Mu Zi quietly watched the man on the witness stand.

Tall and strong, with strong arms, it can be seen that he has the habit of exercising all the year round, and the expression on his face is dull, showing no clues.

"Is it him?" Qu Mingjun beside her asked her in a low voice.

Mu Zi looked indifferent: "I will know soon."

The prosecution asked Ding Houwei to testify in court for only one purpose, that is to overthrow Zhuang Jia's testimony. Since Zhuang Jia said that the story was heard from someone else, they found a witness to prove that the story came from Zhuang Jia herself.

"Mr. Ding Houwei, please tell everyone what happened at the party."

"At that time, a fashion show should have just ended. We were drinking and eating at the party. Someone proposed to play a game. Everyone shared an amazing story, and then Zhuang Jia talked about it." Ding Houwei said.

Qin Lei asked: "Can you tell me more specifically? About that matter."

Ding Houwei glanced at Zhuang Jia in the dock, and said: "It's been too long, I can't remember the details, I just remember that she mentioned a male model named Fei Li, and the two had some conflicts, and then... She killed each other."

"Are you sure the defendant told this story?" Qin Lei emphasized, pointing to Zhuang Jia.

Ding Houwei nodded: "I'm sure."

Mu Zi stood up, "Mr. Ding Houwei, can you repeat the story you heard in court?"

"I'm afraid not." Ding Houwei said, "It's been too long."

Mu Zi smiled: "Yes, it's been three or four years, but you can still remember it accurately. The story was told by my client. I have to say that your memory is very good."

Ding Houwei replied without changing his face: "After all, it is a murder, so I am very impressed."

"Yeah, it's really explosive. Were you shocked after listening to it?" Mu Zi asked him.

Ding Houwei hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Yes."

Mu Zi continued to ask: "And then? Did you do anything? For example, call the police?"

Ding Houwei frowned: "No."

Mu Zi asked in surprise: "Why didn't you call the police? You heard a shocking murder case, but didn't call the police? Didn't tell anyone? Didn't do anything?"

Ding Houwei couldn't help but retort: ​​"I thought she was joking at the time! Everyone drank and had fun and they were all bragging! I didn't take it seriously!"

"It turned out to be a joke..." Mu Zi suddenly realized and nodded, "So, you have memorized a joke that you didn't take to heart for three or four years! You forgot everything else at the party, except me The client is a joke, do you have a crush on my client?"

Ding Houwei's face turned pale instantly.

"Objection!" Qin Lei stood up angrily.

"I'm sorry, I take back my last sentence." Mu Zi looked at Ding Houwei with a smile, and said, "You don't have a crush on her, you want to frame her, right?"

"Objection! The defense lawyer is attacking the witness!" Qin Lei shouted hastily.

"Your Honor, I'm just trying to prove that this witness's testimony is inconsistent." Mu Zi said calmly, "I have the right to cross-examine any witness who accuses my client."

The judge pondered for a moment, and said: "The objection is invalid, and the defense lawyer can continue to question."

Qin Lei showed disappointment, and then sat down helplessly.

Mu Zi smiled, looked at Ding Houwei on the witness stand again, and approached slowly step by step.

There was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, and her clear eyes were bright, as if she saw a prey that had fallen into a trap, and her eyes were faintly jumping with joy.

"Mr. Ding Houwei, I like playing games very much, and I have a very good memory." Mu Zi walked up to him and looked at him with a smile in his eyes, "Just now you said that everyone at the party shared an amazing story, Zhuang Jia told the story of murdering Fili, how about you? Can you share with us, your story."

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