The sky is big and the earth is big, you can always find a place to stay, but no matter where you go, if you want to have a secure life, you need money!

The night was dark and dense, and Qiao Jingjia returned to Xiao Wanwan's residence.

She planned to mortgage the house and set up a sum of cash to use as travel expenses for her fugitive career in the future.

It takes time for approval to go to the bank through formal channels, but if you find those informal loan companies, you can get the money on the same day!

Qiao Jingjia rummaged through drawers and cabinets frantically, trying to find Xiao Wanwan's real estate certificate.

All the lights in the house were turned on and brightly lit. She searched all the places she could find, but found nothing.

Qiao Jingjia was irritable and mad.

Damn, where is the real estate certificate hidden? !

At this time, the doorbell was rang.

Qiao Jingjia froze on the spot and didn't move for a while, she was terrified.

Who would come to Xiao Wanwan's house in the early hours of the morning?

Is it a neighbor? Is it the creditor who came to collect the debt? Or Xiao Wanwan's concubine?

Qiao Jingjia's face was pale, she walked to the door little by little, leaned slightly, and looked at the cat's eye on the door——

A man stood outside the door.

That face had appeared countless times in her nightmares, and it was the deepest fear in her heart!

Qiao Jingjia covered her mouth and tried her best not to let herself make a sound... It would be best if she pretended that there was no one in the house, and maybe he would leave.

But at this moment, the man moved.

He approached slightly, with a half-smile, and put his face close.

Eyes look into cat eyes, look in, look in...



Mu Zi got up early the next day and didn't sleep in for the first time.

She remembered Qiao Jingjia's phone call in her heart, and always felt that something might happen. Qiao Jingjia's tone and voice last night were too weird.

Mu Zi got up, and Murong Cheng naturally couldn't sleep.

The two changed clothes and washed, and then went downstairs to have breakfast, Huo Lin and Sarah were still sleeping, so when eating breakfast, there were only Mu Zi and Murong Cheng.

As Mu Zi ate, she became dazed.

Murong Cheng put a lot of bean sprouts on her plate.

Eating bean sprouts in the morning is quite strange, Murong Cheng said: "It is said that pig blood and bean sprouts can cleanse the body of dust and create a good environment for the future baby."

Mu Zi didn't listen at all, she ate whatever was on the plate.

"Will Qiao Jingjia be coerced by someone?" Mu Zi couldn't figure it out, and murmured, "A person like her who doesn't cry when she sees the coffin, if she hadn't been driven to a desperate situation, she wouldn't be like this..."

Mu Zi thought again: "Who will coerce her? She is about to get engaged to Mu Zening. When she is officially proud of herself, what is there to be unhappy about?"

"Maybe this is her trick." Murong Cheng fed her a mouthful of custard to prevent her from reading any further.

"Deliberately whet your appetite and arouse your curiosity, and then you will be led by her nose." Murong Cheng said.

Mu Zi didn't refute, she felt that what Murong Cheng said was quite reasonable.

Qiao Jingjia is really good at doing this, just like before, she lured Fu Chujun to attend the banquet of Mu's family step by step.

"I don't care about her, anyway, after I go back, I will know what she wants to do." Mu Zi felt relieved and continued to eat.

Qiao Jingjia fought with her many times, and each time she was defeated badly. Mu Zi was very confident that no matter what tricks Qiao Jingjia came up with, she would be able to handle it with ease.

The messy thoughts settled down, and the attention returned to the food in front of him.

She suddenly felt a strange taste in her mouth.

Mu Zi looked suspiciously at Murong Cheng, "What did you feed me?"

Murong Cheng was stunned for a moment, and said, "Pig blood tofu soup."

"I don't eat pig's blood." Muzi was annoyed, picked up the water glass and took two sips, "It's so disgusting."

Murong Cheng glanced at the soup bowl, the bowl of soup had already bottomed out, so if you don't want to eat it, just stop eating.

At this moment, a servant came over respectfully, "Master Rong, Young Master Gu is here."

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