After the match against Team Y, Team W will face off immediately.

Perhaps Huixin felt that everyone was getting into the groove, so she shortened the preparation time for the match.

The victories against Team X and Team Y made it difficult for Team Z to have a sense of urgency before the match.

Born in adversity, die in comfort. Toono Maki knew this truth very well, so he decided to start his own tanking career.

So, with 10 hours left before the match, Toono Maki sat in the cafeteria enjoying his dessert, with the song"Komet" playing in his headphones.

Ich hör' die MöI hear the seagulls singing on the pier.

The singing dies down.

ZäI haven't counted them for a long time.

I have been sitting in the fog for many years.......

"Hey, Nagi! Don't go to sleep yet!"


Hearing the voice, Tono Maki couldn't help but look up, and saw a purple-haired boy carrying another white-haired boy coming from the door.

He was not interested at first, and thought that it would be better to enjoy the cake in front of him than to watch them, until the white-haired boy called the other boy's name - Reo. Is n't this the name of the young master of the Mikage family? Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at the face of the person involved.

Yes, it's Reo, that's right.

But did the Mikage couple agree to come here?

Thinking of this, he got up and exchanged the goal point for a steak.

"Reo, long time no see"

"Marky?" Ling Wang asked in surprise,"When did you come to Neon?"

"Steak, not bad. I guess you haven't had dinner yet?"

Ling Wang first glanced at the sleeping Nagi, then smiled helplessly and said,"Okay, thank you."

Tono Maki pulled out a chair and sat down opposite Ling Wang, shaking his glass and said,"Not long before the high school students' game ended. It's a pity that I didn't see your game."

"There is nothing to regret. I don't feel any sense of accomplishment after beating those guys."

""You say one thing and mean another." Yuan Yemu looked at Ling Wang's smile and the look he occasionally cast at the boy next to him, took a sip of red wine, and said lightly.

Ling Wang smiled and asked,"Marky, why did you come to the Blue Prison?"

"Maybe he was curious whether Eishin Shinpachi's crazy plan could succeed."

"Well, this reason is a bit boring."

"Well, as long as the game isn't boring."

Speaking of this, Ling Wang began to guess which team Tono Maki was in.

After thinking for a while, Ling Wang raised the corners of his mouth slightly and asked,"Team Z?"

"Team V."Tono Maki also smiled slightly and said in a positive tone.

Like a chess match, they smiled at each other.

If you don't deny it, that's the truth.

"Looking forward to playing football with you"

"Soon the wish will come true"...

As he was walking, Tono Maki suddenly thought of something and stopped.

He looked at Ling Wang and said,"Reo, there should be a squinty-eyed man coming to see you soon."

"Oh? So?"

"Teach him a lesson for me. I'll help you deal with Mr. Yuying."

Hearing this, Ling Wang laughed happily,"Deal!".......

Although it was only a brief encounter, the two capitalists were quite satisfied - because both sides got what they wanted."...

"Father, please help me solve Mr. Mikage's concerns about his son playing football. I think this will be a piece of cake for you."

"Yes. 1 month in the company"


After completing his promise on the phone, Yuan Yemu looked at the phone screen and was silent for a long time.

"As expected, I still can’t like you, father."

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