There is only one winner on the field.

What a cruel fact.

But it is also the reason why sports are so attractive.......

"If you can win by just opening your mouth and talking nonsense, then there are no losers in this world."Tono Maki looked at the X team members kneeling on the ground with pale faces, and said coldly,"Everyone should be responsible for what they say, right?"

He looked at Malang Zhaoying standing in the crowd of people bowing their heads, watching the sweat flowing through his lost eyes, watching him clench his fists, watching him clench his teeth.

Even if the team loses, the top scorer in the team can stay and enter the next round of selection.

Malang Zhaoying, I look forward to seeing you next time

"The game is over! The first match of Blue Prison Building 5 was 8 to 1, and Team Z won!"

After the trial came, Tono Maki turned around and walked towards the exit, shutting out the tears and unwillingness of the loser....

"I am the King...I am the king......", Ma Lang Zhaoying muttered absentmindedly while standing on the green field.

It was like a needle piercing the balloon that carried the child's beautiful dream. From this moment on, he had to face a cruel world.

"King, haha ......."

"That's right, that's right, it's hilarious, such a big mouth, but what's the result? It's still exposed! It's really lame, hahahaha..."

"Ma Lang Zhaoying!!! You are a loser!!! You are a waste!!!"

"What the hell are you doing?!!! We all tried so hard to pass the ball to you!!"

"You are a waste!!!"

Huixin Shinpachi looked at the scene inside and outside the field, slurping noodles, and after swallowing the food, he said indifferently,"People are like this, there are many who add icing on the cake, but few who help in times of need. At this moment, it doesn't matter what kind of person you are, because almost everyone treats you like dirt.".......

Team Z returned to the lounge.

The excitement of victory enveloped everyone, and everyone was excited. Everyone was expressing their excitement and happiness through words.

Tono Maki said nothing, and left the crowd like a transparent person, and then went to the training room.

Jie Shiyi saw him getting up and leaving, thought for a moment, and decided to follow him.

"Tono-kun, that..."After a brief hesitation, Jie Shiyi mustered up the courage to speak loudly,"That..."Thank you for your guidance!!" At the same time, he bowed deeply to Tono Maki.

In the empty corridor, Jie Shiyi's voice resounded like thunder in this small space.

Tono Maki looked at Jie Shiyi's words and actions in astonishment. After reacting, he said,"It's just a piece of cake."

"Anyway, thank you very much for your help!!"Jie Shi thanked him again and again, then scratched his head embarrassedly,"If it weren't for you, I would have been eliminated soon."


If Jie Shiyi had been careful enough, he would have noticed that Tono Maki's ears had turned red.

Unfortunately, he didn't notice it.

However, Miss Anri Dijin witnessed the whole process.

Miss Anri laughed and said,"It's really like a cat who is at a loss when dealing with a biped~"

Huixin Shinpachi disagreed with this and looked at her with contempt.

""Okay, okay, big cat, that's enough, really. Boring and sloppy old man." Ms. Anri countered

"Hehe. I also took the clothes there to wash. They are almost stinking."

"Yes Yes...."

Huixin Shinpachi glanced at Teijin Anri, then looked at the surveillance camera and said,"You must accept kindness. This is a very important lesson. Even if you are overwhelmed, you must adapt. Because this is the price of wearing the crown, Touno Maki."

No one knew that Touno Maki would be overwhelmed by kindness....

In everyone's eyes, Tono Maki is the spokesperson for"perfection". There is nothing he is not good at and he is a genius in every aspect. But Huixin Shinpachi knows that Tono Maki is a Venus with broken arms - beautiful, but incomplete.

He is a pessimist, a person who never trusts anyone, a person who likes to deceive himself with"perfection".

He does not trust anyone, and of course he does not trust his teammates. In his eyes, everyone is a stranger, because he believes that no matter who it is, they will choose to betray for some reason.

He pursues perfection obsessively because he is eager to get rid of the group of"people". He is unwilling to be manipulated by others and unwilling to be coerced by the words of the world.

Huixin Shinpachi may never forget what he said,"How ridiculous, to tarnish the glory of others for selfish desires."

It was in a football game, a team that was not optimistic about by everyone won, and everyone on the field was cursing, without any applause. That team played quite well, and it was understandable that they won the championship, but they were not recognized.

At that time, Tono Maki was sitting in front of him, talking with a sarcastic sneer.

That was the first time he met Tono Maki

"It's hard to trust others, but you have to do it. If you want to get first place, you must learn to trust your teammates."Shinpachi Huixin said.......

The king and the crown are an inseparable combination.

The crown represents the king's status and power.

The king holds power and exercises it through his own decisions and actions.

The king has the responsibility to maintain the stability and security of the country and to protect the well-being of the people.

The crown is a reminder to the king to always bear in mind his responsibilities and obligations.

The king is an individual with his own thoughts and wishes. The crown is a collective symbol that represents the entire country and its people.


"Tono Maki, accept kindness and trust others.

This is the weight of the crown that a king should bear....

X Team...

Ma Lang Zhaoying silently endured the abuse from his teammates, and then continued to exercise in the training room.

"Who is a waste!!! Don't be ridiculous! I am the king!!!"

Huixin Jinpachi, who witnessed this scene, said,"Malang Teruei, accept the failure, accept the abuse, and then walk out of the defeat. Hmm...I hope so. Really, I also have a strange feeling of anticipation...."

Defeat is inevitable in a world where only wins and losses exist. Even the world's best player cannot win every game.

What is important is to learn from failure and learn how to face the despair of defeat. The"realization" of a"dream" is the meaning of its existence, not——"chase".

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