Lu Qianqiu looked at the eight sword lights in the air in surprise. No wonder Fellow Daoist Qin heard his name so plain. It turned out that he was able to differentiate eight sword lights, which was only one step worse than himself. .

Lin Yun smiled lightly, and the sword light in the air was divided again, and each sword light was divided into three lines. Twenty-four sword lights are suspended in the air, blooming with dazzling rays of light.

Lu Qianqiu stared at the twenty-four sword lights in the air in a stunned manner, his head buzzing as if he had been hammered by a giant hammer. It was as if he had seen something utterly terrifying, and his heart was beating peng peng, almost jumping out of his throat.

A hallucination, it must be a hallucination! How could a monk be able to differentiate twenty-four sword lights?

Although it is unbelievable, as a sword cultivator, he can clearly distinguish that this is indeed the Sword Light Diffraction, which differentiates twenty-four sword lights.

“Fellow Daoist Lu, what do you think of my Sword Light Diffraction?” Lin Yun asked with a smile.

"Phew..." Lu Qianqiu took a long breath, calmed down a little, and said, "Can I drink a sip of wine to suppress my shock?"

"Fellow Daoist, please. "Lin Yun said with a smile.

Lu Qianqiu took off the bottle gourd from his waist, raised it to his mouth and drank a few gulps, until he drank all the wine in the bottle gourd before stopping. Then he made a brave decision by hanging the bottle gourd around his waist.

"Master is above, please accept the discipline!" Lu Qianqiu threw himself down in front of Lin Yun and kowtowed.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, what is this doing?" Lin Yun was taken aback by Lu Qianqiu and hurriedly said, "Get up quickly."

"If the Master doesn't agree to accept me As a disciple, I will kneel here for a long time, and I won't get up!" Lu Qianqiu said decisively, and there is still half of the restraint of first under the heavens sword cultivator?

Lin Yun: "..."


Yun Fanchen was in a daze in the bookstore when he saw Lin Yun and Lu Qianqiu coming from the backyard. Yun Fanchen hurriedly stood up straight and saluted: "Master, Senior Lu!"

"Junior Brother Yun, we will be the same sect senior and junior brothers from now on, you can just call me Senior Brother." Lu Qianqiu said with a smile, "Although Junior Brother started earlier than me, I am older than you, and my cultivation base is higher than yours. I will be Senior Brother. Junior Brother should have no opinion?"

He just talked to Lin Yun in the backyard, and already knows Yun Fanchen's real name and origin.

Yun Fanchen looked at Lu Qianqiu with a bewildered expression, what Senior Brother Junior Brother, what the hell? He looked towards Lin Yun in confusion, hoping to get an answer from the Master.

"He has already joined the sect, and will be your Senior Brother from now on." Lin Yun said helplessly.

His original intention was to show his strength to frighten Lu Qianqiu, and then reach a deal with Lu Qianqiu to guide Lu Qianqiu's sword dao. In exchange, Lu Qianqiu must shelter Yun Fanchen after he leaves. Unexpectedly, after showing his strength, Lu Qianqiu actually bowed his head and worshipped him, and he wanted to worship himself as a teacher.

Lin Yun was helpless, so he accepted this recipe. Anyway, one sheep is kept, and two sheep are also kept.

What's more, Lin Yun has been in the wild cloud world for five years, and has heard a lot about the reputation of the wine swordsman Lu Qianqiu, the famous first under the heavens sword cultivator. It is also a very interesting thing to accept the first sword cultivation base apprentice from one of the world. Lu Qianqiu and Yun Fanchen became senior and junior brothers, and sheltering Yun Fanchen, the Junior Brother, naturally became his responsibility and obligation.

Yun Fanchen heard this surprised looked towards Lu Qianqiu, didn't you come to receive the discipline, why did you suddenly become a teacher?

After that, first under the heavens sword cultivator is my Senior Brother?


The Wild Cloud Dynasty is surrounded by the sea on four rings. There is a huge island in the Sea Territory in the south. There is a city on the island, Canglang City. The Barren Cloud Dynasty unified the Barren Cloud Realm, and Canglang City was naturally under the jurisdiction of the Dynasty. It was the southernmost city in the Dynasty. Further south, there is an endless sea, and no one is inhabited.

There is a hundred zhang underground in Canglang City, and there is a great hall with a length and width of each hundred zhang and a height of thirty zhang or so. The great hall is made of dark gray slate, and the four walls are inlaid with Luminous Pearl, which emits faint rays of light to illuminate the entire great hall.

The great hall is very empty, except for a huge altar in the center. The length and width of the altar are thirty zhang or so, and the height is ten zhang.

Thirteen monks stood on the altar, twelve of them wearing gray robes and one wearing black robes. Twelve gray robe monks stood in a circle, facing inward, with a solemn expression. The black robed cultivator stands in the center, eyes closed, mutter incantations in his mouth.

As the black robed cultivator recited, the bloody runes on the altar lighted up one after another, exuding a strange aura. Then, the black robed cultivator took out a black flag magic weapon from the storage ring and inserted it in the center of the altar. The black flags released billowing demonic energy, echoing with the bloody rune on the altar, forming an array!

black robed cultivator opened his eyes, revealing an undisguised joy: "It's done!"

Twelve gray robe cultivators hearing this also opened their eyes, watching the gradual Formed Formation with uncontrollable ecstasy on his face.


There was a loud bang, the earth and rocks were flying, the top of the great hall was smashed by someone, and a burly old man with white hair and beard, Yukong, entered the great hall. The old man was wearing a dark gold robe, imposing manner, he was a Golden Core monk!

"Yo, Demon God's Sect Lord and the twelve guardians have all gathered together, just in time, the old man will catch you all today!" The old man looked at the black robed cultivator and twelve gray robe monks on the altar , happy said with a smile.

Demon God's teachings have plagued the deserted cloud world for thousands of years. The top level of Demon God Sect is composed of Sect Lord and twelve guardians. Sect Lord is a Golden Core monk, and the twelve guardians are Core Condensation Peak monks. Each guardian has the strength of a palace master!

Today, the old man found the Demon God teacher's nest, and had the opportunity to wipe out the Demon God teacher's high-level, naturally happy.

The old man's name is Zhou Xuan, Golden Core 5th layer cultivation base, and one of the top experts of the Wild Cloud Dynasty.

Although Demon God teaches that Sect Lord is also a Golden Core monk, and although he has twelve guardians by his side, in Zhou Xuan's view, killing them with no difficulty.

"Zhou Xuan, I am surprised that you found this place." Demon God taught Sect Lord to look up at Zhou Xuan with no fear on his face, "But you are still a step late. ."

"Late?" Zhou Xuan frowned, his eyes fell on the black banner in the center of the altar and the Formation that was gradually taking shape. Although he didn't know what Formation was taught by Demon God, the monk's instinct told him that this Formation must be destroyed!

Zhou Xuan waved his hand and took out the magic weapon "Xuanque Seal". There are very few magical treasures in the Wild Cloud Realm. There are seven known ones, and this "Xuanque Seal" is one of them! The Xuanque Seal became bigger and bigger in the air, and finally became three points bigger than the altar, and slammed into the altar!

"Don't even think about it!"

Demon God taught Sect Lord furiously shouted, and the black flags on the altar rose from the ground, carrying the billowing demonic energy towards the Xuanque. print. This black flag is called "Black Soul Flag", and like "Xuanque Seal", it is one of the only seven magic weapons in the Barren Cloud Realm.

The two magic weapons collided head-on, making a loud bang.

Demon God teaches Sect Lord only the Golden Core Early-Stage cultivation base, which is not as strong as Zhou Xuan. The black soul flag was smashed and flew back. Demon God taught Sect Lord also spurt a mouthful of blood. However, Zhou Xuan's attack, he successfully blocked!

At this moment, Formation finally took shape, forming a blood-colored light curtain on the altar, and behind the light curtain was a void tunnel leading to nowhere.

"Haha, it's done, it's finally done!" Demon God taught Sect Lord to wipe the blood from his mouth, looking at the void tunnel behind the light curtain, laughed heartily. Accompanied by his laughter, surging demonic energy poured out of the void tunnel and spread throughout the great hall.

"This is, True-Devil Qi!" Zhou Xuan's face changed dramatically in the air, "Are you crazy! You actually opened the tunnel to Demon Domain!"

Zhou Xuan's face Filled with shock and anger, he injected all the movement method power into the Xuanque Seal, which burst into a dazzling golden light and slammed into the open void tunnel.

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