In the lounge, Jiang Huan was furious.

"What are you doing? Did I kill Pan Zhe?" He looked at Zhang Xiaona in disbelief, "Nana, do you also think I did it?"

"I didn't! I didn't know it would happen!" Zhang Xiaona's face was pale and she was still in shock.

She turned to look at Zhou Chen and asked, "Lawyer Zhou! What's going on here?"

"I'm sorry, Ms. Zhang, but I can only do this." Zhou Chen said, "I am your lawyer, not Mr. Jiang's lawyer. I must do my best to protect your interests. The current situation is very unfavorable to us. , it is better to sacrifice one of them than to be convicted together."

At the end, he glanced at Jiang Huan and said in a low voice: "If Mr. Jiang really loves you so much, I think he will be willing to sacrifice for you..."

"What did you say?!" Jiang Huan was shocked.

"Calm down." Mu Zi who was sitting on the side said weakly.

"Calm down? He just said in front of the jury that I'm a murderer! How can I be calm?!" Jiang Huan couldn't believe what happened to him, "Now everyone will think that I'm blinded by jealousy! I'm a murderer! How will they sentence? Ten years? Twenty years? Life imprisonment or death penalty?!"

Zhang Xiaona cried: "I really didn't know it would become like this!"

The lounge was filled with Jiang Huan's roar and Zhang Xiaona's crying, Mu Zi was disturbed and felt noisy.

"Lawyer Zhou, your move is really terrible." Mu Zi looked at Zhou Chen indifferently.

"Miss Situ, as long as this method works, it doesn't matter whether you are inferior or not." Zhou Chen said in a deep voice, "The prosecution's point of view is conspiracy to murder, pay attention, it is conspiracy! As long as we attack each other, the jury will be left with the impression that there is only one murderer. , the jury will hesitate, they can't tell who did it! They can't determine who is the murderer! Once reasonable doubt exists, maybe we can get a verdict of not guilty! Survival!"

"It's such a turnaround." Mu Zi said expressionlessly, "To be precise, my client should be sentenced to life imprisonment, while your client was sentenced to life imprisonment."

Zhou Chen explained: "Miss Situ, I understand your anger, but I'm just doing my duty as a lawyer, you can also question my client, as long as the jury's finger point is blurred, we can win a chance. "

"I'm not angry." Muzi pulled up the corners of her mouth, with a half-smile, "If you let me know in advance, I might be willing to play a play with you, but I just think you're despicable because of your impromptu raid. Lawyer Zhou, I'm very happy to be with you." Collaborate, and hopefully we will never work together again in the future.”

Mu Zi got up and walked out.

Jiang Huan looked at Zhou Chen, then at Zhang Xiaona, feeling irritable and annoyed, he followed Mu Zi out of the lounge.

"What shall we do next?" Jiang Huan asked after Mu Zi.

Mu Zi stopped and glanced at him: "You never told me that Zhang Xiaona lived with Pan Zhe."

"I thought it had nothing to do with the case!" Jiang Huan opened his eyes wide, "I didn't mean to hide it!"

"What's the matter with the video?" Mu Zi asked him, "You were completely unaware that you were filmed?"

Jiang Huan raised his hand and said again: "I really don't know! I only found out about the video today, I swear!"

Mu Zi thought for a while and said, "You don't have to appear in court for a while, I will question Zhang Xiaona."

Jiang Huan's expression changed slightly, and he asked nervously, "You don't mean to testify against Nana for murder, do you? Just like he testified against me just now..."

Mu Zi rolled his eyes, speechless: "Do you think the prosecutor is a fool?"

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