After becoming a ghost, Mu Zi couldn't see the facial features of a living person clearly, but she was able to see the mage very clearly, very clearly!

So Mu Zi has a deep memory of the mage's face!

He was short, with a round face and a slightly chubby face. He looked like an unattractive half-century old man, and when he grinned, his lower jaw's gold teeth would be exposed.

Even though his clothes changed drastically, Mu Zi still recognized him from the crowd at a glance!

She shouted loudly, attracting the attention of passers-by nearby.

Jiang Ci glanced at the crowd, but didn't see any mages. The street was crowded with people coming and going, and it was impossible to tell who was who.

"Where is he? Where did he go?" Jiang Ci asked.

Mu Zi's eyes were blank, and his eyes lost focus, "He's gone..."

Seeing many passers-by looking at them, Jiang Ci pulled Mu Zi aside and asked her in a low voice, "What's going on? What's the matter with the mage you're talking about?"

Mu Zi didn't mention the mage to Jiang Ci. Jiang Ci only thought that a supernatural event had happened, but he didn't know that Mu Zi was resurrected through a well-prepared ritual.

Mu Zi's face was full of disappointment, and she told Jiang Ci: "A man saved me. He took my body to a mage and paid a box of gold to bring me back to life."

"A box of gold?" Jiang Ci was speechless, "This man is really rich! Who is he?"

Mu Zi shook her head very discouraged, "I don't know. I saw that mage just now, and thought I could ask him about his identity, but I couldn't catch up."

After all, she let out a long sigh, extremely melancholy.

Jiang Ci found it incredible, and couldn't help asking: "How come you don't know who he is? Don't you have any clues? It must be someone who has a close relationship with you to resurrect you at such a high price. Think about it carefully." think!"

Mu Zi still shook her head, dejected.

Jiang Ci thought for a while, then suddenly raised her fist and clapped her hands, "I know!"

Mu Zi looked up at her, "You know?"

"I see, it's probably a victim of one of your previous cases." Jiang Ci said decisively, full of confidence, "Because you brought the murderer to justice, in order to repay the favor, he tried to revive you!"

Subconsciously, Mu Zi felt otherwise, if it was just to repay her kindness, why would she...kiss her?

But it was a bit difficult to say, and after thinking about it carefully, she felt that Jiang Ci's words made some sense. Maybe, she came into contact with that man in the process of handling the case, and inadvertently helped him, so he fell in love with him?

She has taken over countless cases, and every time a case is closed, someone will be grateful to her, and someone will hold a grudge against her. If you want to find out the identity of this person, the hope is really slim.

"He rescued you but didn't come to you, maybe he was deliberately concealing his identity." Jiang Ci comforted her, "You don't have to feel disappointed, maybe he will suddenly appear one day."

Jiang Ci's words made Mu Zi's mood slightly better.

The other party has not shown up for such a long time, it is indeed very likely that it was intentional.

She is grateful to this mysterious person, and she wants to know the identity of the other person in order to repay the kindness, but she does not want to embarrass the other person by the reckless investigation.

Mu Zi was no longer depressed because of this, but she was somewhat disappointed that she couldn't figure out who the savior was.

On the way home, she couldn't help thinking, why did that mage suddenly appear in the downtown area? His expression at that time seemed to be a little flustered... Who was he hiding from when he ran away in the crowd? Could it be related to that mysterious man?

Mu Zi has a lot of things on her mind.

Back at Xiaoyanglou, Bai Wei was not there.

Mu Zi was changing shoes at the entrance, seeing many dirty shoe prints on the floor, she couldn't help being stunned.

Bai Wei likes to be clean and tidy, the floor is mopped twice a day in the morning and evening, how could the house be so dirty?

She suddenly realized in her heart, walked a few steps up the stairs, and opened her door——

Sure enough, her room was in a mess.

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