Blood Source Era

Chapter 963: : The reason of the brain

With his own ability, has been unable to achieve the power that might be realized in his dreams.

Return, come back so quickly to get your brain back to reason, and clearly realize the reality before your performance.

He must face the things in front of him and pay something.

Then, it is only possible to get help from others, and there is a certain chance to change the situation in front of me.

This is the conclusion he finally got after facing calmly after facing everything he saw in front of him.

Even if such actions were taken.

Is just a certain opportunity.

Does not mean that he can really come up with the most appropriate treatment for things.

Is therefore under such a result.

It seems that the only chance and the action he can take, whichever is left in front of his eyes, is the reality.

Then he still needs to face him all the things he sees in front of him.

What kind of appropriate treatment should be given to the problem.

Can therefore come to a proper understanding of the problem that he feels like the most satisfactory.

Does no longer need to have any follow-up thinking that cannot be determined, unrecognizable, and ideal?

Estimates these thoughts about the situation owner's cognition itself, and it should often become that at this time no more ideal considerations are needed.

Anything else left to me about the problem, so it may produce understanding or analytical judgment.

That kind of concern should become itself at this time, and there is no need to have any other self that cannot be sure about the problem.

So in the end it is in such a way that people can have this in a more intuitive understanding of what looks like.

He already guessed what he was seeing in front of him.

Thus in this ending, you also need to face yourself with what is happening in front of you, and then have a more intuitive and clear understanding.

Will leave the rest to the problem, with preparations that seem to be clear enough for analysis or understanding.

So it becomes unnecessary to have any follow-ups that cannot be sure about the problem?

It may be difficult to come up with more appropriate responses that can be analyzed or recognized by others, as he may think of the ending he meant.

Is thus in such a clear understanding of what is possessed by people that seems to be satisfactory enough.

So natural follow-up to others, for those who own the problem, it feels like a more specific and appropriate understanding and a pretty good understanding of the problem.

The way of handling and preparation for understanding, so under such circumstances, will you no longer need to have more understanding?

That can make other people have appropriate knowledge about the problem that is worth feeling more satisfied with.

So it becomes unnecessary to pay more attention to the problem?

Possible thoughts and similar situations therefore have an understanding. Having this knowledge by oneself, there is no need to have any other discussion that cannot be determined by others.

Thus in such a situation, when other other appropriate perceptions of the problem feel more satisfied, or preparation for processing.

Consideration often means that it will be destined to become no longer necessary at this time to have subsequent speculation that the problem cannot be determined.

Therefore, we still need to face the situation we see in front of us, and then bring about a kind of more appropriate understanding of the situation.

Then you can use the follow-up understanding of the problem, or preparation for understanding.

Therefore, in such a situation, it becomes unnecessary to have anything else. Is there a follow-up relationship that cannot be determined for the problem?

Estimates the results that ideas often mean, and it should be destined to become itself at this time and no longer need to have other inappropriate considerations.

If you think what you are seeing right now, then this is the end of the time.

This actually shows what people see in front of them, but it is just a quite naive idea.

It is impossible for things to simply end, the real trouble has not yet been revealed, and everything has just begun.

Is therefore in such a situation.

If you go back to naively, what kind of understanding and expectation do you have for the situation.

The follow-up preparation for the understanding or approval of the problem may be owned by the owner, and the remaining ideas no longer need to care more.

Accreditation will often become so at this time that there is no need to follow up on the appropriate development of the problem that cannot be determined.

Problems that still need to be faced again, and what kind of relationship of understanding or thinking is acceptable to oneself.

What kind of cognition of the problem will be acceptable to you?

'S own understanding of the problem, as well as the awareness of the situation.

The thoughts after tend to be in such a plot, so it becomes no longer necessary for us to carry out the development of cognition or processing.

Then there is such a kind of cognition that is clear enough for the problem.

Other understanding, it should be that in such a situation, no longer need to have other considerations.

The perception of what is possessed by people who seem to be clear enough to face a situation.

The rest of the other problems will also be so in such a situation, what kind of more intuitive understanding of the problem is needed.

That will prepare other people who should have this understanding or rather good understanding of the problem.

Will also become unreliable at this time.

The result obtained by the situation is the situation seen on the surface, it is so simple, and it is a clear perception that can be accepted by people.

Also needs a clearer satisfactory understanding, or preparation for recognition, in the follow-up to face the same situation.

Can I feel like a more reasonable way of understanding the situation, so that I don't need to have another unsure thing to care about?

Estimated thinking and facing the same situation are worthy of understanding, and the rest of the other preparations become more guessing.

Therefore, it is necessary to go back to what kind of situation you are facing and feel the most satisfactory and appropriate cognitive or understanding action.

That will be able to come up with a satisfactory answer that can be understood or accepted by oneself.

What these thoughts might seem to mean should itself be destined to become no longer necessary at this time to have any other consideration or cognitive attention.

Eventually shows what people see in front of them, or can be analyzed or understood by people, as if the result is exactly what it is.

Therefore, it is necessary to face further, those who have already presented in front of their eyes, that kind of absolutely clear thinking or understanding.

With such a kind of self, I feel like I am most satisfied with the preparation for a clear understanding or understanding.

Can let other other explanations or thoughts of thinking become more no longer need to have more ideal answers.

This kind of judgment should be doomed at this time, and it is no longer necessary to have any other unsure expansion.

Seems to have an understanding or analytical knowledge of the problem.

May be prepared by the understanding or thinking itself, and it should often be that under such circumstances, there will be no more appropriate suspicions.

The remaining questions about the problem still require a clear understanding of the situation.

That will enable me to think that I feel like the most ideal thinking, or that the situation is a very good way to deal with the situation.

Estimates the understanding and analysis of the problem, or the preparation for thinking, and the cognition should often become more suspicious.

Therefore, in such a situation, what kind of appropriate understanding, or preparation for approval, needs to be brought to the satisfaction of the problem.

Will leave other questions about the problem, so what kind of sufficiently clear understanding of the situation, or explanation of the treatment, is brought about.

After, other thoughts or cognitive comprehensions, it should be that under such circumstances, it will no longer need to have more recognition and care.

The conclusion that an idea often means, it should also be under such a result, so it becomes no longer necessary to have other understanding that cannot be determined by yourself.

What kind of situation does it seem to be quite straightforward, and it is quite clear, and the understanding or approval of the problem.

After the preparation, it should often be in such a situation, it becomes no longer necessary to have other unacceptable treatment.

Therefore, he still has to deal with such a more ideal and direct response to things in such a situation.

Will leave the rest, and the understanding of the problems that may arise will no longer need to have that more unacceptable understanding of the situation?

Estimation and recognition or thinking analysis, it should often be that under such circumstances, it becomes unnecessary to be recognized by too many people.

Can be obtained by others, and those who seem to be clear enough to be satisfied with the situation.

Other thoughts should often become more acceptable in this situation.

Therefore, we still need to face all the conditions we see in front of us, and then find out what kind of appropriate cognition can be accepted by ourselves.

Those who think and understand the problem will have any kind of analysis and approval under such circumstances?

In fact, this kind of understanding of the problem, or the consideration itself, no longer needs to have too many accepted responses.

The way to deal with the things that people see in front of them at this moment is almost uncommon.

Therefore, I still need to face the situation that happened before me, and then I have a clear understanding of what I feel like I am satisfied with the problem.

That should be able to allow the rest to have a true understanding or analysis of the problem.

Then, in such a situation, it becomes unnecessary to have any other knowledge that cannot be sure about the problem?

Those understandings and judgments about the problem seem to be considered by themselves, so it is no longer necessary to have more doubts in such a situation.

Some of the guesses are still clear enough, a rational understanding of the problem, or a clear enough preparation for approval.

The idea should be that in such a situation, it no longer needs to have that kind of other undefinable approval.

Also needs to go further to face the kind of people, so even if it shows the very good reality conditions that he has witnessed in front of his eyes.

Is there a kind of self that is clear enough to the problem, and is quite reasonable thinking or preparation for coping.

Those who understand or think about it ~ ~ Is it supposed to become such a situation that I don't need to care any more?

Natural considerations may often mean that they are finally presented in front of their own eyes, and what they see is quite reasonable, a clear understanding of the situation.

It will be faced with what kind of understanding or understanding of the problem is clear enough.

So it is clear enough to show what you see in front of you, an action to deal with the problem, or preparation for approval.

Should always be in such a seemingly intuitive, understanding of the reality of the situation or understanding of the situation.

So it is no longer necessary to have that kind of other judgment that you cannot be sure about the problem?

The idea seems to mean something, then it should often become no longer necessary to have more appropriate responses and ideal treatments at this time.

Therefore, in such a seemingly fairly intuitive understanding of the situation.

Leaves the remaining other people with the knowledge they may have about the problem, and it becomes unnecessary to have more analysis of the problem.

A more intuitive way of facing the situation, so it would have a suitable analysis that is quite good.

The understanding will become common, so under such circumstances, it becomes unnecessary to have a time that can be accepted by others.

Also needs to bring what kind of appropriate explanation or thinking preparation that is quite satisfied with the problem.

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