Blackstone Code

Chapter 613


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“Mr. Lynch, Mr. Herbers wants to see you…”

The front desk of the hotel called Lynch who was resting. He just finished the negotiation with Gevlar about Yu Wenhua.

Lynch’s remarks touched Gevlar’s ​​monarchs, and in the end they decided to have limited multi-faceted exchanges with the powerful country of the Federation in society culture, instead of blindly and stupidly thinking in this as before. World Except for the culture of Gevlar that deserves attention, other cultures are rubbish.

This is also an effect brought about by the strength of military and politics. When you are weak, even if you shout crazy, people will only be regarded as boring noise.

But you are strong enough, even if you speak quietly, those who have not heard you say and so on, and those who have nothing to do with what you say, will try their best to inquire what you are saying and avoid becoming yours enemy.

The people of Gevlar hope to let the federal people know that they are not evil through culture. The advancement of society has made the monarchy an evil and decadent thing in some populations. In addition, Gevlar, as a victorious nation, is also Representatives of the aggressors, their image in the world is not good.

If it is possible to use culture to make the Federation people prefer Gevlar in terms of values ​​and world outlook, it is unlikely that Gevlar and the Federation will cause a military conflict in the future.

This is a proven fact. The previous evasionism and the current active expansion are actually a manifestation of the needs of the society at the bottom of the federal government.

To persuade the people of the Federation is equivalent to persuading the federal government. This is also one of the key reasons for the Lord Gevlar to agree to cultural exchanges.

This is a good phenomenon, and it has also played a vital role in advancing the peace process of the world.

It is worth mentioning that in the list of many cultural exchanges, it naturally also includes various film exchanges. Genia has also become a representative. She will start cultural exchanges between the two parties at the end. At that time, I went to the Federation with the exchange team.

And by Genia’s proposal, Gefra will co-produce no less than three main melody works with the Federation in subsequent exchanges, and Genia will act as the heroine of one of the films.

In general, both parties were very satisfied in the negotiations in this regard, and Nagalil immediately broke out with the current problems.

Lynch the past few days has been paying attention to the situation in Nagalil in the hotel. At this time, Mr. Herbers’ visit was also expected.

In the Gefola Venus Exchange this morning, the exchange rate of Galil to Fraser has fallen to three hundred to one. Converted to the federal Sol, it is about 100 to seventy to 100 eight to one. At night, there was a cliff-jumping plunge again.

Many international observation agencies believe that the situation in Nagalil will not change too well in a short period of time. While the Federation refuses to extend a helping hand to the Nagalil authorities at this critical time, it is also signaling other countries and Individuals should not meddle in Nagalil’s internal affairs casually.

The royal family of the authorities has not come up with effective solutions to solve these problems, and they can even say that they have done nothing.

This also means that they are then more impossible to clean up the mess quickly. It is possible that these problems will continue for a long time until the Nagalil Union kingdom is completely replaced by a new government.

Some newspapers with more courage even used “Countdown to Extinction” as the headline of Nagalil news in their reports. This shows that the whole world is facing the current dilemma of the Nagalil royal family, simply No hope.

This also forced Mr. Herbers to take the initiative to see Lynch. He still has a chance to make himself lose less. If he can get back all Galil now, or his part, He can return the borrowed as soon as possible, and then handle the remaining ones to even more crazy speculators by amplifying the exchange rate!

Don’t watch Galil’s exchange rate plummet in the past few days, but there is still no shortage of crazy gamblers willing to “buy the bottom” in the market. Just like during the federal financial tsunami a few years ago, there were also many people willing Go bet just in case.

In case Nagalil has reached certain agreements with the Federation, or reached certain agreements with other countries, as long as this government can maintain and Galil does not withdraw from the international currency environment, then their bargaining will be valuable Yes, and can get a good return.

In fact, Lynch had also been such a “lunatic” before. He and another Mr. “Herbert” ate the Gevlar war bonds like waste paper.

At that time, many people thought that his brain was not good. He put all the money he made into it, which was not crazy.

In fact, there is not much difference between him and those people now. They are betting on a one in ten thousand chance to increase the value of their investment by dozens or hundreds of times. This is also the reason why people can be crazy.

Normal investment behavior is very difficult even if it is doubling. The larger the capital, the smaller the probability, but it is possible here. As long as the rate of return is amazing enough, someone will always be willing to try.

In this world, there is no shortage of these lunatics, so as long as he can get the money back, Mr. Herbers can reduce his losses as much as possible.

Not long after, Lynch met Mr. Hebers in the living room. Compared to the last time they met at a party, Mr. Hebers was very haggard and embarrassed.

His hair doesn’t stick to his scalp as meticulously as before, but it’s a little messy, his eyes are not condensed enough, and it is deeply exhausted.

“Mr. Lynch, thank you for taking the time to meet with me during your busy work…” At this time, Mr. Herbers has completely lost the pride of the past. He discovered it long before Galil crashed. Lynch’s conspiracy, but he has no way to avoid it.

In the international competition between nations, the prince of a small nation cannot intervene. Once a process of this scale is initiated, individual power will almost never play a role.

He knew he was going to fall into the abyss, but he had no choice but to watch.

At this time, he came to Lynch, just trying to persuade Lynch to see that he had collected so much money for Lynch to reduce some losses.

His language and humility, even humility, he has never shown in front of Lynch.

At any time before, no matter what kind of praise Lynch received from the world, Mr. Herbers did not think that Lynch was better than himself. On the contrary, he had his own pride, and he didn’t really value Lynch in essence. .

Whether it was the first time they met him that Lynch lost millions in liquidity, or when they met later, he was richer than Lynch and his status was more noble than Lynch, he always thought he was higher than Lynch At one end, this also made him impossible to bow his head and admit his mistake.

But now…

Lynch laughed, “Please sit down, Mr. Herbers, you are too polite, which makes me very uncomfortable.” He said paused, “Would you like something to drink?”

“No…” Mr. Herbers subconsciously rejected the proposal, but soon he changed his mind, “…Coffee, thank you.”

Lynch sent two cups of coffee, and the two picked them up and took a sip. The room became a little quieter.

Lynch is not in a hurry to speak, he is still smiling, but Mr. Herbs can’t bear it anymore. He puts down his coffee cup and looked towards Lynch, “Mr. Lynch, about the transaction between us…”

“Can it be ended early?”, Mr. Herbers considered his own words, cautiously discussed, “You know, Galil fell too hard, I can pay some liquidated damages. I only hope to get back some of the funds in advance, my part.”

He looked at Lynch with anticipation, but Lynch asked leisurely, “Does this have anything to do with me, Mr. Herbs, I don’t quite understand.”

“The business between us has a contract. Before Galil’s crazy appreciation, my risk increased infinitely. I did not propose to terminate the contract early because we signed the contract. Everything speaks by contract!”

“Galil is depreciated now, and I am sad, but the contract was terminated early…”, Lynch shook the head, “Then impossible, Mr. Herbers, even if you pay my liquidated damages, I will lose one A lot of money!”

Lynch’s statement is justified and well-founded. As a borrower, in the process of Nagalil’s rapid appreciation, Lynch is actually carrying a lot of risk and pressure.

The purpose of borrowing money is definitely not to put it away, but to use it. As long as it is used, there will be exchange differences. In the continuous exchange rate appreciation process, the borrower’s risk and pressure will increase exponentially.

Assume that Lynch spends money in Galil to Sol when the exchange rate is 100:1. Galil has been appreciating, and finally appreciated to 50:1.

Then Lynch wants to regain 100 Galil, it has to spend two federal Sols to exchange it, which also means that a loss of one yuan is incurred in the process of exchange rate fluctuations!

Lynch borrowed that many money, 10 billion, floating according to the exchange rate at the time. If he spends this money, Galil’s exchange rate will not collapse. When the contract expires, even if he does not need to pay Interest, he will also lose at least tens of millions of Federal Sol!

His statement was completely valid, and it also left Mr. Herbers speechless.

Indeed, Lynch did not say to terminate early when Lynch was at risk. Even if he did, Mr. Herbers would not agree.

Now that the risk and pressure have shifted, it is his turn to feel the huge trouble. He wants to terminate the contract early, and Lynch will definitely not agree.

He licked his lips, looking pitiful, “I’m old, I can’t bear such a blow, and I will make up for your loss as much as possible, Mr. Lynch…”

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