"After you left the world of Gorehowl, I wanted to stay and investigate the cause of being besieged by Gorehowr, so I was hunted down by those 18 Gorehowbeasts all the way..."

Lin Yun whispered, telling everyone what happened in the bloody world, but didn't tell the specific number of blood crystals.

Everyone was fascinated by it. When they heard Lin Yun flicking, no, helping Gorehowl to become the Divine Beast of sect, they couldn’t help shouting Senior Brother Lin! If it were replaced by them, absolutely would not have thought of helping the Gorehowr in this way. I can only say that Senior Brother Lin is so kind!

"Senior Brother, can we see the egg that Gorehowl turned into?" Xu Feng looked at Lin Yun curiously, wanting to see what the egg looks like.

"That won't work." Lin Yun shook his head, cruelly rejecting Xu Feng's request, "Once that egg is taken out of the storage bag, the Gorehowl beast inside can be noticed, maybe It was restored to its original shape immediately. Without the Primordial Spirit monk present, it would be too dangerous to release it. You are about to divide these blood crystals. I will take that egg to see the Master, and let the Master take me to sect."

I also gave Gorehowl to sect, and gave it to sect directly and Master Luo Buzhou took him to sect. The rewards given by sect were completely different. Lin Yun prides himself on being smart and witty, so naturally he won't be foolish on this.

Xu Feng and Lin Yun were not polite, and they said thank you to Senior Brother. They each took ten blood crystals into the storage bag, but Bai Qiu became hypocritical again.

"I'm content to get two blood crystals this time. I won't be able to get any work done. I won't take these ten blood crystals." Bai Qiu said.

Lin Yun hearing this raised his brow and said: "If you consider me a friend, then put these blood crystals away. If you don't consider me a friend, just go straight down the mountain."

When Lin Yun said this, he naturally understood Bai Qiu's temperament.

Bai Qiu has a mysterious background and amazing innate talent, and his future achievements are bound to be extraordinary. But his personality is extremely simple, value emotion, value friendship, this is what Lin Yun admires most about him.

Lin Yun can guarantee that these ten blood crystals will be sent out. If he is in danger in the future, he will not hesitate to let Bai Qiu take his life in.

"I naturally treat you as a friend." Bai Qiu looked at Lin Yun helplessly, and could only put the ten blood crystals on the table into the storage bag. He has few friends, and he cherishes the friendship with Lin Yun. Lin Yun has said so, naturally he dare not refuse the blood crystal.

"haha, this is right." Lin Yun said with a smile.

Xu Feng and the others also looked at Bai Qiu with a smile. In their eyes, Bai Qiu was already regarded as his own.

Later, Bai Qiu left Myriad Demons Sect. Lin Yun knew that he was anxious to recast the fleshy body for his soulmate, but he didn't keep him. He just asked him to go to Myriad Demons Sect after he succeeded. Lin Yun herself took the dome to find Luo Buzhou.

Lin Yun came to Luo Buzhou’s palace. Luo Buzhou was cultivating in the cultivation room. Lin Yun waited quietly outside. It was not until the evening that Luo Buzhou came out of the cultivation room.

"dísciple meet Master!" Lin Yun saluted respectfully.

"Have you waited for a long time?" Luo Buzhou looked at Lin Yun with a fatherly smile on his face, "If you encounter a teacher in cultivation in the future, you can just call me out. Waiting outside."

"The dísciple is nothing important, so I didn't disturb the Master." Lin Yun said.

Luo Buzhou knew that Lin Yun has always been sensible, so he didn’t say much, and asked with a smile: "You came to be a teacher, what's the matter?"

"Master, remember, dísciple A few days ago, I asked the Master to ask for some jade talisman from the Gorehowl world." Lin Yun said.

"Naturally remember, I'm still surprised, what are you going to do in the bloody world." Luo Buzhou said.

"Master does not know that there is a blood crystal in the Golden Core Realm Gorehowl. The monk can greatly strengthen the fleshy body after refining. When dísciple entered the bloody world this time, he asked some friends to go. Hunting for blood crystals." Lin Yun explained, "but when dísciple is hunting for blood crystals, there is some unexpected harvest."

"You come to be a teacher, it is related to this unexpected harvest, right?" Luo Buzhou said with a smile, "Let’s talk about it."

"dísciple encountered a Primordial Spirit Realm Gorehowl with spiritual wisdom..." Lin Yun will meet Gorehowl, He also explained the fact that it was sect guarding the mountain Divine Beast.

"There are such things!" Luo Buzhou felt incredible after hearing this, but he knew that Lin Yun had a stable personality and was impossible to joke with him about this kind of things.

"You recruited a Primordial Spirit Realm Spirit Beast for sect, and sect will definitely reward it again!" Luo Buzhou said, "You follow me, I will take you to see Chu Xiu Elder."


Luo Buzhou has joined Chu Xiu's faction. Naturally, such things must be reported to Chu Xiu first.

Lin Yun felt a little guilty when he heard Master mention Chu Xiu. If it wasn't for himself, Master wouldn't have to join Chu Xiu's faction to serve Chu Xiu.

Luo Buzhou saw Lin Yun’s expression and guessed what Lin Yun was thinking, said with a smile: "You don’t have to blame yourself. Joining the Chu Xiu Elder faction as a teacher is not for you, but for Myself. Joining a faction, it is always good to enjoy the cool under the big tree, get more resources, and the road to cultivation is easier."

Lin Yun bowed his head and said nothing, he knew that the Master said that. I just don't want to make myself feel guilty.

Luo Buzhou took Lin Yun away from Demonic Moon Peak, walking in the sky all the way, and came to a lonely peak full of Spiritual Qi. The seven Primordial Spirit Elders in the clan all occupy a mountain alone and build Cave Mansion.

Chu Xiu's Cave Mansion is not a cave, but a continuous palace. Chu Xiu and his direct disciple live in this palace.

"Luo Buzhou, please see Chu Xiu Elder." Luo Buzhou stopped outside the mountain with Lin Yun and said loudly.

Soon, I saw a Golden Core monk coming from the palace from the sky, stopping in front of Luo Buzhou and Lin Yun and saying: "Junior Brother Luo, Master, please go in."

The Golden Core monk is named Yuan Fan, who looks shameless, but is Chu Xiu's direct disciple, and he is quite powerful in Myriad Demons Sect.

"Troubled Senior Brother Yuan." Luo Buzhou said.

Yuan Fan was nodded, glanced at Lin Yun beside Luo Buzhou, and asked, "This is the dísciple Lin Yun of Junior Brother Luo, right?"

"Yes. "Luo Buzhou Road

Lin Yun saw Yuan Fan look at him, bowed and said: "dísciple, see Elder Yuan."

"Junior Brother Luo, come with me." Yuan Fan However, Lin Yun ignored Lin Yun, but took Luo Buzhou and Lin Yun towards the palace on the mountain.

"Elder Yuan and Cangnan had a good friendship, you killed Cangnan, he might have some opinions towards you in his heart." Luo Buzhou Divine Consciousness sound transmission said to Lin Yun.

Lin Yun nodded, he is still wondering why this Elder Yuan seems to be a little bit reluctant to see himself, the original reason is here.

Yuan Fan took Lin Yun to the tallest palace on the mountain and said, "Master is inside, Junior Brother Luo, please."

"many Thanks Senior Brother Yuan." After Luo Buzhou said, he took Lin Yun into the palace.

Lin Yun enters the palace with Luo Buzhou. The palace is built of huge stones with a very dark tone, which is in line with the identity of Chu Xiu demonic path Elder.

The two came to the main hall, and Chu Xiu was waiting in the hall. Luo Buzhou explained his intentions, and Chu Xiu was surprised after hearing that, a Core Condensation dísciple could solicit a Primordial Spirit Realm Divine Beast for sect?

"Lin Yun, take out the egg that Gorehowl turned into and show it to me." Chu Xiu said.

"Yes!" Lin Yun opened the storage bag and took out the blood-colored dome inside.

The Gorehowr inside the egg felt that he had left the storage bag, and was overjoyed, and began to use the secret technique to break the eggshell. Just listened to a ka-cha light sound, the egg shell shattered, and a Gorehowl jumped out of it. The Gorehowl that came out of the egg was only five feet in size, but after it came out, it kept getting bigger, and in a blink of an eye it had become a four-five zhang tall giant beast.

"haha, I have finally left the world of Gorehowl, haha..." Feeling the refreshing Spiritual Qi of Spirit Void World, Gorehowr couldn't help laughing out loud. After laughing, he cast his gaze on Lin Yun and the three of them.

"Bloodhowl senior, this is the strongest Primordial Spirit monk in this sect, Chu Xiu Elder, I have already told him about your desire to become the Divine Beast of this sect." Lin Yun said. .

Gorehowl hearing this Looking at Chu Xiu with wide eyes, Myriad Demons Sect's strongest Primordial Spirit monk? That must be a very powerful person who can call the shots!

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