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“Hu, exhausted, won’t due!” He Muyang fell to the ground in large letters, and his whole body was soaked with sweat. He looked at Kimura Kazuya, who was sitting on the side and making a comfortable tea, He Muyang said dissatisfiedly: “Hey, old man, it’s been a year, you don’t teach me anything every day, just tell me to do these exercise, what’s the use, don’t you blame me?”

Picking up the cup and drinking tea leisurely, Kimura Kazuya sighed: “It’s really delicious! A light fragrance, the cheeks are fragrant! This is top grade enjoyment!”

Green muscles broke out on his forehead, and He Muyang was furious and shouted: “Hey, damned old man, talk to you, don’t ignore me, bastard!”

He glanced at He Muyang who collapsed to the ground like a dead dog. Kimura Kazuya said in a plain tone: “Aiya, are you talking to me?”

Watching He Muyang almost run away, Kimura Kazuya put down the glass and watched He Muyang slowly said: “Aren’t these all the training methods you told me? It’s better to exercise you, otherwise you The original small body, let alone learning the proven swordsmanship, cannot even complete basic training.”

Looking at He Muyang’s unconvinced look, Kimura Kazuya went on to say: “These trainings can exercise your body. It is indeed a good method. Basically, all parts of the body are exercised. The powerful arm can make You swing more powerful slash, strong legs can make you move faster, and the waist is the most important, the body’s loose and light spirit is reflected through the waist, the waist is connected to the upper and lower limbs link.”

Suddenly, Kimura Kazuya’s sly expression appeared on her face, “Also, a strong waist is more important on the bed!” He also squeezed his eyes at He Muyang, unable to say the sloppy and cheap.

“You are so shameless!” He Muyang’s scolded face was righteous, and then a trace of lowly laughed on his face. “But that’s true. It seems that the waist really needs to be exercised! Well, it’s decided, I want to do it again Do 1000 sit-ups!”

one old and one young looked at each other and smiled unconsciously, slyly and cheaply.

“However, is this really okay? I have been doing basic training all the time, just strengthening the body. As for combat skills and the like, I haven’t learned anything, and I haven’t gone to fight with others for a year, will you? Battle strength has dropped?”

As if seeing through the anxiety in He Muyang’s heart, Kimura Kazuya said with a smile: “Don’t worry, your strength hasn’t declined in the slightest. I can clearly feel that not only hasn’t it declined, but the strength has more than doubled.”

“How can it be?”

Seeing He Muyang’s unbelievable look, Kimura Kazuya explained: “These exercises not only strengthen your physique that’s all, until now weak foundation is your biggest flaw, and with these trainings, that no longer exists Now, your foundation is very solid. Moreover, in daily training, the coordination of your body is also improving. Now, you can control every strength of yourself!”

Kimura Kazuya looked at He Muyang, her face unprecedentedly serious, seriously said: “You must always remember that the power that cannot be controlled by yourself can not know as power, let alone pursue power, and the power beyond your own tolerance brings to you. Yours is not powerful, but destruction!”

Feeling Kimura Kazuya’s unprecedented solemnity, He Muyang put his smile away, earnestly said: “Relax, I remember!”

Is it like Ichigo that kind of power? I can’t grasp it. I’m not a protagonist. I don’t have a protagonist aura. If it’s like Ichigo, it will probably hang! Do you have your own strength? That is of course!

Hearing He Muyang’s serious answer, Kimura Kazuya sighed in relief. I can feel the huge potential in this child, I’m really afraid that he will go astray, but since he has been warned, he solemnly agreed, it should be no problem, because he is such a person, as long as serious The promised things will definitely be done. Just like these boring trainings, although complaining all the time, as long as you make up your mind, you will definitely complete it seriously. What a pure child!

Looking at He Muyang who fell to the ground, Kimura Kazuya was relieved. I am so lucky to meet this child at the end of my life.

Looking at He Muyang who started to do sit-ups again, Kimura Kazuya picked up the tea cup and savored it, watching the sun setting gradually down from the sky, without the blazing heat at noon, exuding a soft radiance, and applying the last touch before falling Afterglow spilled over the world.


The heavy breathing sound awakened Kimura Kazuya from his own thoughts, and saw He Muyang’s exhausted appearance, Kimura Kazuya laughed: “Yo, brat, just made another 1000 in order to show the strong wind on the bed, you It’s really energetic. It seems that these sports can’t satisfy you anymore. I think you need to increase your training from tomorrow!”

“Don’t wow!” He Muyang called on the spot when he heard Kimura Kazuya, “I’m so tired, don’t increase it!”

“Ah, don’t you? I’m going to teach you Zanjutsu from tomorrow. It turns out that someone is unwilling, it seems that I am wishful thinking! Then forget it!”

“What? Zanjutsu?!” He Muyang jumped up from the ground excitedly, “I want to learn! I want to learn! Finally, don’t do these boring exercises anymore, look forward to it!”

“Really? I’m looking forward to it too, your expression!” Kimura Kazuya smiled unclearly.


next day ·········

“This is the so-called Zanjutsu?” He Muyang grumbled.

“Don’t talk nonsense, the first is the vertical slash sword 1000 times.”

“Every time you have to sway hard, concentrate, and stare straight ahead.”

“Why is this boring training again!” He Muyang was dissatisfied, but he still completed every time he wielded his sword seriously. With the wielding of the sword again and again, He Muyang gradually had a different feeling, feeling very weak, Almost imperceptible, with the ebbing of time, the feeling is getting stronger and stronger, apparently it’s a difference of only one level layer of film, but just can’t grasp the wonderful feeling.

With his sword waving again and again, He Muyang felt between Heaven and Earth as if he was only left with Zanpakuto, one man one sword, everything around him seemed to be isolated.

Kimura Kazuya watched He Muyang swinging his sword again and again, gradually putting in, until he was ecstatic, shocked. “How is it possible, although I feel that this child is a genius, but I touched True Meaning of Swordsmanship so quickly, and it seems that it will be fully comprehended soon, which is no longer a genius to describe! It is an evildoer!”

Suddenly, He Muyang got rid of that mysterious feeling, recalling everything just now, face confused, and turned his head to look at Kimura Kazuya, He Muyang had a trace of confusion in his tone: “That, old man, I just waved my sword There was a wonderful feeling when it seemed that only Zanpakuto and I were left in my hands, but suddenly I was separated from that wonderful feeling. What’s going on?”

Was it just the first accident? Is this normal? But this is already amazing, at first can achieve this level.

Hearing He Muyang’s question, Kimura Kazuya weighed in and said, “You have to know that the moves are dead, and people are alive. I’m not going to teach you any fixed moves, only the most basic things. Everyone There is everyone’s own battle style, and the predecessors’ moves are not necessarily suitable for you. You need to slowly summarize your own moves. After all, what suits you is the best.”

Following Kimura Kazuya’s remarks, He Muyang agreed with the nodded, “However, you have not answered my question at all!”

“Cough cough ·” Kimura Kazuya coughed twice, “As for the wonderful feeling you said, it is a realm that can only be realized after Kendō cultivation reaches a certain level.”

“Realm!? What realm?”

“Man and Sword Unity, man is the sword, sword is the man! is for slut!”

“Old man, are you teasing me!”

“Haha~~ Actually it’s almost the same. After that kind of realm, the sword in your hand is like a part of your body, it is an extension of the body, so that any move will be like an arm. After that kind of realm, send and receive Only by heart can we be regarded as Swordsmanship Great Success.”

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