Blood Source Era

Chapter 156: : Destruction after sacrifice

Then there was a terrible shaking of the mountains.

The castle on the top of the mountain did not know where the collapse began, and then a large area of ​​damage appeared immediately.

Huge and fierce cracks appeared on the surface of the beautifully crafted castle.

The originally carefully carved sculpture directly turned into boring gravel during the destruction.

It is estimated that the difference between sculpture and stone is also derived from this.

If he did not suffer any damage, it would look like the most expensive and exquisite artwork.

But if you receive even a little damage, people can immediately recognize the other party. It is just an ordinary stone, and there is no great value. It is a stone.

Judgment and give an accurate answer that fits your philosophy.

It does not matter whether the answer in the idea is correct or not. The important thing is that they give an accurate answer.

This is enough, the idea is right or wrong and does not make any sense.

It's like if a person makes mistakes, then he must bear the sins of the mistakes he made.

This guy will become a complete sinner.

No matter what kind of atonement, or make up, there is no way to change his image.

For the vast majority of people, perhaps this is the way it is. Since you have been hurt, then the other party is bound to be inexcusable.

So it is in such a situation that perhaps such a thing can be known to fewer people, then the better.

Aaron calmly treated the scene in front of him with a calm expression.

Now that I know I have done anything, the emotional response is useless.

Then showing any one's own emotions is nothing more than saying something that makes others feel nasty and redundant.

Sometimes it is not important whether a thing is right or wrong, or whether it is right or wrong.

Because what people care about is not the matter of this matter, whether it is right or wrong.

Does that make any sense? People just want to get pleasure in the dispute.

The moment of rejoicing and joy you can enjoy when you defeat your opponent from this dispute.

There are many people who do not hesitate to hurt each other in order to be able to get such a moment of joy to achieve their goals.

Whether this is just or wrong, whether it is right or not, naturally no one can give an accurate answer.

Because no one ever knows, what exactly can be used to define the winner is always correct.

What's more, in this chaos and conflict, strictly speaking, there is no winner at all.

Aaron looked down at what he was holding.

After possessing this thing, since the president of the Hunter Guild has already died in this conflict and battle.

So he, who undoubtedly owns this thing, is a person who has all the power.

No one can claim anything from his hands at this moment.

As long as enough to live away from this ghost place, Yawen can become the president of the Hunter Guild.

Then leave here first, and the rest will be discussed later.

Looking at the palace that was about to break down, Aaron finally picked up Luna and turned and walked across the long bridge that was broken by the strong wind.

He returned to the large library of the Academy of Magic from the beginning, and then returned directly along the same path without hesitation.

Although the truth of the matter and what the situation looked like, Aaron could not really understand.

Although vaguely aware of this in his own heart, this matter seems to be related to the president of the Hunter Guild.

And there is a certain conspiracy relationship.

But maybe this is a psychological effect that doesn't make people feel happy, or Aaron's instinctive resistance to such an answer.

Reject, and continue to think down the past following the conspiracy.

Anyway, things have already happened, in order to finally solve that monster. Andre, the president of the Hunter's Guild, chose to die with the other party.

With such tragic behavior and life as the final disguise, the monster was completely sealed in the palace castle.

Although it is not clear whether this can actually kill the other party, there is no doubt that he is a brave man who has done such a thing.

So as long as the person who did this thing is a guy worthy of respect.

Therefore, it is meaningless to do any suspicion about conspiracy.

It is not a humane act to make a final slander on anyone who has become a dead person.

And making such a person is bound to be despised by Aaron.

So it is in such a situation that the pressure wheel no longer has any other ideas, or extra words.

Too many things are meaningless and useless.

Isn't it practical to solve things about the future, and it will be more happy to come.

So it is in his mind to do such a plan, and plan considerations, Aaron can be said that without any hesitation, he headed directly out of the ruined ruined Academy of Magic.

There should never be anything worth paying attention to here.

Passing through the dark and horrifying world, finally came out of the large library.

I was returning to the foot of the mountain on the ascending road again, and I did not encounter any other extraneous movements or changes along the way.

It's also possible that it's just that he is not having more relationship with the darkness around him.

So in this case, there is nothing more to say.

Perhaps this is due to fate, although Aaron solved the hidden dark things above.

And for this he took the life of the last president of the Hunter Guild ~ ~ But when he left, he didn't even notice the dark underneath the big library.

In the dark abyss that can't be seen at all, what is hiding is foolishly moving.

It seems to be very clear that he is very weak, so the darkness hidden in the abyss does not dare to jump out and show his own strength.

He is very conscious of his duties and is in the shadows, and tries his best to cover his breath, hoping not to be discovered.

It wasn't until the sound of Aaron's footsteps gradually walked away that the shadow began to move slowly.

A new disgusting life is slowly gestating and developing in the dark.

As long as there is enough time, no one knows whether this darkness will grow into a new ancient **** again. Epoch of blood

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