One hundred Myriad Demons Sect dísciple stood in awe, waiting for Long Bai to speak. No one dared to be disrespectful in the face of a Primordial Spirit Realm monk.

Long Bai glanced at everyone and said: "The origin of this Secret Realm has been identified, it is the Earth Immortal Realm monk who fell three thousand years ago, the Daoist Red Firmament. The name of Daoist Red Firmament You must have heard of it, so I won’t explain it here.”

When I heard that this White Cliff Mountain Secret Realm was left by the Daoist Red Firmament, most of the Myriad Demons Sect dísciple present were shocked, just like Long Bai In other words, Daoist Red Firmament's name is like thunder piercing the ear to Spirit Void World monks, and few have never heard of it.

Spirit Void World Historically, Human Race has only three loose cultivator cultivation to Earth Immortal Realm, and this Daoist Red Firmament is one of them!

As everyone knows, the loose cultivator's road to cultivation is extremely difficult compared to the sect monks. Daoist Red Firmament introduced loose cultivator cultivation to Earth Immortal Realm, which shows how amazing his innate talent and how determined his mind is. However, it is a pity that Daoist Red Firmament died under the eighth Earth Immortal Thunder Tribulation and failed to achieve Heavenly Immortal.

Three Earth Immortal Realm loose cultivators in the history of Spirit Void World, no one has successfully survived the nine Thunder Tribulations and achieved Heavenly Immortal!

“Daoist Red Firmament is good at thunder technique and is one of the strongest thunder magic cultivators in the history of Spirit Void World, and this Secret Realm probably has his thunder technique inheritance.” Long Bai Go on.

Everyone hearing this is another formation eye hot, and can't wait to rush into Secret Realm immediately to get Daoist Red Firmament's thunder technique inheritance. As everyone knows, thunder technique can be regarded as the first of all methods in terms of lethality. If you can get the inheritance of thunder technique from a monk of Earth Immortal Realm, will you still not walk unhindered at the same level in the future?

“The sect has an order. If anyone can get the inheritance in the Secret Realm, they will directly become one of the ten Holy Sons in the sect.” Long Bai said.

These words completely ignited the fire in the hearts of hundreds of Myriad Demons Sect dísciple.

At the end of the lecture, Long Bai took everyone to the top of Baiya Mountain. At the top of the mountain, Sword Sect, Asura Sect and Monster Race have all arrived, and Myriad Demons Sect is the last one.

Monster Race is led by two Primordial Spirit Realm monster cultivators, Araya and Juzhe. Monster Race There are three Primordial Spirit monster cultivators here, and the other one didn't show up for some reason. The Sword Sect is led by Primordial Spirit monk Chu Yunyuan, and the Asura Sect is led by Primordial Spirit monk Shen Lin. Of course, whether it was Long Bai, Chu Yunyuan, Shen Lin, or the Demon Commander of Huanggu and the Demon Commander of Juzhe, the ones sent were not real bodies, but incarnations of mana.

Myriad Demons Sect The crowd fell next to the Sword Sect and Asura Sect, and faced off with the opposite monster cultivator.

Lin Yun looked all around, but found Daoist Wang in the Sword Sect team, looking at himself with a smile. Lin Yun couldn't help being a little astonished. Sword Sect actually allocated a spot to Daoist Wang. Could it be that Daoist Wang and Sword Sect are related?

"Since everyone has arrived, don't linger any longer." The Arrogant Demon Commander waved his hand and said, "Come in!" Hundreds of Core Condensation Realm monster cultivators rose from the sky and poured into the Secret Realm.

Seeing that Monster Race was the first to enter Secret Realm, the three Primordial Spirit monks of Human Race also gave orders to make Zongnei dísciple enter Secret Realm. After a while, there were only five Primordial Spirit monks left on the entire summit.

"hmph, Monster Race also wants to covet Daoist Red Firmament's inheritance, it's just delusional." Chu Yunyuan glanced at Huanggu Yaoshuai and Juzhe Yaoshuai, sneered.

“hehe, Daoist Red Firmament is a Human Race cultivator, but who can get his inheritance, it’s hard to say.” Araya Demon Commander stroked his goatee, said with a smile, “I am Monster Race It is also very suitable for the cultivation thunder technique."

Secret Realm.

Lin Yun As the crowd passed through the light curtain at the entrance of Secret Realm, the scenery changed and appeared on a vast grassland. Lin Yun rose from the sky and saw five palaces divided into four directions, Eastern, Southern, Western, Northern, and Central, and they were regularly distributed on the grassland. Most of the Monster Race monks who entered Secret Realm first flew to the palace in the middle, and a small part spread out to the four side palaces.

Most of the Human Race monks also chose the nave. After all, if there is inheritance left by Daoist Red Firmament in the Secret Realm, it is most likely in the nave.

Although Human Race monks and Monster Race monks are mixed in Secret Realm at this moment, because there is no treasure worthy of competition, both sides still maintain restraint and do not directly fight.

"Senior Brother, the inheritance of Daoist Red Firmament is likely to be in the nave, should we go over?" Shen Yuan asked.

Lin Yun hearing this shook his head and said: "Inheritance may indeed be in the nave, but inheritance is the most precious thing in the Secret Realm, how can it be easily obtained? Go directly to the nave, It’s very likely that you’re wasting time outside the hall for nothing. We’ll go to the other four palaces first, and it’s not too late to go to the nave after we’ve explored the four palaces. Senior Sister Mu, what do you think?”

Lin Yun no In a hurry to go to the nave, because he knows that there is no inheritance token, other monks simply cannot get the inheritance in the nave. But in the other four palaces, there are the opportunities he wants.

"Just listen to Junior Brother Lin." Mu Yuqiu said with a beautiful smile.

"Okay, then let's go to the North Hall first." Lin Yun said.

Lin Yun rose up from the sky and was about to go to the north hall when they heard a loud shout.

"Ji Wuxin, die!"

I saw Shangguan Wuji in snow-white jumping up from the sky and killing Ji Wuxin with his Eighteen sword light. There were more than ten Myriad Demons Sect dísciple beside Ji Wuxin, and when they saw this, they all ducked to the side, for fear that they would be implicated.

Ji Wuxin complexion slightly changed, turning into a flash of light and fleeing into the distance. The two chased and fled, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

Lin Yun couldn't help but observe three seconds of silence for Ji Wuxin. Even if Ji Wuxin managed to escape from Shangguan Wuji's hands, the various opportunities in this Secret Realm were basically missed by him. The opportunities in Secret Realm are all in the five palaces. He was chased and killed by Shangguan Wuji all the way. How could he have the opportunity to explore the palaces?

"Let's go." Lin Yun said.

The five of Lin Yun moved towards the north hall. Several Myriad Demons Sect dísciple wanted to go to the north hall to explore together, but they stopped when they saw Lin Yun.

"Let's go to the East Hall," said one of them.


"Didn't you see that both Senior Brother Lin and Senior Sister Mu went to the North Hall? Even if there is some treasure in the North Hall, how can we compete with them? "

"It makes sense!"

The soul shrouded in the black cloak looked around and said to Su Qi next to him, "Go, go to the nave." ."

The soulless cultivation is the corpse path, and I have no interest in the thunder technique. But character dictates, he chose the nave without the slightest hesitation.

Daoist Wang stood alone on the grassland, pinched his fingers, turned his eyes to the palace in the south, said with a smile: "The chance I want is there."

… …

Lin Yun and the five Yukong came to the north hall and saw that there were more than 30 monster cultivators outside the hall, attacking the ban outside the north hall.

The restriction outside the palace was left by Daoist Red Firmament. Even if he did it casually, it was not something that the Core Condensation friar could break. However, this prohibition has been unmaintained for thousands of years, and the Spiritual Qi among them has been scattered, and dozens of Core Condensation monks attacked together, and they can slowly wear it out.

After Lin Yun, more than ten Asura Sect dísciples and ten Sword Sect dísciples rushed outside the North Hall one after another.

The monster cultivators who were attacking the ban saw the Human Race cultivators arrive, and one of the monster cultivators rose from the sky and said in a strong voice: "Human Race friars, let's work together to break the ban outside this palace, and then How about competing for the treasure in the palace based on their ability?"

The monster cultivator was afraid that they would work hard to attack the ban, but the Human Race monks watched the fun and waited for the work.

The name of the monster cultivator who spoke was Gu Ke, and among the thirty or so monster cultivators who came to the North Hall, he was the strongest. However, the strongest monster cultivators in Monster Race all went to the nave, and Gu Ke, the strongest in this place, was only comparable to Yan Shisan of Sword Sect.

"Yes." Sword Sect dísciple agreed with Gu Ke's proposal.

"No problem," said Myriad Demons Sect dísciple.

Xu Feng's eyes all turned to Lin Yun, waiting for him to make up his mind.

"Yes." Lin Yun said with a smile. The prohibition left by the immortal cultivator was not simple, and it was the best solution to join forces to break the prohibition, and Lin Yun naturally would not refuse.

Gu Ke couldn't help grinning when he saw that the Human Race monks all agreed. Although the number of Human Race monks here is similar to Monster Race, the Human Race monks are divided into three sectors, each with their own ingenuity. How to compete with their Monster Race after the ban is broken?

Brother Human Race and Brother Monster Race teamed up to attack the restraint outside the palace. Under the furious attack of dozens of Core Condensation monks, the restraint shattered a quarter of an hour later.

"Haha, go in and see what's good!" Gu Ke said with a big smile.

Lin Yun smiled lightly, waved his hand, and a dark golden Flying Sword flew out of his sleeve. Flying Sword circled in the air, and volleyed into the Eighteen dark golden sword light, killing Gu Ke and the Monster Race monk beside him.

"Kill them all!" Lin Yun coldly said.

The ban has been broken, what's the use of keeping these Monster Races?

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