Facing Toono Maki's question, Chikuri remained silent until the end of the halftime break.

But his eyes, like the abyss, silently conveyed a message - save me.

Chikuri Leopard Horse, ever since he was taken under his command and completely cured, he had never seen such an look in Chikuri's eyes - like a cured patient seeing the weapon that hurt him again, he began to feel fear uncontrollably.

So, when the whistle blew for the second half of the game, everyone returned to their positions, and Toono Maki looked at the brothers coldly. He couldn't help but start thinking about what role the brothers played in Chikuri's darkest moment. The cruciate ligament was torn, and he turned from a genius into a mediocre person, and was trampled and mocked by ants from then on.

This was his guess based on his current understanding of the brothers.......

The second half of the game started.

Both teams quickly got into the game and started a fierce competition.

But from the beginning of the second half, Team Z, who originally felt that they had won, gradually found that Team W was a little different....

Team W was able to accurately defeat their offensive plans every time, as if they were assisted by God....

Sometimes, just as soon as the thought came to their mind, they could block them in front of them as if they had telepathy and prevent them from passing the ball....

"Jiuyuan! Pass the ball to me!"

"No problem!"

The Crocodile Brothers appeared behind Jiuyuan like a ghost, snatched the ball, and said,"Your ball is mine.——"

Then the two of them cooperated tacitly, flashed to a position that no one expected, and shot the ball to tie the score.

Unbelievable, did they start defending from the midfield? Damn, they really can't be allowed to move flexibly!

Everyone was amazed at the genius idea of the Crocodile brothers.

But Kirara chose not to say a word, and looked at Hisahi with a very strange look....

Only he saw the expression of Kuon Wataru when the brothers Taniguchi took the ball away - expectation.

Why was he expecting the ball to be taken away? This was something that puzzled Kira. He did not understand why Kuon did this.

Until he returned to defense and saw the expression of Tounomaki, which was playful and indifferent - he looked at Kuon as if he was looking at a clown.

Why, why did Tounomaki look at Kuon like this?

This was something that troubled Kira until the next round of competition began.

As the game progressed, Kira gradually understood.

As he continued to pay attention to Kuon and the brothers Taniguchi, he was surprised to find that Kuon would deliberately expose flaws and deliberately let them take the ball away; and the brothers would also"send" the ball to Kuon through some clumsy passes.

If the three of them did not often meet each other's eyes, Kira would probably find it difficult to believe this cruel fact - Kuon betrayed Team Z.

The scores of the two teams kept changing, and they were as hostile as fire and water. But in Kira's eyes, it was like a pantomime.

He couldn't help but look at Tounomaki, thinking - did he know it a long time ago, but why didn't he tell us?

If Tono Maki knew Kirara's thoughts, he would definitely answer,"Because I am not God, I do not save the world."】......

In this game, Tono Maki only had eyes for Qianqi Leopard Horse, and he only paid attention to Qianqi Leopard Horse.

He looked at the condescending and disdainful look of the"Heng Ha Erjiang" every time they passed in front of Qianqi, and watched them talking to Qianqi with laughter. His eyes became colder and colder.

Qianqi Leopard Horse, you should not be bound by ants.

He stood silently in front of the goal, watching Qianqi Leopard Horse struggle again and again. He knew that Qianqi Leopard Horse was suffering, but now was not the time for him to take action.

【The process of a butterfly breaking out of its cocoon is extremely difficult, but no one can help them. 】

Tono Maki doesn't care about the disputes on the court, such as Jiuyuan betraying Team Z or Zeliang Muerqi.

He only cares about his employees - Qianqi Baoma...

"Ah, you're nothing without Speed.~"

"Haha, if I tackle you, will your glass leg break again?"

Shut up! Stop making so much noise! Shut up!

Qian Qi roared in his heart, but he couldn't move his legs and run at full speed - he was afraid that they would destroy his right knee and send him to hell again....

"New members, we are the regular participants of the National High School Football Tournament, the two trump cards of Gushe Industry, the Crocodile Brothers! Respect the seniors!"

"I'm sorry. I came to Gushe to win the national championship and make a name for myself. So, can we cancel this kind of superior-subordinate relationship?"

"Huh? Who are you?"

"I am Qianqi Baoma. If I win, can you two please shut up?"

[This is where it all started, and it was also where the nightmare started.]

"As soon as you join, you get praise from the coach. Don't be too arrogant, kid."

"It's nothing. The key is whether you have talent or not, it's that simple"

[I am a blessed person. This is what I believed until the bad news came.]

"The anterior cruciate ligament of my right knee has been torn. Your muscles grow in a special way, which is why you have such a high sprinting ability. But if this ligament is torn again, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to be a football player again."

[The gift God gave me was taken back]

"He is no longer a genius. Go away. There is nothing to see."

"Hehe, isn't this a genius junior? What are you doing here? Your talents are all destroyed and you can no longer run. What value do you have? The key is whether you have talent or not, it's that simple, right?"

"You deserved it~ Just the day before yesterday!"

[My pride, at this moment, has become a weapon that kills me]

"Hey, what's going on, genius junior? Did you really run as hard as you could? Where are your so proud sprinting legs?"

"Are you afraid of running at full speed and causing this ligament to rupture again?~"...

My leg just healed and I just got back on the court I love.......

What if it breaks again?.....

I should do this.......

I promised him 8 years, what should I do?......

When he found that Qianqi Baoma's eyes were looking at him from time to time, Yuan Ye Mu couldn't help but clench his fists. Finally, he couldn't help it, and he shouted at Qianqi Baoma angrily,"Qianqi Baoma! Do you think my team is just eating for free? Run!"

At this moment, Yuan Ye Mu finally understood what trapped Qianqi Baoma!

At this moment, how could he not understand what Qianqi Baoma was thinking!

"Qianqier Leopard Horse! Run! Don't you feel ashamed to lose to this bunch of trash?!"

Tono Maki's voice was like a thunderbolt, splitting the haze that trapped Qianqier.

"Remember this! Except for death, your 8 years will be accompanied by football! I promise! Now! Run! Qianqie Baoma!"

[With your words, I have nothing to worry about.]

Qian Qi looked at the expression of Tono Maki not far away, and started running. A smile began to appear on his face, and he said,"Yes, boss!"

He took a step and passed through the crowd like lightning, snatched the ball from the feet of the Crocodile brothers, and ran straight to the goal of Team W.

"Run, run! What are you worried about, Chichirō!", he said to himself,"Run! Run!"

There is nothing to worry about, nothing can stop me!!

He ran with the ball at an extremely fast speed, crushing one blocker after another with his speed. He was unstoppable!

[Goooooooooooal!!!! ]

In the dull eyes of everyone, Qianqi Baoma shot.

My goal is to be the best in the world! I am the best striker in the world!!

See, the ultimate speed, this, a world that only I can experience!!

This is, the complete, Qianqi Baoma!!

The speed that surpassed the battle against Team X, surpassed all the previous data, Qianqi Baoma running at full speed!......

"Run without worries, Senkiri. I'm right here, what are you afraid of?"Yuuno Mu looked at the running Senkiri with a smile on his face.

Just like when they first met ,

【How can I conquer the world if I can't even protect my own people?

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