Blue Prison Building 5, the fourth game, Team Y vs. Team Z is about to begin...........

"Everyone, are you nervous? Hey, are you nervous? Are you nervous?", Feng Le asked excitedly.

""I'm more excited than nervous, right?" Feng Le said as he stared at the other side of the door as the door slowly rose.

Compared to Feng Le's outburst of emotions, the performances of others were like a volcano about to erupt under the sea.

Tear them apart! Crush them! Blow them up!!!!...

"Here it comes." Kira looked at the figure walking out of the darkness and said lightly

"Team Y has already lost a game."Jiuyuan looked at Team Y indifferently and said,"They have no way out."

"Hahahaha, that's great!!" Upon hearing this, Lei Shi had a ferocious smile on his face,"You scum, I'll make you get out right now!!!"

"I hope they can keep up with my speed." Qian Qi also laughed,"If not, don't blame me for crushing them with my speed."

""It's a fair competition!" said the national god.

Looking at the excitement of these guys, Tono Maki felt a little pain in his temples - why do I feel like a teacher taking kindergarten children on an autumn outing?......

Looking around at the Y team, Tono Maki noticed a figure

"Jie, did you see No. 7? He should be the center of the team."

After hearing this, Jie Shiyi's eyes shifted from No. 9, who was the center of attention, to No. 7.

Although he believed that No. 9 was the core, he trusted Tono Maki's judgment more. And it turned out that Tono Maki was right. When he noticed No. 7, No. 7 seemed to have taken off his mask and showed great threat.

Moreover, when he looked at No. 7, he had an inexplicable premonition in his heart - he and I are the same type of players....

Jiuyuan, who was blinded by a leaf, was talking about the focus of the attack."The one who needs to be focused on is No. 9, who has extremely outstanding shooting skills and is the top scorer in the Kumamoto Prefecture Tournament, Okawa Hibiki."

Hearing this, Jie Shiyi wanted to open his mouth to correct him, but was stopped by Tono Maki.

"Although the beginning and process were wrong, the result was right. This No. 9 really needs to be guarded closely."


"Do you think being alone is threatening, Jie?"

Jie Shiyi understood what I said, and he smiled and said,"Ah, no."

If No. 7 and I are the same type, then he is useless even if he is the core, because my weakness is his weakness - I can't fight alone........

There are 3 minutes left before the game starts....

Yuan Yemu raised his hand to signal everyone to look at him, and said,"This time Jie and I will be the midfielders, and two defenders will be enough. We will kill the suspense of the game in the cradle. Everyone, is it okay?"

"No problem, don't worry!!"

Tono Maki looked at Team Y's No. 7, and as he listened to the answers coming one after another, his smile grew wider.

How could he not see the tricks played by No. 7? Playing the pig to eat the tiger, it was really an old trick.

As the guard selection was quickly determined, the whistle of the game was about to sound....

"Lei Shi, go ahead. The backcourt is left to the two of us, no problem, uncle!"

"no problem!"...

The whistle blew, and Team Z kicked off.

Guo Shen kicked off and quickly passed the ball to Feng Le.

Feng Le dribbled the ball forward, flexibly moving between the crowd. The football was like a satellite orbiting his constantly changing feet, and he was like a butterfly flying through the flowers.

Team Y noticed the fierce attack and surrounded him, trying to stop his breakthrough.

Feng Le looked at the people gradually gathering around him, and his smile became brighter,"So, football is the best sport!!"

Dazzling changes of direction and unexpected changes of speed.

Like a samba dancer, Feng Le danced his body and easily broke through the defense line.

"Haha, it's easy~ Next is....Eh?"Just as Feng Le was about to move towards the penalty area and score the first goal of the game, someone blocked his way. The one who blocked Feng Le was Team Y's No. 7 - Er Zi Yi

"We have studied your dribbling.", Er Zi said...

In the following time, everyone in Team Z's frontcourt found that no matter what they did, they could not break through Team Y's backcourt....

Every time they were about to shoot, someone would appear and block the path to the goal....

They're starting to get a little anxious....

Noticing his teammates' emotions, Tono Maki said to Jie Shiyi,"We should start now."

Jie Shiyi looked at Erzi and smiled brightly,"It's time."......

The first half ended with a 0-0 draw and the second half began.....

Guo Shen's impatient shot created an opportunity for Team Y. Okawa Hibiki started to move, passing the ball again and again, and the ball entered Team Z's backcourt. With the last pass, Erzi's tense nerves finally relaxed.

But he didn't expect that someone would block the end of his pass and kill his expected victory.

"Erzi, have you studied me?"Tono Maki intercepted the ball and used fancy moves to tease the exasperated Okawa Hibiki, while saying to Erzi Yihui.

He does not trust his teammates, is lazy, has no desire to attack, and is an arrogant and powerful dictator. No matter how you think about it, he will not cooperate with his teammates, not to mention that his number of goals is already the top scorer in the team. Erzi

Yihui looked at Tono Maki in shock, trembling with anger and fear, unable to speak.

He was angry because all his calculations failed. He was afraid because he clearly realized that they were completely finished.

All his calculations were based on 'Tono Maki not participating'!!

"Hey, durian head, this ball..."After Tono Maki used a fake move to get rid of Okawa, he made a long pass to Lei Shi,"Here's a reward for you! Kill the game!"

"Ha! Thank you, Princess, for your reward!"Lei Shi rushed into the penalty area after receiving the ball.

It was rare that Lei Shi thought that Yuan Yemu was a good person....

"But you should lose the ball soon....."Yuan Yemu grinned and said with a playful smile.

As soon as the voice fell, Erzi blocked Lei Shi in front of him and snatched the ball from Lei Shi's feet.

" Do you think you are good at dribbling, Lei Shi?"

Next, I'll leave it to you, Jie.

Ah, leave it to me!

After receiving the look from Tono Maki, Jie Shiyi clenched his fist and answered Tono Maki with a knight's salute.......

Okawa Hibiki was surrounded, so he chose to pass the ball to the unguarded Erzi.

He smiled at the Z team surrounding him, secretly mocking their stupidity.

When all the troops are concentrated here, then no one can stop Erzi's swing!

Even if they find out, it will be difficult to make up for it in a short time, right?

"Haha, it's your turn to perform, Erzi."

Got it.

Erzi waved and stood at the receiving point, and made an 'ok' gesture to Okawa Hibiki with his right eye.


""Puff!" The ball hit his chest with a slight sound.

"It's right here, right, Erzi!"After Jie Shiyi stopped the ball, he began to organize a counterattack.

After some twists and turns, Jie Shiyi came to the penalty area. He shot without hesitation.

""Don't even think about it!!!" Erzi blocked the ball and roared unwillingly.

Sweat had soaked his clothes and flowed down his forehead. His eyes also felt pain because of the sweat, but now he had no time to care about these things.

Erzi waved his hand and tried his best to block the ball, and then ran with the ball.

At the same time, Okawa Hibiki started and kept running on the court.....

Erzi made a long pass and successfully sent the ball to Okawa's feet.


"Here! Ah, Erzi, you lost." Jie Shiyi appeared in front of Okawa and blocked the ball,"Because you and I have the same eyes and brain, so you will definitely not fight alone, but pass the ball to Okawa!!"

Erzi, you lost, and you who chose to pass the ball in the end, you don't deserve to be a striker!!......

Something awakened in Jie Shiyi's body.

Run, run......

Here, no, there......

The ball will fall...... here!!!


[ Goooooooooooal!!!!!]

At the end of the chaos, the ball appeared at Jie Shiyi's feet.

And Jie Shiyi completed the shot in an instant........

Tono Maki leaned against the goal, counting down






As the whistle sounded at the end of the game, Tono Maki said softly,"Congratulations, Jie."

From today on, Jie Shiyi also has the ability to fight alone......

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