Ning Yuewei thought that in order to ensure that the wedding car convoy did not get stuck in traffic, Situ Yan arranged for relevant departments to conduct traffic control.

She was in a complicated mood for a while.

Being treated preferentially, one is naturally very proud of one's feelings, but things like marriage are always planned to be festive and lively, and now it is deserted, what does it look like?

Besides, everyone is gone, who will witness her grandeur when she gets married?

Sitting next to her was the groom Xie Lixuan, who seemed to have affected his mood because of this, and the smile on his face was very weak.

Ning Yuewei said softly: "My uncle should be worried that the traffic congestion on the road will delay the time of the wedding banquet..."

Before he finished speaking, Xie Lixuan gave her a strange look: "You don't know?"

Ning Yuewei was stunned, "Know what?"

"The president's son-in-law is throwing money on Baidi Road, and everyone who can go nearby will probably grab it." Xie Lixuan said, with a trace of disgust in his eyes, "Like a nouveau riche, vulgar!"

Ning Yuewei's heart trembled.

If it wasn't for the delicate makeup on her face, she could see her pale face.

How could this be?

Didn't the man Mu Zi married didn't have a job? Where did the money come from? !


Both sides of Baidi Road have already been crowded!

The wedding car drove smoothly on the road, with a helicopter patrolling and escorting the sky, and an extremely huge airship slowly drifting in the sky.

The airbag of the airship is in the shape of a whale, and the pod is decorated with roses, and countless bright red roses will be thrown down every once in a while——

Mu Zi was very pleasantly surprised to see it in the car. She opened the car window to look, and asked Murong Cheng, "The flower rain you prepared? It's so beautiful!...Ah, but it seems a bit wasteful to fall to the ground..."

So many flowers.

Thousands of delicate roses are trampled on the ground, and it hurts to think about it.

But at this moment, the surprise in my heart was far greater than the regret, and there were few opportunities in life to be so extravagant, Mu Zi watched the roses falling from the sky, feeling extremely sweet.

Murong Cheng smiled indifferently, and said, "It won't be wasted."

As Murong Cheng said, those roses were snatched up by the crowd watching on both sides before they even fell to the ground!

Mu Zi opened her eyes wide in surprise.

What are they doing for flowers?

A few roses fell onto the windshield, Mu Zi looked carefully, only to find that those were not real roses, but flowers folded from banknotes!

Mu Zi was dumbfounded, and for a long time, he slapped Murong Cheng lightly, dumbfounded, "You're so foolish!"

Money can't be so squandered!

The flowers rained non-stop, floating all over the sky, and every time it fell, the crowd burst into cheers!

Maybe it's because it's new, or maybe it's stimulated by money, the atmosphere of the whole road is so lively that it's unbelievable!

Gradually, some people began to shout "Happy Newly Married", "Forever Together", "Longevity"...

The person who drove the airship was also mischievous, throwing money wherever he yelled loudly! The sound of blessings came and went on both sides of the street, like a festival, people scrambled to grab the rain of flowers, while holding up their mobile phones and shouting, everyone laughed.

Seeing the excitement outside, Mu Zi couldn't help laughing, but felt that sitting in the car was boring, why not go out and grab a few money roses.

Murong Cheng raised his eyebrows, and asked her with a bit of complacency: "Are you happy?"

Mu Zi turned her head to look at him, the corners of her brows and eyes were full of smiles, her clear and bright eyes were shining brightly, overflowing with undying affection.

"Happy." She bit her lower lip lightly, and replied with a smile, "Very happy."

"As long as you're happy." Murong Cheng was also in a very good mood.

Mu Zi teased him: "Are we spending money to buy happiness?"

"Don't worry about how the happiness comes from, as long as the happiness is real happiness, that's enough."

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