"Unfortunately, Martial Nephew, you came too late. If you come early, the inheritance of Daoist Red Firmament will be yours." Zhu Yixuan said, "Inheritance is in your hands. Make the best use of everything."

"I learned that Daoist Red Firmament's Secret Realm was born, so I rushed over without stopping, but it was still a step late." Cang Nan shook his head and said, "Inheritance fell on one Common disciple is really wasteful. I realized the artistic conception of Thunder Dao ten years ago, and can condense Golden Core to become a Golden Core monk at any time. The reason why I have not had a breakthrough is that I want to understand the branch of Thunder Dao in Core Condensation Realm. Just like Chu Yi of Sword Sect, I will integrate the Tao that I understand into Golden Core. In this way, I can compete with Sword Sect Chu Yi!"

"I want to understand the branch of Tao in Core Condensation Realm, It's too difficult!" Zhu Yixuan sighed, "For nearly a thousand years, only Chu Yi has succeeded."

"It's really difficult." Cang Nan said, "Daoist Red Firmament comprehended a complete Thunder Dao, If you can get his inheritance, maybe you can find the opportunity of enlightenment from it."

"The inheritance has been acquired by Shen Yuan. The inheritance of Earth Immortal daoist is directly imprinted in the descendant's Divine Soul, and it is impossible to snatch it. Zhu Yixuan said, "This is the end of the matter, it is too late to say anything."

"Inheritance is indeed impossible to rob, but in addition to inheritance, Daoist Red Firmament must have left a lot of classics of the thunder technique and Thunder Dao. "Treasure." Cang Nan said, "I want to see Shen Yuan and ask him to hand over the things left by Daoist Red Firmament. I also ask Master Zhu to call him to the mansion."

"Shen Yuan Not in the city, he stayed at Baiyashan Secret Realm, comprehend Daoist The inheritance of Red Firmament. "Zhu Yixuan said.

"No hurry, he will come out sooner or later. "Cang Nan said, "It's okay to let him comprehend it. Although inheritance cannot be robbed, I can ask him to hand over the cultivation method for reference." By the way, what background does he have within the sect? "

Zhu Yixuan pondered for a moment, said with a smile: "What background can an innate talent and mediocre common disciple have?" "

One hour later, Cang Nan came out of Zhu Yixuan’s mansion. Several Core Condensation monks were waiting at the gate of the mansion. These Core Condensation monks were all followers of Cang Nan, just like the Shen beside Lin Yun. Yuan and the others.

"How is the investigation? "After getting away from Zhu Yixuan's mansion, Zhu Yixuan asked.

"Reporting back to Senior Brother, all investigations are clear! The person who got the inheritance was named Shen Yuan, the Core Condensation 3rd-layer monk, who belonged to Lin Yun! "

"Lin Yun, that Sword Sect traitor, the dísciple of Luo Buzhou Elder? "Zhu Yixuan asked.

"That's right. "

"So it's quite background, just a trifling and Lin Yun, don't care. "Cang Nan said.

"Lin Yun naturally doesn't need to care, but Luo Buzhou Elder..."

"Shen Yuan, a common disciple, is fortunate to get the inheritance of Daoist Red Firmament and should be content. Now, give me the classics and treasures left by Daoist Red Firmament and make the best use of them. What is his dissatisfaction? "Cang Nan said, "If Luo Buzhou Elder has any comments, I will ask Chu Xiu Elder to come forward and share with him." ”


In Secret Realm, Lin Yun sit cross-legged in a great hall and subdues the magic dream pill. Xu Feng and the sword ghost guard him for He protects the law.

The magic dream pill enters into the abdomen, transforms into a mysterious power, and rushes directly to Lin Yun Sea of ​​Consciousness. After entering the Sea of ​​Consciousness, mysterious energy wraps part of Lin Yun’s Divine Soul and breaks the space. , Entered into a colorful Space-Time Tunnel.

Lin Yun was stunned to discover at this moment that Huan Meng Dan did not let him enter the dream state, but directly took away part of his Divine Soul, without knowing where he was going. Where!

Divine Soul is the foundation of a monk. If this part of Divine Soul is damaged, Lin Yun’s cultivation base and realm will go backwards a lot, and it will take years of cultivation to recover! Lin Yun is anxious! , But Divine Soul has been taken away by the mysterious power, and he has no choice but to watch the changes.

Divine Soul shuttles under the mysterious power package. I don’t know how long it takes, Lin Yun's consciousness gradually fell into Sleeping.


The Wild Cloud Realm.

The Wild Cloud Realm is a small world with ample Spiritual Qi. The monks can still stay in the Golden Core Realm from the cultivation to the Golden Core Realm. Stay in the world. Only Heavenly Dao Rules restricts, in the wild cloud realm, you can only cultivation to the Golden Core 9th layer. If you want to breakthrough to the Primordial Spirit Realm, you must smashing void to leave the wild cloud realm and enter the Intermediate Thousand Worlds.

The Wild Cloud Realm was not originally called the Wild Cloud Realm.

Seven thousand years ago, a generation of Heaven's Chosen, the Wild Cloud Great Emperor, unified the Wild Cloud Realm and established a powerful dynasty, the Huangyun Dynasty. Therefore, this world was officially renamed Huangyunjie, and the rule of the Huangyun Dynasty has continued to this day, and it has never been shaken.

The Huangyun Dynasty is divided into 33 mansions, each house has a palace lord, and one palm. Fusheng kills the power. The palace lord is not appointed by the dynasty, but is produced through competition.

Any monk registered in the dynasty, as long as he cultivation to Core Condensation, he can challenge the palace lord of any house. After the monk initiates the challenge, the palace lord can send three subordinates to guard the palace, and the monk who challenges the palace master can challenge the palace master as long as they defeat the three guards. Defeat the palace lord and you will become the new palace lord.

The palace lord’s challenge will be supervised by envoys sent by the dynasty to ensure the absolute fairness of the challenge.

There are very few Golden Core monks in the deserted cloud world. Of the 33 mansions, only six are Golden Core monks, and the others are Core Condensation Peak cultivation base. However, the palace lord of each palace is a well-deserved Heaven's Chosen Child, who is strong enough to crush ordinary monks of the same rank.

One month ago, Palace Master Yun Tian Yi of Fenglan Mansion was defeated by the challenger Leng Kuangtu and lost his position as Palace Master. Yun Tian Yi left the palace city with his family and subordinates and settled in a County City, intending to devote himself to cultivation to regain the position of palace lord.

Leng Kuangtu knew that Yun Tian Yi was still coveting the position of Palace Lord, so he bought one of Yun Tian Yi's subordinates and poisoned Yun Tian Yi's food. Taking advantage of Yun Tian Yi Poison's hair, Leng Kuangtu led several Core Condensation Realm monks into Yun Tian Yi's mansion.

Yun Tian knew hard to avoid calamity, so he burned mana desperately to hold back Leng Kuangtu, and let Junior Brother Qin Province escape with his only son Yun Fanchen, who was only eight years old.

Qin Province is a sword cultivator. Although there is only Core Condensation 8th layer cultivation base, his sword dao has reached the Flying Sword condensing realm. The battle strength is extraordinary, and it is also regarded as a small reputation in Fenglan Mansion. powerhouse. He repelled several Core Condensation monks one after another, and successfully broke through.

"Palace Master, his subordinates are incompetent, let Qin Province escape!" A Core Condensation monk Yukong came to Leng Kuangtu and said ashamed.

"It’s okay, he was hit by the'Soul Devourer’, and he was severely injured by you, and Divine Soul will dissipate and die within three days." Leng Kuangtu coldly said, "Not to mention Yun Tian Yi is dead, even if Qin Province survives by chance, it has nothing to do with the overall situation. But cut weeds and eliminate the roots, continue to search their whereabouts, once found execute without any mercy!"

In a small county, one The backyard of a bookstore.

Different from Yun Tian, ​​Qin Province does not like power and luxury life. It only likes to live in seclusion among the cities, concentrate on cultivation Sword Art and comprehend sword dao. This bookstore was the place where he lived in seclusion. After he took Yun Fanchen to escape from Leng Kuangtu, he hid in the bookstore.

Qin Province was lying on the bed, his face pale, his breath was weak, and he was unconscious. Yun Fanchen stood by his side, clutching the quilt on his body with both hands, his tear-stained face was full of worry and helplessness.

Under the erosion of "Soul Eater", the Divine Soul of Qin Province is getting weaker and weaker and gradually disappearing. When his Divine Soul died, a mysterious power split open space invisible to naked eye entered his Sea of ​​Consciousness, reading his memory in Sea of ​​Consciousness.

By the way, mysterious power wiped out the "Soul Eater" in his body.

Lin Yun's consciousness gradually awakened. After reading the memory of "Qin Province", he already understood his situation. It turns out that the effect of the magic dream pill is not to let people enter the dream cultivation, but Divine Soul, under the power of the magic dream pill, travels through endless time and space to a new world!

This small world Spiritual Qi, called the Wild Cloud World, is quite abundant. Heavenly Dao Rules is very similar to Spirit Void World, but it is a good place to concentrate on the cultivation sword dao. The only uncomfortable thing is that this Qin Province also left a small burden for himself, Yun Fanchen.

He borrowed the body of Qin Province to come to this world, and he formed a cause and effect with Qin Province. It is necessary to complete Qin Province's last wish to complete this cause and effect. And Qin Province's last wish is to grow up Yun Fanchen peacefully.

Of course, he can also leave Yun Fanchen alone, but in this way he will be entangled in cause and effect, and produce Heart Demon during secluded cultivation or Transcending Tribulation.

Lin Yun slowly opened his eyes. The toxins in his body have been removed. Next, he only needs to cultivate slowly and heal his injuries. This body is not bad, the Core Condensation 8th layer cultivation base is much higher than his own cultivation base.

"Master, you are finally awake!" Yun Fanchen cried out in surprise when he saw "Qin Province" wake up, wiped his nose and tears.

Yun Fanchen liked sword dao since he was a child. Although his father Yun Tian Yi and Qin Province are the same sect senior and junior brothers, they did not repair sword dao. Therefore, Yun Tian Yi asked Yun Fanchen to worship Qin Province as his teacher and follow Qin Province cultivation sword dao.

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