——Boring. Too boring.

"Jie! Pass the ball! No one is marking here!"

"clean! One for all!All for one!!"

——So, Japanese football is boring!

The striker chose to pass the ball, and then, he lost............

Ichinan vs. Matsukaze Kuroou. Originally, Toono Maki didn't want to come, because he didn't think there was anything good about Japanese football.

The national team? It's just a vessel for cultivating trash. As for high school football, it's even worse. Is it the prototype of trash, he thought. He started to repent after losing the game, and then continued to lose. His eyes were red under the spotlight, and cheap tears kept flowing down - just like an actor performing a tragic script with passion. Eleven clowns presented one after another, wonderful, tragic dramas for Japan.

Japanese football is rotten.

As for why he was sitting in the stands today. Because he heard that a savior appeared in the Japanese football world - Kirara Ryosuke, known as the"Neon Treasure". He wanted to see the ability of this"national treasure".

However, the result disappointed him!!!

Kirara Ryosuke, another fool who was praised by his fame!! The trash known as the"Neon Treasure" actually won because of Ichinan's mistake!!

As for the striker, he could have won the game by just shooting, but he chose to pass the ball instead!!

When the cowardly idiot coach shouted the slogan"I for all, all for me" in the stands, the rage in Tono Maki's heart was almost uncontrollable.

Rubbish! Rubbish!! Rubbish!!!!

Who is the highest scorer? The striker! Who has the most shots? The striker!!

What striker would have won the game by just shooting, a victory that is right in front of him, but ignore it and choose to pass the ball instead!!!

Waste!! Rubbish! Stupid!

Tono Maki in the stands watched the farce on the court expressionlessly, but his quietly clenched fists revealed his uneasy temperament.

"If I...I can shoot...."

Crying, disappointment, regret. Tono Maki looked coldly at the defeated players on the field and said in his heart,"The self-admiration of incompetent people is just a lie.""......

"if I could..."It's fine", a dog that has lost its home will always use such a set of rhetoric to cover up its incompetence.

Yuan Yemu looked down at the players in trouble. He thought that except for the striker, the others were incompetent. When he looked at the striker, watching him standing numbly in the team, Yuan Yemu sneered. It seems that this fool is not so stupid. Then, he left the stands.

He didn't care about the clown holding the gold cup. Instead of watching them move themselves, he would rather play football himself.......

As he walked to the stadium, he thought that maybe it was a wrong decision to return to Japan from Germany.......

He kicked and shot. He stood in front of the goal, dancing expressionlessly.

The most precise force gave birth to the most beautiful arc.

Just like the skirt of a lady dancing the Rumba at a party, passionate and elegant, yet aggressive.

But a rose with thorns can never compare to a beast with fangs............

"What am I missing?"After another shot, he looked at the ball flying into the goal frame and muttered to himself,"Do I have to become an irrational beast to become the first?" He dribbled the ball, turned sideways, and pulled it out with force. The ball hit the goal frame, and the door frame screamed miserably.

Before he left Germany, he made a phone call to his friend in Spain.——

"Sae, why did you give up becoming a striker?"

"World number one"

"I'm going to Neon."

"Lin, help me see"

"OK. See you next time."

"Well, see you next time."

"By the way, is kelp necessary?"

"By all means, thank you"...

The phone call ended. Tono Maki looked at the sky, his mind racing.

The best in the world?.......

As long as I am the best in the world, it doesn't matter if I am a striker or not.

""Itoshi Sae, don't say it so lightly. When you decided to give up, you must have been more desperate than anyone else." He was silent for a long time, and then said softly.

Itoshi Sae, the new world's No. 1 midfielder, an absolute genius.

However, he could not become the world's No. 1 striker. As a striker, he lacked"talent"."

——Like, I am now

——But we are fundamentally different.......

【Football is a sport for 11 people. I have to admit that it is meaningless to fight alone. When the remaining 10 people are extremely mediocre, that one person is useless no matter how outstanding he is. But if all 11 people are equally outstanding, the situation may not be good, because geniuses never submit to others. Therefore, the most ideal team is an emperor with dictatorial power or a team of two kings. 】

Beita has Noah and Caesar. Noah's position cannot be shaken for the time being, but Caesar may not be out of the question.

However, Caesar has a loyal dog. And he doesn't.

Caesar has leadership and a strong desire to score goals, but he doesn't.

God gave him talent, and then kissed his eyes gently, so that his eyes would not be guided by ignorance and barbarism.


【Marky is a very good player, even a top player, but he can't integrate into the team and can't lead the team.......With all due respect, I don't think Marky has the will to fight on the pitch, even though he is quite good.】

【Marky's appearance is perfect.....Oh! Why can't we make him a living signboard? There will be countless ladies who will buy it!.......】

【Marky is very strong, but he is too....Well, how should I put it, he is too indifferent to fame and fortune. Hey, you know, miracles will always happen to those"desperate criminals"!】........

As the voices of denial grew louder, he began to doubt himself. He began to think about giving up being a"forward" and becoming a defender, just like his good friend Sae Itoshi did.

But giving up also requires a reason, so he decided to look at the geniuses around the world and then find a reason to give up.

He chose Neon as the starting point because it was Sae Itoshi's hometown and the hometown of his deceased mother........

But, he was disappointed.

He watched many high school football games, and except for Sae's brother who looked decent, what else was there?

Weaklings banding together, idiots being praised, strikers avoiding shots................

"It's simply unbearable to watch." He looked at the goal not far away and shot again.

He picked up the ball, looked at the setting sun, and muttered to himself,"Sigh, you were born in the wrong country." He felt sorry for his friend and also planned the next stop of his journey.——

"Let's go to Spain. Let's go see Sae."

He didn't know that someone had already set his sights on him.

"Marky Caller, the lonely genius, left Beita and came to Neon.......Ah, I never thought that I would be blessed by God one day........."Huixin Shinpachi watched the video on the computer with a smile, tapping the information on the desktop with his fingers.

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