The room was silent.

Murong Cheng stared at Mu Zi in a daze, his whole body seemed to be petrified, motionless.

Mu Zi originally just wanted to tease him, but when she saw this reaction, she couldn't help but feel guilty, she turned her face slightly uncomfortably, and said awkwardly, "I'm just joking..."

The stagnant air finally loosened because of her words.

Murong Cheng raised his body, lay down next to her, put his palm on her abdomen naturally, and asked, "When did you know?"

Mu Zi twisted her body in embarrassment, "I was really just joking..."

"Are you kidding me?" Murong Cheng stared at her distrustfully, "Have you had your period this month?"

"No, but it's coming soon..." Mu Zi said softly, "It's about two days."

Both fell silent.

Mu Zi was too guilty to make a sound, while Murong Cheng looked suspiciously at the change in her expression.

After a while, Mu Zi couldn't stand him staring at her like this, turned her back to him, and muttered: "Even if you stare at me like this, I can't make a child..."

Murong Cheng thought about it, got up and opened the drawer of the bedside cabinet, took out a box of pregnancy test sticks, and pushed Mu Zi.

"Go check it out," he said.

In order to make him give up, Mu Zi had no choice but to go.

She felt that it was impossible, because she had just tested it not long ago, and the time interval was so short this time, I'm afraid the result would not change much.

After the inspection, Mu Zi saw a red line on it and felt calm.

Apart from being calm, I was also a little bit lost.

Pregnancy is so hard...

Thinking of Murong Cheng who was still waiting for news outside, she couldn't help but feel that she was embarrassed, that she really shouldn't have made that kind of joke... let him down for nothing.

Opening the door, Murong Cheng was indeed watching eagerly outside.

As soon as he saw Mu Zi come out, he stared at the pregnancy test stick in her hand with burning eyes.

Muzi felt the pressure more and more, handed him the result, and murmured: "No..."

Murong Cheng raised his eyebrows, and took the pregnancy test stick to check, with an extremely serious expression.

After watching for a while, he turned on the desk lamp again, and observed carefully under the strong light.

Mu Zi felt even more embarrassed, her cheeks became hot, "Don't look..."

No matter how you look at it, it is impossible to become two bars.

But Murong Cheng stared at it for a full two minutes.

"Zizi, you are pregnant." Murong Cheng said.

There was no joy or shock in the tone, and he said a sentence without any emotion.

Or maybe he hasn't adjusted his mood yet, and he doesn't know what tone to use to express this sentence.

Mu Zi felt that Murong Cheng was taking revenge on her.

Just because she made a very low-level joke just now, he is also here to deceive himself now.

What a cheapskate, don't suffer at all.

Mu Zi slandered in her heart, showing a surprised expression on her face, and then smiled, "Okay, we're even now, don't be angry."

Murong Cheng's gaze finally moved away from the pregnancy test stick, and turned to look at Mu Zi, "Two horizontal lines mean you're pregnant, right?"

"There are really two?" Mu Zi also leaned over to look, and there was a bright red line in the display area, and a very pale pink horizontal line.

"Could it be a quality problem?" Mu Zi frowned, wondering if the pregnancy test stick was inaccurate.

Murong Cheng asked her: "Try again?"

Mu Zi was also a little eager to try, after unwrapping the wrapping paper of the pregnancy test stick, she found it difficult again, "I don't... I don't have that..."

So embarrassing, pregnancy test...needs to pee.

Murong Cheng immediately went to pour water for her.

Mu Zi bit the bullet and drank more than half of the cup.

Then the two sat on the bed stupidly, waiting for Mu Zi's bladder to send a signal.

Happily, there has never been...

When Murong Cheng poured more water, Mu Zi shook his head in pain: "No, I really can't drink it anymore."

He was very anxious, wishing to confirm the result immediately, but seeing Mu Zi's appearance felt distressed.

"Stop drinking, let's go to the hospital tomorrow." Murong Cheng hugged her, gently stroking her soft belly, feeling very strange, "I must be pregnant."

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