Second round of selection

"BlueLock Man? What a low name."

Facing Tono Maki's complaints, Hui Xinshenba remained expressionless, but Di Jin Anri was already laughing so hard that she couldn't straighten her back,"Hahahaha, laughing, I'm dying of laughter, hahahaha......"

"Tasteless boy, tsk."

Tono Maki didn't hear Huixin Shinpachi's comments. He looked at the area under his feet getting smaller and smaller, with a subtle expression,"Simulate the situation before shooting?"

He kicked a ball casually, and then watched the ball being blocked by the"Blue Lock Man"

"Oh? The stereo projection can touch the ball, cool." As Tono Maki said this, he adjusted his stance and began to bombard the goal."Interesting, but not interesting enough."

The timetable kept moving, and the number of target balls began to decrease sharply......

"It is...Are there a few more moving obstacles?" Tono Maki's movements did not slow down at all because of the change in the field."Oh, there is also an inexplicable pass.""

Top left, bottom right, bottom left, top right.......

Queen's"We will rock you" is playing in my mind, and I keep kicking the ball to the beat.......

"Ok, next level." As he spoke, the gate to the second level opened....

After passing through the dark corridor, I arrived at the room for the next level. The bright hall was empty, with only the requirements of this level displayed on the big screen.

"Three people in a group, team up and move forward?" Yuan Ye looked at this"clause" and smiled with an ambiguous meaning,"Then I have to wait for my future teammates, right?......"

Then he sat on the ground, thinking about the type of teammates he needed. Good dribbling skills, wide vision, and good shooting skills.......

"Kira, Reio, Nagi, Futako, Chikari......Guo Shen is also good.....How to choose?"

Huixin Shinpachi, who was looking at the surveillance camera, couldn't help but said,"I let you choose teammates, not order food, you little brat!"

Unless there are special circumstances, Reio and Nagi Makoto and Shirou will probably appear at the same time. As for Kira, he will most likely team up with Kiyoshi and Bee Rakukai.......

Erzi waved his hand and said,"I want him. As for the others, we'll see how the situation plays out."

Thinking of this, he looked at the time and then stood up. Calculating the time, the next person to pass the level should be here.......

The door opened, and a tall and familiar figure walked in. Tono Maki looked at the newcomer with a smile and said,"Rin, long time no see." Shishi

Rin walked in front of him and stopped, bowed his head slightly, and said,"Brother Maki, long time no see."

"Rin has changed a lot."

"No one is unchanging"

"Yeah, that's right." Looking at the person in front of him who was almost unrecognizable, Tono Maki felt a little inexplicably melancholy.

Change is a good thing, but Rin, you still don't seem to have walked out of the shadow of"Itoshi Sae"........

"How long does it take for Brother Mu to choose his teammates? I want to compete with you."

"It's no problem to compete, but Rin, have you decided on your teammates?"

"Yeah. Let's pick the two people who walk out of the door the fastest from now on." Shishi Rin said lightly.

In his eyes, such a serious matter as choosing teammates is like child's play.

He continued,"Except for Brother Maki, any opponent doesn't matter. No one here is worth my time."

Toono Maki looked at the door silently, and after a long time he said,"Okay."

Hearing the answer, Shishi Rin raised the corner of his mouth slightly with satisfaction, and continued,"This time, I can't hide my shortcomings."

""Okay." Only at this moment did she look like she was before....

As time passed, more and more people came into the room...

Rin had already formed a team and headed to the next level. And Tono Maki was waiting for the player he wanted to appear.

""Touno Maki, let's form a team." Nagi Makoto said, and came in front of him.

Facing Ling Wang and Nagi, he said,"Are you in a hurry? If not, let me think about it."

Such a rhetoric...

He has someone he wants to choose, and he is weighing the pros and cons."You have someone you want to choose." Ling Wang said affirmatively, trying to figure out Touno Maki's thoughts

"That's right "

"who is it?"

"Two pieces and one swing."Tono Maki looked at Ling Wang and said,"The player I want most is two pieces and one swing."

After hearing this, Nagi Makoto thought about it and said,"Then I will join you, is this okay?"

"Huh? What are you talking about, Nagi?....You left, what should I do?!" Ling Wang said loudly in disbelief.

Nagi Makoto looked at Ling Wang's incredible face and said indifferently,"Ling Wang, you taught me football. I want to become the world's number one with you, there is no doubt about it. But we lost. We are not the strongest."

"In order to understand the regret I felt for the first time, I want to play football with him. I want to try hard."He said.

Ling Wang looked at him as if he had just met him for the first time.

Ah, what a selfish Nagi Makoto Shirou......

Ling Wang hesitated to speak, then lowered his head in embarrassment and said,"What? It's up to you......"

He said this, but his face was full of disappointment and sadness.

""Tono Maki looked at Ling Wang and said,"Nagi, please forgive me for refusing."


"In my humble opinion, you and Ling Wang are the best combination for you."

"But we lost"

"Losing means you are not a good partner?"Tounomaki laughed.

To be honest, Nagi Makoto was not actually in Tounomaki's choice range. After all, no one expected that the Nagi-Reiou combination would fall apart. And to be honest, he wanted Reiou more.

"How about this, Nagi, you join my team."

Nagi Seishiro was a little confused,"Why did you agree again?"

"Because I seem to know the rules of the game."Tono Maki looked at the rules and said with a smile


Three people form a team. Teams will definitely fight each other, and there will be punishment after the battle. The most reasonable punishment is to seize a player from the losing team.


"But, if I play against Ling Wang later, I will choose the players after the game. I want Ling Wang. Deal?"

"Okay." Nagi Seishiro nodded. If possible, he didn't want to be separated from Ling Wang.

Toono Maki looked at the silent Ling Wang and said,"Ling Wang, welcome."

"Ling Wang, we'll see you later." Nagi Makoto said.

After he said this, Ling Wang's expression eased a lot.

What Toono Maki could think of, Ling Wang could certainly do, but he couldn't get over Nagi's decision. He stared at Nagi and said,"You're dead, Nagi Makoto. I will use my victory to tell you that you're not that great."

Toono Maki came close to Nagi and whispered,"Ling Wang is in a bad mood, remember to coax him later."

The dazed Miffy nodded.


"Erzi Yihui. Are you willing to join my team and conquer the world with me?"

Before meeting him, Erzi Yihui wanted to defeat him; but after meeting him, his thoughts changed.

Erzi thought that he might never be able to defeat Tono Maki. Every time he thought he had evolved, Tono Maki would stand farther away and look back at him.

Conquer the world, what a tempting word... How could I refuse.......

"The one you want"

"Welcome to join my club, Erzi Yibo. After the Blue Prison Project is over, I will give you the contract."

"Huh?"Er Zi waved his hand, not quite understanding.

"Let me introduce myself, Marky Caller, from Germany, used to play for Bayern Munich.

Bayern Munich is one of the world's top teams, the team where the world's top striker Noel Noah currently plays.

Er Ziyi looked at him in shock, and after a long time, he shook his hand. He knew that at this moment he was holding an invitation to the"world".

World, here I come...

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