"Senior Brother!" Xu Feng heard Lin Yun's voice and turned around in surprise, just in time to see Lin Yun coming from the sky.

"Something happened, why didn't you come to me?" Lin Yun Yukong came to Xu Feng and blamed him.

"I'm afraid of implicated Senior Brother." Xu Feng whispered.


Lin Yun waved his hand, and the Eighteen sword light circled in the air and flew back to him. Lin Yun's current limit is to differentiate Eighteen sword light, but he habitually hides his strength, and only differentiated fifteen sword lights when fighting Yu Zhao. Seeing Xu Feng being besieged at this moment, he directly differentiated Eighteen sword light without making any reservations.

A few Myriad Demons Sect dísciples who were watching from a distance were also excited when they saw Lin Yun appear.

"It's Senior Brother Lin Yuan!"

"Senior Brother Lin Yuan and Xu Feng Senior Brother are brothers and sisters. When Xu Feng Senior Brother is in trouble, Senior Brother Lin will naturally not stand by."

"Among my Myriad Demons Sect's many Core Condensation Realm senior brothers and senior sisters, Senior Brother Lin is the best to get along with and the most affectionate."

"hmph, Asura Sect Zhang Yangyu was just so arrogant, I want to see if he is Senior Brother Lin's opponent!"

Xu Feng was besieged by the Asura Sect dísciple, and the Myriad Demons Sect dísciple onlookers also had the same thoughts as the enemy. It's just that their strength is average, facing Zhang Yangyu and the others, they are powerless to help Xu Feng. Seeing Lin Yun appear at this moment, they naturally hope that Lin Yun showed great divine might, and these Asura Sect dísciples will be destroyed.

Sword Sect dísciple, who was watching the battle, saw Lin Yun, especially the Eighteen sword light, which was divided by Lin Yun, but had a complicated mood. Core Condensation Realm differentiates Eighteen sword light, even in Sword Sect, only a few senior brothers and senior sisters who can be counted on one's fingers can do it. Lin Yun, a traitor, actually cultivated sword dao to such a realm?

If Lin Yun didn't betraying the sect, our Sword Sect would have another powerhouse.

"Who are you?" Zhang Yangyu asked with his eyes fixed on Lin Yun. The sword cultivator that differentiates the Eighteen sword light cannot be ignored under any circumstances.

"Myriad Demons Sect, Lin Yun." Lin Yun replied loudly.

"Does Myriad Demons Sect also have such a sword cultivator?" Zhang Yangyu asked in surprise. He thought Lin Yun was the Sword Sect dísciple, and was still wondering why the Sword Sect dísciple would save a Myriad Demons Sect dísciple.

"You want to save him?" Zhang Yangyu asked.

"I'm here, I won't allow anyone to hurt Junior Brother Xu." Lin Yun said firmly.

How about Zhang Yangyu? What about Asura Sect? At worst Unleash the full power of the Meteorite Sword by yourself, kill the Asura Sect dísciple here, then escape to Yan Prefecture with Junior Brother Xu. After returning to Yan Prefecture, there is a Master, what can Asura Sect do?

"Xu Feng killed five of my Asura Sect dísciples, my Asura Sect will never let him go." Zhang Yangyu said, "If you want to save him, you are against my Asura Sect."

"So what?" Lin Yun sneered, "I will kill anyone who stops me today. Junior Brother, let's go."

Lin Yun took Xu directly after he finished speaking. Feng Yukong went east. Staying here will only wait for more and more Asura Sect dísciple to come, it is better to leave early.

"Stop them!"

Zhang Yangyu saw that Lin Yun and the two wanted to leave, and with an order, the Asura Sect dísciple who were present led Magical Artifact to attack Lin Yun and Xu Feng. Zhang Yangyu personally used eighteen Asura Blades to attack Lin Yun.

"Get out of my sight!"

Lin Yun shouted loudly, waved his hand, and the Eighteen sword light spread out to meet the Asura Blade that was attacking. Lin Yun didn't want to fight, and directly released some of the power of the Meteorite Sword as a low-grade magic weapon. At this moment, the meteor sword, the power is far beyond the ordinary top-level Magical Artifact.

These Myriad Demons Sect dísciple's Asura Blades are mostly low-grade Magical Artifact and middle-grade Magical Artifact. They were hit by sword light and shattered! Wherever the sword light went, an Asura Blade shattered and fell from the air.

These Asura Blades are Magical Artifacts cultivated by Asura Sect dísciple with blood essence and Divine Soul. At this moment, they are shattered by sword light, and the surrounding a Asura Sect dísciple are all traumatized, blood spout from mouth . Zhang Yangyu's 18 Asura Blades are all high-grade Magical Artifacts. Although they are not broken after being hit by the sword light, the blade also has cracks, and the aura is dim.

Eighteen sword light is criss-crossed in the air, sweeping the incoming Asura Blade into the air.

The Sword Sect dísciple and Myriad Demons Sect dísciple watching from a distance were stunned. The famous Core Condensation monk Zhang Yangyu of Asura Sect, together with more than ten Asura Sect dísciple, besieged Senior Brother Lin. Drive the sword light to sweep?

Senior Brother Lin is so scary!

Asura Sect dísciple looked towards Lin Yun, but his eyes were full of horror, smashing their Magical Artifact Asura Blade with a sword, what kind of terrifying attack power is this?

"How is it possible, how can his sword be so strong?" Zhang Yangyu was also horrified, looking at Lin Yun with disbelief. His eighteen Asura Blades are all high-grade Magical Artifacts, and the material is tenacious, so even a top-level attacking Magical Artifact can easily shatter them. However, there was a crack in the face of Lin Yun's sword light?

Lin Yun recalled the Eighteen sword light, glanced at the surrounding Asura Sect dísciple, and coldly said: "Whoever dares to shoot again will break the Magical Artifact, but the human being."

Hearing Lin Yun's words, the surrounding Asura Sect dísciple kept quiet out of fear, and no one dared to make another move. Lin Yun and Xu Feng Yukong passed through the crowd, but no one dared to intercept them.

Zhang Yangyu looked at Lin Yun and Xu Feng who were about to leave, his eyes flickered, hesitating whether to continue shooting. Although Lin Yun's sword light is strong, if he uses his full strength to play his cards, he may not have the strength to fight. But is it worth it to intercept Lin Yun and Xu Feng's cards?

"Myriad Demons Sect junior, dare to impudent in my Yun Prefecture!"

Just when Zhang Yangyu was hesitating whether to take action, an old voice came. Immediately afterwards, a black robed old man arrived from the sky. The old man is thin, his eyes are cloudy, and his breath is terrifying.

"Golden Core monk!" Lin Yun was shocked when he saw the old man approaching from the sky. The sudden appearance of the Golden Core friar disrupted all his plans.

Zhang Yangyu and other Asura Sect dísciple hurried forward to salute when they saw the old man.

"dísciple greets Elder Tan!"

This old man is the Golden Core Elder of Asura Sect, Tan Zhengqi.

Tan Zhengqi glanced at Zhang Yangyu and the others dissatisfiedly. He had been observing this place with Divine Soul, and he naturally knew what had just happened. More than a dozen dísciples were swept away by a Myriad Demons Sect dísciple, which was a shame for the sect.

Facing Tan Zhengqi's gaze, Zhang Yangyu and the others lowered their heads in shame. If today's incident spreads out, it is indeed the achievement of Lin Yun's prestige, making them Asura Sect lose face.

Tan Zhengqi turned his attention to Lin Yun and Xu Feng, waved his hand, and a wave of demonic energy poured out from his palm, turning into two giant black hands to grab Lin Yun and Xu Feng. Facing the Golden Core monks, Lin Yun and Xu Feng were completely powerless to resist, and were tightly grasped by the giant hands of demonic energy.

"Bring Xu Feng back to Liaonan City and hand it over to sect for disposal." Tan Zhengqi coldly said, "As for Lin Yun, dare to impudent in my Yun Prefecture, the old man will let you know!"

After Tan Zhengqi finished speaking, the giant hand of demonic energy began to shrink, and he wanted to directly knead Lin Yun into meat sauce! As a Golden Core monk, killing a Core Condensation monk is like pinching an ant.

Lin Yun felt Tan Zhengqi's killing intent towards him, his mind turned sharply, and shouted: "My Master is Luo Buzhou!"

"Luo Buzhou?" Stop shrinking, Tan Zhengqi frowned at Lin Yun, "'Heavenly Stars Revolution 'Luo Buzhou?"

Luo Buzhou was undefeated against the Monster Race Primordial Spirit monks in Jiang Lin City, and his reputation has spread throughout the Spirit Void World, Tan Zhengqi will not be ignorant of course. Today, many monks think that Luo Buzhou is the second among the many Golden Core monks in Spirit Void World, second only to Sword Sect's "Invincible Chu".

Luo Buzhou is only a Golden Core monk, but he is enough to be regarded as a Primordial Spirit monk.

"That's right." Lin Yun said, "I am the Master's only dísciple, and the Master is the same as the father and son. If the senior kills me, the Master must be extremely sad and angry."

"Yes." Lin Yun said. p>

Lin Yun's implication is that Master treats me like his own son. If you dare to kill me, Master will definitely avenge me.

“What about Luo Buzhou, he is also a Golden Core cultivator, how could the old man be afraid of him?” Tan Zhengqi naturally understood what Lin Yun was saying, and sneered, “But it’s up to you just now. Just smashing the Magical Artifact of these dísciples, for the sake of not hurting anyone's life, the old man will spare your life."

Tan Zhengqi waved his hand, holding Lin Yun's demonic energy The giant hand dissipated directly.

Luo Buzhou's dísciple, he really didn't dare to kill it.

Luo Buzhou is only a Golden Core cultivator now, so he can already rival the Primordial Spirit cultivator. If he becomes a Primordial Spirit cultivator one day, how terrifying his strength will be? If he killed his dísciple by himself, if one day he came to seek revenge, it would be very bad.

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