesar-too shameful!!.......

Seeing that Ant Sheng no longer pursued the matter, Tono Maki lay down on the bed with peace of mind and continued to read the unfinished book.

Tono Maki: Fortunately, I bought the photo a long time ago......(Anxiang.jpg)

If Caesar knew this, he would definitely flip through the photo album on his phone with pride - because he asked the photographer for the finished photo.....

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