The countdown ended and the whistle blew. The atmosphere on the field became tense.

Both teams were like beasts that had escaped from their cages, staring at their opponents eagerly.

"Nagi, run forward without worry. There is only one thing you need to do, shoot."Tono Maki said as he moved his ankle.

Erzi checked his shoelaces with a wave of his hand and continued,"Leave the rest to us."

"I'll leave the rear to you. Is that ok, Erzi?"


"Nagi, use your brain, this is a tough battle"


The game begins, with the white team kicking off. The ball is held by Tono Maki

"Shi Guang, you follow that fashionable guy closely!", An Sheng Jubei noticed his action and said quickly

"Ah, oh, okay." After a brief moment of daze, Shiguang Qingzhi quickly came to Yuanye Mu.

"Ho? You're the one who comes to stop me, you weird muscle monster?"Tono Maki looked at the newcomer and raised his eyebrows.

Although Tono Maki doesn't like to dribble and break through, it doesn't mean he can't do it well.

Dribbling and breaking through is a very challenging and technical task, which requires athletes to have excellent ball sense, balance and quick decision-making. When football players dribble and break through on the field, they will first observe and analyze the opponent's defensive layout to find potential gaps and weaknesses.

And he happens to have all these abilities. Therefore, his dribble and break through is not a weakness, on the contrary, it is what he is best at.

A series of fake moves and speed change techniques allowed Tono Maki to easily break through the defense of Time.

Then, he began to observe the movements of Nagi Makoto.

"Not bad, genius, that's a good position indeed."Tono Maki sighed as he looked at Nagi Makoto's position and said,"But, are you underestimating Rin?...."

He looked at Antsuo who quickly returned to defense and Itoshi Rin who was not far away, ignored Nagi Seishiro's gaze, and passed the ball back to Erzi,"Erzi, come on!""

"A cunning guy with lower eyelashes."After Erzi caught the ball with one wave, he quickly started to move.

Erzi had been paying attention to the situation on the court, and of course he did not miss the position of Itoshi Rin, who was Rank 2, and had not moved at all. He was observing - Erzi quickly made a judgment.

The mountains and rivers are not obvious, and they act after careful planning. Cunning guy. It seems that we have to force him to move, Maki-kun.

You are right, Erzi.

After receiving Erzi's eyes, Tono Maki quickly replied with his eyes. Then he looked at Itoshi Rin and narrowed his eyes - you have learned bad things, Rin.

Erzi kept misleading Shi Guang with fake moves, and kept cooperating with Tono Maki to wander in the opponent's backcourt.

After Nagi Makoto noticed it, he shook off Ants' Jubei and started running.

What are they considering, Nagi Makoto thought.

Then after observing, he came to the conclusion - it was Itoshi Rin

It was the fourth attempt, but Itoshi Rin still didn't move. Futatsu couldn't help but frown, and then signaled to Tono Maki with his eyes. After Tono Maki nodded, he changed his action and passed the ball to Nagi. After receiving the ball, Nagi Seishiro began to shoot tentatively.

As the whistle of the goal blew, Nagi Seishiro, who was standing in front of the goal, couldn't help but look at the figure who was still motionless - it was so strange, this person

"Ruined...Ruined....."Watching the score change, Shi Qingzhi fell into the abyss of negative energy.

"The shot just now was not stylish at all."Anyu Jubei said to Nagi Makoto

"I didn't get any useful information. You are indeed the one, Tono Maki."

Hearing this, Tono Maki couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"In that case, I won't be polite."Rin said as he juggled the ball. Then he made a long shot and tied the score.

Both Erzi and Nagi were"amazed" by this neat shot.

This is a good show of force, Rin.

Toono Maki smiled and patted his two teammates on the shoulders,"Why are you standing there? It's our turn."...

Erzi Yiyi and Nagi Makoto Shirou cooperated to break through, and Tono Maki came in front of Rin, ready to defend at any time

"Do you need to care about me so much?"

"What do you think, Rin?"

Under the bright lights, the court was filled with a wonderful drama of heroes competing for supremacy.

Erzi and Nagi worked in perfect harmony, bombarding the defense of Ant Life and Time again and again.

However, they were also entangled again and again.

"This guy's muscles! Damn!!"

"His arms are so long, that's a foul....."

Nagi and Erzi were both in a difficult battle and could not find a way to break the deadlock....

"Nagi, run, don't worry about them." Erzi opened his eyes wide and saw the gestures in the distance.

Although he didn't understand what was happening, Nagi Seishiro chose to trust his teammates.

Erzi wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a wry smile,"My brain is about to smoke....Is this really okay?..."

Facing two people's defense, Erzi made a high pass and passed the ball to Nagi Makoto

"Nagi, find a way to get the ball to the back!!"

Nagi Seishiro ran as fast as he could, and after hearing what Erzi said, he ran even faster.

Ah, so tired...very tired....

His body kept telling him about the pain, but he ignored it. His mind kept thinking about where the ray of hope was in the"rear"....Is it here? Or there?........

The grass on the field shone under the lights. The players wore different uniforms, but had the same determined gaze.

"Is it finally starting, Maki-san?"

Tono Maki looked at Nagi who was getting closer and closer and said,"You can't wait any longer, Rin."

"Ah, of course."Itoshi Rinya looked at the white figure and said with an ambiguous tone.

Nagi Makoto saw the jackals and tigers not far away and quickly kicked the ball out - as long as he gave the ball to you, this problem would be solved.

Then he began to wait in front of the penalty area, always observing Tono Maki and Erzi Yihui.

Because his duty in this game is to shoot!!...

Tono Maki jumped, stopped the ball, and then started quickly

"This is my home turf."

"Not necessarily."Itoshi Rin said so, following his movements.

Seeing the goal getting closer and closer, Tono Maki began to continuously perform the"art of deception""——He tried to shake off Rin and shoot by swaying his body, deceiving his eyes, and changing his footsteps slightly.

However, that was impossible. Rin couldn't be fooled by these. He glanced at Rin and thought to himself.

"A trick for children." Rin said, accurately blocking the way of Tono Maki.

"Don't say that so early."

He dodged and shook off Rin, then quickly kicked the ball to Nagi Makoto.


Accompanied by the whistle of the goal, the score became 1 to 2. Nagi thought that this was definitely the most difficult goal he had ever scored.

His nerves were tense, and he was concentrating on observing the movements of his teammates with the ball. His brain was working at high speed to judge when the pass would come, and his body was ready to complete the shot at any time.....

"Well done, Nagi".......

Shishi Rin clenched his fists, the raging anger was about to consume him.

"Did I fool you this time, Rin?"

It was exactly the same as in my memory, the same words, the same person, the same posture.....

Damn it, damn it!!!

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