What Murong Cheng said was just a joke.

Although he has been the head of the Huo family for many years, although he has caused anger and resentment, his frightening methods have made most people turn pale and panic when they talk about him.

Murong Cheng is the fate of a hero in troubled times. What is a hero in troubled times? It means that the more chaotic the world is, the more he can do something, but in a peaceful and prosperous world, he will live a mediocre life.

Huo Zheng tried so many methods but couldn't kill him, which further proved how insane Murong Cheng's fate is, and everyone in this business is superstitious, and the mystery added to his prestige.

Huo Jun knew that he was a small character, so he didn't dare to provoke Huo Zheng, let alone Huo Rong.

If Huo Rong appeared in front of him in embarrassment like a mouse hiding in Tibet, Huo Jun might inform Huo Zheng, but Huo Rong appeared in front of him swaggeringly and invited him to be a guest, Huo Jun really didn't dare .

Those thoughts, I dare not even think about them.

When I left, I saw the president's daughter, how could I not recognize it? Recently, this young lady won another lawsuit. The news media are almost touting her to the sky. Who doesn't know her?

Huo Jun saw the piebald boa constrictor at her feet, and immediately thought of Huo Rongjian's crocodile pond, he shivered and his legs went weak!

I just feel that this couple is fierce and fierce, and they must not be offended!

That night, according to Murong Cheng's instructions, Huo Jun brought a person with him.

The person was packed in a burlap bag, thrown from the car to the gate with a bang, and then the car hurried away in the dark. The whole process did not take more than a minute.

The bodyguard immediately told the steward.

The manager immediately told Mu Zi.

Mu Zi just fell asleep, and was too lazy to get up after being woken up, weakly pushing Murong Cheng beside him to have a look.

Murong Cheng got up and put on his clothes, and said, "Huo Jun brought me a gift."

"What gift to give in the middle of the night..." Mu Zi mumbled with her eyes closed.

Murong Cheng bent down and kissed her, then turned and went out.

Mu Zi continued to sleep on the bed, but she felt something was wrong when she fell asleep, her mind gradually became clearer, she quickly put on some clothes and got up, and went to chase Murong Cheng.

In the middle of the night, what gift did Huo Jun come to give? Will there be fraud?

Mu Zi is not afraid of anything else, but she is afraid that something will happen to Murong Cheng!

The man in front was tall and had long legs, by the time Mu Zi caught up with him, he had already reached the gate.

The cylindrical street lights are towering and bright, illuminating the roses and climbing vines on both sides in bright green, and the flat road in front of the courtyard is even more snow-white.

In the middle of the road lay a khaki burlap bag, wriggling from time to time without making any sound.

The bodyguard untied the burlap bag, revealing an old man, whose mouth was tightly gagged with a cloth head, unable to speak, only a pair of eyes that kept rolling around, looking very restless.

When the old man saw Murong Cheng, he was taken aback for a moment, and then his eyes widened in horror. Regardless of his hands and feet being tied, he struggled desperately to escape.

Murong Cheng grabbed his back collar with one hand, and dragged him directly into the yard.

Mu Zi followed Murong Cheng, and finally recognized who this person was.

"Huang Laogui?!" Mu Zi pulled Murong Cheng's sleeve, "He is Huang Laogui!"

Behind him, the tangled iron gate was closed and locked.

Murong Cheng let go of his hand, Huang Laogui's body suddenly fell on the bluestone brick pavement, his head thumped loudly.

Murong Cheng pulled the cloth from Huang Laogui's mouth, stepped forward and kicked it with both feet.

"Run, keep running if you have the ability! In the end, the same thing will fall into my hands!" Murong Cheng's eyes were filled with darkness.

He hated being played by others the most in his life. Huang Laogui messed up and ran away with gold, which can be said to have violated Murong Cheng's taboo.

Old Ghost Huang gritted his teeth in pain, and the fat on his face trembled, "Oh, forgive me! Be merciful! I said at the beginning that there is only a 30% certainty! You know it too!"

Murong Cheng sneered: "Then why are you running? I think you knew you were going to fail, so you made preparations for sneaking ahead of time!"

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