Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 245 The difference between professionals and amateurs, assisted by technology

Second Division team building, on the path to the torture chamber.

Broken Bee's arms were hanging down, and he was walking with a cold face, like an iceberg that has been around for thousands of years. He exudes a temperament that is repellent from thousands of miles away, both inside and outside.

Ohmaeda Kichiyo shuddered, and forced a smile on his rough face, but he did not dare to talk to his captain at this time, and he did not even dare to touch his favorite pancakes.

As the vice-captain who claimed to know the captain best, he knew very well that Broken Bee was in a state of anger at this time, and if he was not careful, it would lead to unimaginable terrible disasters.

However, just as he was being careful, a chilling tone suddenly came to his ears:

"Who asked you to cross the threshold with your right foot first?"

"Go clean the maggot nest for three days!"

Omaeda Kichiyo's tiger body trembled, his eyes widened, and strong spiritual pressure surged around his body, as if it might explode at any time.

Facing the captain's brutal oppression for decades, the string in his heart had already been stretched to the limit, and now the sudden attack was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Omaeda Kichiyo suddenly turned around, stared at the two figures in front of him with red eyes, and shouted angrily:

"Just go!"

As if shocked by this guy's voice, Broken Bee also looked startled.

Sufeng raised his eyebrows and said in surprise: "Did Omaeda eat too many pancakes?"


Hearing Su Feng's voice, Suifeng snorted coldly and had no intention of answering him.

The girl's face turned cold again, as if she had been slashed by Hitsugaya Toshiro.

"Hey, I have such a bad temper!"

Su Feng was not used to it, so he grabbed Sui Feng's arm with his backhand and pressed it directly against the walls on both sides of the road.


Zhanfeng's beautiful eyes widened, and her left hand struck out with a white strike skill - Diao Shi. The wind howled and hit Su Feng's vital part of the chest.

But before he could touch the inner lining of the Death Overlord suit, his left hand was also imprisoned by Su Feng.

Immediately, both hands were grabbed by Su Feng's other hand, and they were raised high and pressed against the wall.

"Captain Broken Bee, you don't want the members of the Second Division to see you like this, right?"

Sufeng pretended to be evil and said with a ferocious face, "If you show the iceberg look before, I, the captain, will go directly to find that hateful demon cat from the Sifengyuan family."

"Think about it, her interrogation skills should be no worse than yours."

It seems that because of the shameful posture, Zhanfeng's cheeks turned red and he clenched his teeth tightly, as if he had the urge to bite the person in front of him to death.

"Collaborating with sinners, is this your consciousness as the captain of the ninth division?"

The stubborn girl still looked unconvinced.

"Understood, let the old guys in Room 46 of Zhenyang modify the laws and regulations."

Su Feng grinned, and Tai Ruo said naturally, "I must not let my reputation as the captain of Division 9 be tarnished."

Seeing that Suifeng's cheeks were getting redder and redder, and her whole body was almost smoldering, Sufeng released the hand that restrained her in time.

"About Bambietta's interrogation..."

Broken Bee turned away and said in an undetectable voice: "I can solve it."

Sufeng nodded with satisfaction.

In fact, Broken Bee was quite responsive to some of his requests.

It's just that this time, he didn't explain clearly when he brought Bambietta over, causing Broken Bee to mistake it for the Quincy he kidnapped from the present world.

Just like Maki Kurosaki.

In anger, Broken Bee transformed into a lioness protecting her calf, and angrily accused Su Feng of being a scumbag, saying words such as "Where did you put me?"

And this scene happened to be seen by Ōmaeda Kichiyo, who came to deliver official documents. The guy immediately showed an expression of shock, and it was completely tragic.

Until Su Feng explained it clearly to him, the arrogant Sui Feng still looked aloof.

Maybe he's angry with himself, maybe he's angry with Sufeng, or maybe both.

The greater possibility is that he was annoyed by his hurried words in anger and his gaffe in front of his subordinates.

To deal with the current situation, Sufeng said that he had quite a lot of experience, and he only needed to force it to break through the defense, just like he did just now.

After all, it’s not like the Tsundere Bee Tsundere has been around for two days.

Compared to decades ago when he first started practicing Shunkaku, Zombie now rarely shows this attitude.

Only when it comes to things that she cares about the most will she show signs of losing her composure.

Two figures, one behind the other, walked straight into the torture room of the Second Division.

As the dark side of the Gotei 13, the missions carried out by the Second Division have always been shady.

The only one that performed better was the police team headed by Kichiyo Ohmaeda.

In the dim environment, there were endless screams, and the sounds of flesh and blood being torn and burning were even more continuous.

This is the abode of true darkness and one of the most important venues for the Second Division.

Among those imprisoned are many nobles, Shinigami, and civilians from Rukongai. Anyone who violates the corresponding laws and regulations may be imprisoned and interrogated.

In the deepest room, Bambietta was tied and hung from the ceiling like pork ready for sale in the market, with her limbs bent and imprisoned together.

"Lil, Minnie, Jiadi, Gigi, woo woo..."

"I'm so scared, I want to go home..."

The wailing sound echoed in the room, and combined with the swaying and burning candles below, it gave people an atmosphere of horror and fear.

As a new generation genius of the Knights of the Star Cross who had lived in the Invisible Empire since childhood and received elite education, Bambietta had never seen such a scene before.

Not to mention it was a punishment, just by hanging her here for less than half a day, this guy had already told everything he knew.

Even the color of underwear he was wearing was told in detail.

"Well, so, what color is she wearing..." Su Feng hadn't finished speaking yet.

Bambietta hurriedly replied, "Black, purple and pink, I don't wear it occasionally!"

Broken Bee glared fiercely at this shameless woman and immediately shut her mouth.

"The information she gave is almost the same as what you provided. There are only slight differences in details."

When the room became quiet and the only sound left was the squeaking sound of the iron ropes shaking, Shatterbee added with a serious face:

"No matter how you look at it, the Invisible Empire is a powerful enemy that cannot be ignored."

"Especially when the other party still has a terrifying existence that can rival the Captain."

Sufeng glanced at her calmly and said calmly:

"That's not something you should worry about."

"After all, with your current level of strength, even if you hit the guy above, it will be quite difficult."

"Once the war starts, apart from logistics, the only option is to become cannon fodder."

Broken Bee was furious and wished he could give the guy in front of him a Thunder Whip.

"Do you, the Second Division, have any method that can completely break a person's will?"

Su Feng suddenly interrupted, causing Sui Feng, who was accumulating anger and whose blood pressure was soaring, to be startled for a moment, before subconsciously replying: "Yes..."

"Do you really want to?"

Her eyes shifted to Bambietta.

Sufeng nodded: "Squeeze out the last bit of her value and let her sacrifice everything she has to resist the invisible empire."

Broken Bee mused.

After a moment of silence, she said bluntly: "This extreme torture method will use different methods when targeting different people."

"According to my observation, Bambietta only surrendered on the surface. In fact, he still upheld the arrogance of being a Quincy in his heart."

"To her, we are just lowly, lowly creatures."

As if the Broken Bee had hit his mark, Bambietta stopped whining, her pupils suddenly shrank, and her body began to tense up.

"And through the analysis of the intelligence obtained, she only said something that was seemingly insignificant."

"Nothing is revealed about what is really important."

Sufeng took a deep breath, and his eyes towards Bambietta gradually became dangerous.

As if he realized that he was nearing the end, Bambietta also started to break the pot, and he no longer looked as weak as before. While cursing, he also did not forget to promote the greatness of Yhwach:

"Damn God of Death, when His Majesty returns, everything you hold dear will be completely destroyed, and the entire Soul Society will be destroyed."

"To meet your fate, you will only die in extreme despair!"

"What kind of interrogation method?"

Sufeng ignored this guy's hysteria and asked.

Broken Bee's eyes were cold and she said seriously: "To deal with such an arrogant woman, we must trample on her dignity so hard that everything she is proud of will be torn to pieces and she will be completely reduced to an inferior plaything."

The sudden increase in resentment even made Su Feng shiver.

"I'll teach you how to cooperate."

Broken Bee took a step forward, formed a seal with one hand, and chanted a ghost spell.

Immediately, the chains that imprisoned Bambietta were separated on both sides, and the whole person suddenly showed an extremely shameful posture.

Bambietta's eyes widened, as if she had already guessed the upcoming fate.

I saw the flash of the knife in Broken Bee's hand, and the white Quincy costume was instantly cut open, causing Sufeng standing aside to take a breath of cold air.

Noticing the movement beside him, Broken Bee glared at him angrily.

"Ghost path is not just a means to attack the enemy."

"By controlling the output of spiritual pressure, some very extreme interrogations can also be carried out."

"Just like this."

Broken Bee stretched out her slender fingers and pointed in front: "Broken Path No. 4: White Thunder."

In an instant, a blazing white electric arc surged out from the fingertips, instantly acting on the bound and imprisoned body.

On the black chains, Kidō spells appeared, suppressing the imprisoned person's spiritual pressure and abilities.

A scorching arc of lightning traveled over it. Bambietta's eyes widened and she let out a heart-wrenching cry that echoed in the room.

"This is just the beginning..."

As a professional, Zombie announced Bambietta's fate coldly.

Then in the next three hours, brutal and inhuman tortures were staged one after another. Even a veteran driver like Su Feng, who had experienced many battles, looked red in the face, as if the door to a new world had been opened again.

When it was all over, the girl's face was covered with traces of tears, her mouth was drooling, her eyes were white, and her long black hair was messy.

During this process, the other party re-explained a large amount of detailed information about the Invisible Empire and the members of the Star Cross Knights.

Minina and others who were most familiar with her were completely exposed and sold out.

Su Feng lamented that there were so many torture methods and he could not calm down for a long time.

Broken Bee was paying attention to the content of the intelligence, frowning, feeling that the future of Soul Society was dark.

If she had to face such a group of enemies in the future, then she would really be like Su Feng said, and could only serve as logistics or cannon fodder on the battlefield.

The abilities of the members of the Star Cross Knights are a bit too scary.

Just as Sufeng was thinking, Sufeng stepped forward, took out the prepared syringe, and drew a tube of blood from Bambietta's thigh.

"What are you doing?"

"Leave it to Nirvana and Seinosuke to study." Sufeng explained, "Even if your will is completely destroyed, you must still remain vigilant."

"Never take your enemy lightly."

Even among the Knights of the Star and Cross, Bambietta is considered the best.

It would be a pity to kill him directly.

It would be better to leave it to Nirvana and Yamada Seinosuke to research and see if they can come up with something similar to zombies.

Broken Bee didn't ask any more questions.

For her, as long as she can protect Soul Society and everything she values, it doesn't matter whether the means are dirty or not.

Sufeng left and went directly to the Technology Development Bureau of the 12th Division.

After checking the information, Broken Bee once again sealed the entire interrogation room with Ghost Road and turned around to leave.

In the dark space, only the sound of clear water dripping was left.


Regarding Sufeng's arrangements, Nirvana Li has always been willing to accept anyone who comes.

From the initial incarnation of the Great Hollow Arrancar, the Hollow Death God, to the later spiritual food, the Quincy's spiritual body research, and the current restraint methods, etc.

Sufeng gave him sufficient research authority and research materials. From the Great Void to the God of Death to the Quincy, everything he could think of was placed in the laboratory.

This alone is enough for Nirvana to give 100% sincerity.

Throughout the history of the Gotei 13, no captain of the 12th Division has ever been as unscrupulous as him.

Not even Urahara Kisuke!

"A small problem." Nirvana stared at the crystal clear blood in the test tube, "The poison for this blood can be studied at the microscopic level."

"At that time, whether it is controlling the body or spiritual pressure, it will be easy to do it."

Sufeng nodded, trusting Nie Yuli's words very much.

However, just as she was about to leave, she suddenly heard words of encouragement coming from behind:

"Dear Captain Sufeng, please wait a moment."

Looking back, Nie Yuli had already put down the test tube in his hand. The corners of his mouth were pulled to both sides on the strange face with black and white paint, and a crazy smile emerged:

"Remember the soul-complementing device I mentioned before?"

"That guy Seinosuke and I have already developed a replacement!"

"The side effects of that Zanpakutō can finally be completely eliminated..."

I was in trouble last time, so I didn’t dare to write too much. I hope nothing goes wrong this time, and my mother-in-law bless me!

In addition, I would like to thank you for the rewards from Body Trampling, Boss, and Derrick in the Forest. Thank you for your monthly ticket support!

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