While waiting for the jury's results, Jiang Zhinuan and Jiang's father and Jiang's mother stepped forward to ask about Mu Zi's current situation.

"Since that man committed suicide, my son should be fine, right?" Mother Jiang asked anxiously.

Mu Zi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Auntie, suicide is my speculation. The final verdict depends on the jury's final discussion. Don't worry, the prosecution's evidence is not sufficient, and we still have a chance to appeal."

Mother Jiang said with certainty: "He definitely committed suicide!"

She believed it too.

Mu Zi smiled and said, "It seems that my closing statement has worked well."

Everyone laughed, feeling a little more relaxed in the depressing court trial.

Only Jiang Zhinuan didn't smile, she was staring into the distance in a daze, Mu Zi followed her gaze and saw Zhang Xiaona bowing her head and weeping, and Jiang Huan standing beside her, talking in a low voice.

The expressions of the two are not very good-looking, and the content of the conversation may not be too pleasant.

"Probably won't have the bouquet of flowers that I promised you." Jiang Zhinuan said quietly.

Mu Zi could understand that after such a thing happened, it might be very difficult for the two of them to talk about marriage.

Not only is Jiang's father Jiang's mother resisting, but now there is a life between the two of them. Pan Zhe's death will become a shadow, covering this marriage forever.

Mu Zi pulled Jiang Zhinuan aside and said, "It's okay, I can wait for you and Wang Zilong to hold flowers!"

"Me and Wang Zilong?" Jiang Zhinuan smiled, but said nothing.

"What's the matter with you two?" Muzi asked gossipingly, "Is there any progress?"

"Usually it's hard to even see each other, so what progress can we make?" Jiang Zhinuan refused to reveal, Xu felt embarrassed, and his cheeks flushed slightly.

When Mu Zi asked again, Jiang Zhinuan said, "Don't you think he is more suitable for Zhuang Jia?"

"Stop fighting, both of you!" Mu Zi looked helpless, "Zhuang Jia said that Wang Zilong likes you, but you also said that Wang Zilong likes Zhuang Jia! I was confused by you!"

Jiang Zhinuan pursed her lips, and said in a low voice: "It turned out that when Zhuang Jia was here, it was easy to get along with each other, but after Zhuang Jia went abroad, I got along with Wang Zilong... It was always weird, and there was nothing to talk about. I don't know what to do when we meet... Zizi, I'm not as lively as Zhuang Jia, do you think it's possible that he fell in love with the wrong person?"

"Unless he is mentally handicapped." Mu Zi stared blankly, "How can anyone make a mistake about who they like?"

After finishing speaking, she asked Jiang Zhinuan again: "The point is, do you like him?"

Jiang Zhinuan just blushed and hesitated to answer.

Mu Zi felt that there was probably no need to worry about her friends.

An hour later, the jury's results were in.

The court pronounced that Jiang Huan and Zhang Xiaona were not guilty of murder.

When they walked out of the gate of the court, the reporters outside swarmed forward, and the scene got out of control for a while.

Fortunately, Mu Zi was escorted by bodyguards, so she was able to come out smoothly. Before getting in the car, she looked back, Zhang Xiaona and Jiang Huan were already covered by the crowd of reporters, she couldn't see them anymore.

Mu Zi sighed inwardly, lowered his head and got into the car.

The man in the car opened his eyes lazily, and said in a low voice, "I knew this would happen. I should wish him a beautiful marriage."

Mu Zi burst out laughing.

If Jiang Huan got married smoothly, Mu Zi would only spend one day to attend the wedding, but now, Mu Zi spent several days preparing the case.

Murong Cheng felt that the gain outweighed the loss, and he suffered a lot.

"Are you free to accompany me now?" Murong Cheng squinted at her.

"I want to accompany you!" Mu Zi smiled and rushed over, pecking his chin, "Thank you for helping me find clues!"

Murong Cheng asked a hacker to crack Pan Zhe's various account passwords.

When she first found out about the video, Mu Zi felt strange. Pan Zhe asked Zhang Xiaona to shoot it, but Zhang Xiaona actually did it, and even gave the video to Pan Zhe for safekeeping. The close relationship between the two completely broke Mu Zi's common sense.

Anyway, it's finally over.

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