The meaning in Liao Liqin's words was obviously not because she believed in Zhai Nan's character, and then believed that he did not commit a crime.

Rather, she felt that with Zhai Nan's personality, once he committed a crime, he should be a cautious criminal, not an impulsive one.

"The police said that before the incident, the victim had insulted Zhai Nan on the subway. Zhai Nan might have held a grudge and followed the other party to wait for an opportunity to retaliate. If we testify against him in terms of character, the prosecution may use the mentality of continuing to suppress and lose control. point of view against us."

Liao Liqin thought for a while, sat down beside Mu Zi, and asked, "Where is the victim? What kind of person?"

"23 years old, Shi Biqi, an extra in the repertory troupe, came home after rehearsal at night, and happened to be on the same subway as Zhai Nan."

Mu Zi handed over the information to Liao Liqin, someone was willing to help Zhai Nan, and Mu Zi was happy to have one more help.

"The subway was very crowded. Shi Biqi had physical contact with Zhai Nan. On the subway, she called Zhai Nan a pervert, sexually harassed her, said a lot of insulting words, and threatened that if Zhai Nan dared to touch her again, she would call the police. The latter two got out of the car at the same time, and Shi Biqi was raped in an alley a few hundred meters away from her home."

Mu Zi sighed, and said: "Afterwards, the prisoner escaped, Shi Biqi called the police, and identified Zhai Nan as the perpetrator."

"Have you ever had contact with this victim?" Liao Liqin asked.

Mu Zi shook her head: "I have called, but I haven't met in person. As the defendant's lawyer, contacting the victim too much is against the rules. She will sue me for harassment."

Liao Liqin nodded knowingly: "Is her testimony reliable? How is the environment of the crime? How is the light? Is there any shelter?"

"There is a street light twenty meters away." Mu Zi was silent for a moment, then said, "I think the possibility of being framed by the prisoner is very high. Shi Biqi was deeply impressed because of the dispute with Zhai Nan. When a person with a similar build appeared, It’s not impossible to admit mistakes.”

Liao Liqin understood, "So, you don't have any strong evidence here, so you want to find a personality witness."

Mu Zi smiled lightly, "You can't just wait."

Liao Liqin was silent.

After a while, she said, "Actually, you don't need to take this case. It might be more appropriate to hand it over to someone else."

Mu Zi said: "Call me after Zhai Nan's accident..."

"Maybe he's just using you." Liao Liqin interrupted her, "Could it be that you really consider him a friend? To be honest, do you consider Zhai Nan a friend?"

This question is very rude.

Mu Zi pursed her lips, "No..."

The answer sounds cruel, but in Mu Zi's view, the first condition for being a friend is to have a harmonious aura.

For example, she and Jiang Ci, Jiang Zhinuan, Zhuang Jia, and Xiao Ming and Yu Yang will be very comfortable and unrestrained when getting along.

And she and Zhai Nan can only be regarded as close classmates.

They are acquaintances, not friends.

"It's not easy for me to ignore things when they come to me." Mu Zi explained, "Also, I don't think he is using me. He just chose the most beneficial to him within the scope of the resources he knew. It's human nature, and I can understand that."

Muzi is well-known, and the case she handles, regardless of whether she wins or loses, will get a lot of exposure first.

With exposure, there will be attention, and any doubts will be magnified, which is undoubtedly very beneficial to Zhai Nan's case.

Therefore, Mu Zi could understand why Zhai Nan asked her to defend him desperately.

"But I really hate this kind of scheming." Liao Liqin said seriously, "As a student of the Judicial Training Institute, you should speak up about the pros and cons instead of playing tricks. Frankly speaking, I don't think he has put his mind on the right path at all."

Mu Zi smiled helplessly: "Teacher Liao, not everyone can be as straightforward as you..."

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