Mu Zi called Zhuang Jia, but it took a while to get through.

Zhuang Jia's voice was hoarse, as if she had been crying.

Mu Zi asked about her situation carefully, and was relieved when she learned that Zhuang Jia was living with her mother now.

"It's good that your mother is here, I'm still worried that you have no one to accompany you." Mu Zi said, "Don't be in a hurry to go abroad recently, just rest for a while..."

Before Mu Zi finished speaking, Zhuang Jia suddenly raised her voice: "Going abroad?!——I'm never going abroad again! I'm not going anywhere!"

Mu Zi was stunned: "Jiajia..."

"Zizi, can you believe it? He actually hid the blade in the towel!" Zhuang Jia hissed, not knowing whether it was shock or anger, "If I was coaxed into the bathroom by him, my throat would have been slit by now , lying in the bathtub waiting to die!... Liar, it's all fake! It's all lying to me! Even the name is fake!..."

The voice behind her faded away, and seemed to be crying again. After a while, the phone was switched to another person, and the voice of Zhuang Jia's mother Shen Xinru came.

"Zizi, Jiajia is a little... a little irritated now. I'll ask her to call you when she gets better."

Mu Zi hurriedly said: "It's okay, Auntie, take care of Jia Jia first, if you need any help, please call me anytime."

"Okay, thank you all..."

After the call ended, Mu Zi felt very uncomfortable.

She had worked as a prosecutor before, and occasionally came into contact with survivors like Zhuang Jia who had escaped death. Usually, after the matter calmed down, they would get out of the shock, and then the more they thought about it, the more afraid they became. As for how much psychological shadow it causes, each individual is different...

Mu Zi sighed inwardly.

She couldn't help from a long distance, and even if she could make a phone call, she was not good at persuading and comforting others.

I hope Zhuang Jia can overcome the psychological impact of this incident.


Originally, Zhuang Jia had an optimistic and lively personality, and she had a romantic dream about marriage that every girl has. However, the lover she thought she was in love with turned out to be a murderer, and Zhuang Jia was shocked.

Nothing happened that night, but every night after that she started to suffer from insomnia, and even if she managed to fall asleep, she would have nightmares.

And Zhuang Jia's mother is a well-known designer, has her own luxury brand, is very busy with work, often stays up late to draw manuscripts, and cannot be with Zhuang Jia all the time.

Sometimes, after Zhuang Jia fell asleep, Zhuang's mother, Shen Xinru, would go to her studio to draw a draft, and would be startled by Zhuang Jia's screams in the middle of the night.

After a few days like this, the mother and daughter were a little overwhelmed.

Zhuang Jia woke up from the nightmare again, wiped the cold sweat off her face, and said to Shen Xinru: "Mom, this is not going to work, I have to move out! Otherwise, I will go crazy!"

Zhuang Jia is extremely insecure now. When she closes her eyes, she looks naked and soaked in blood. There is a big gap in her neck, and blood gushes out from inside!

It's so creepy!

"Where are you going to move?" Shen Xinru had no choice but to feel sorry for her daughter, "How about I ask Sister Peng to move upstairs to accompany you?"

Zhuang Jia shook her head with a pale face. Now, except for her own mother, no matter who she looked at, she felt like a murderer!

The world is unpredictable, even a husband who loves each other can become a murderer, so what about the servants at home? Where is the driver? Where is the cook?

Zhuang Jia couldn't believe it!

"I know Officer Jiang still has a vacant room. She should be willing to help me, but it's just a little..." Zhuang Jia hesitated, "I'm a little embarrassed..."

Shen Xinru said: "You call first and ask!"

It's embarrassing to disturb others, but she is really scared, and now she just wants to find a safe place to sleep soundly.

Zhuang Jia plucked up her courage and called Jiang Ci——

"Jiang Sister Jiang, are you still single now?"

"What?" Jiang Ci was stunned.

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