Every time there is a major exam, there will always be some reporters waiting outside the exam room, randomly interviewing some parents of the candidates, and after going back to sort it out, it will be a hot news.

Unexpectedly, Mu Zi also met once.

The reporter smiled and asked: "Seeing that you two are in a good mood, you must have performed well in the judicial examination this time? Can you give us a general impression?"

Because Mu Zi was wearing an admission ticket, the camera mainly focused on her.

"The exam went well, and the interview questions were both expected and unexpected."

Mu Zi was not at all shy when facing the camera. She used to participate in public trials and often had to speak in front of the camera.

"The previous rote-memorized test questions have been integrated to a certain extent. It not only examines the basic knowledge points, but also increases the assessment of dialectical thinking. This shows that the judicial reform in our country has never stopped, and it is becoming more and more democratic and free. , I am very happy to see such a change, and I am very honored to have participated in this exam."

The reporter was a little confused, he just thought it was rare to have a beautiful girl among the candidates, so he wanted to interview a few words, but he didn't expect the other party to speak clearly and logically.

Which family's daughter is this?

"You look young, did you come from another place to take the exam?"

"Yes, I am seventeen years old this year, and I am a student of Qingjiang Grey International Middle School." Mu Zi sent a wave of advertisements to the school by the way.

The reporter thanked Mu Zi and took the cameraman to interview other candidates.

Thinking of the changes in the test questions that Mu Zi said just now, the reporter asked several people one after another. Unexpectedly, many candidates echoed Mu Zi's statement, saying that the test questions this time contain a lot of gold.

This shows that although Mu Zi is young, what he said has something to say, not empty talk.

The reporter was hesitant to interview Mu Zi again, maybe he could dig out more bright speeches?

The cameraman checked the machine, played back the shots just taken, and said to himself: "You are only seventeen years old, and you are so beautiful, why would you want to participate in the judicial examination? Generally, female students at this age want to be models. Is it an actor?"

"Hmm...it's quite pretty." The reporter also came over to look at it, looked at it, and said suddenly, "Huh? Don't you think she looks like a person?"

"Who is it?"

"It's that Situ Yan, doesn't it look like it?"

"When you put it that way, it really looks like..."

One is from Jingling and the other is from Qingjiang. Even if they look alike, it doesn't mean much. The two just chat casually without thinking deeply.


Mu Zi went to have lunch with Murong Cheng, took a nap, and then took the afternoon exam.

After all the exams were over, she felt that she had finished a major event, and she felt a lot more relaxed, so she fell on the bed and didn't want to get up.

"Get up, go out to eat." Murong Cheng stretched out his hand to pull her.

Mu Zi cheated, hugged the quilt and refused to get up.

Murong Cheng asked her angrily, "Aren't you hungry?"

"Hungry." Mu Zi blinked at him, "But I don't want to get up either."

Murong Cheng had nothing to do with her, "Just do it!"

He got up helplessly, went out to buy dinner, brought it back, and fed it into her mouth spoon by spoon.

It's ironic to think about it, in the past he looked down on Mu Zening's low-mindedness the most, why now, he feels that he is lower than that guy Mu Zening?

Considering his manly dignity, Murong Cheng felt that he should stop.

But when he saw Muzi's face puffed up, as if he was very happy and contented, he thought to himself: What does this have to do with dignity? This is obviously a small interest.

Murong Cheng gently blew the fresh shrimp custard in the blowing spoon, fed it into Mu Zi's mouth, and talked to her at the same time: "Let's make do with a few meals, and when we go back tomorrow, there will be something delicious..."

Mu Zi's cell phone rang suddenly.

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