Yun Prefecture, Liaonan City.

More than ten Myriad Demons Sect flying boats landed in Liaonan City, and teams of Myriad Demons Sect monks gush out from the flying boat. Lin Yun, Xu Feng and Shen Yuan are among them.

"Senior Brother, why do we come to Liaonan City?" Xu Feng asked, looking all around.

Yun Prefecture faces the joint attack of Azure Scale Monster King and Golden Wing Monster King, and the situation is much more miserable than Yan Prefecture. Asura Sect retreated steadily under the attack of two Monster Kings. Of the 36 big cities in Yun Prefecture, 17 of them have fallen into the hands of Monster Race.

Until Profound Truth Sect came to help, Asura Sect stopped the decline and did not continue to lose ground.

Monster Race captured half of Yun Prefecture, and the six cities in the middle of Yun Prefecture became the frontline cities defended by Human Race. The reinforcements of Myriad Demons Sect and Sword Sect respectively entered these six cities.

Liaonan City is located in the east of Yun Prefecture. It belongs to the peripheral zone among the six cities on the front line. Monster Race does not pay much attention to this city. For the six cities on the front line, Monster Race has the least force to attack Liaonan City. If you want to kill Monster Race to gain merit, Liaonan City is obviously not a good choice.

Xu Feng is a little puzzled. Why did Senior Brother choose to come to Liaonan City? With the character of Senior Brother, the battle is the fiercest, and the two cities with the most Monster Race are the right ones.

"I came here, naturally I have the intention to come here." Lin Yun said with a smile, "You will know when the time comes."

The reason why Lin Yun chose Liaonan City , Because that opportunity in Yun Prefecture was near Liaonan City.

There is a mountain near Liaonan City called Baiya Mountain. This White Cliff Mountain looks ordinary, but there is an inheritance Secret Realm left by the Earth Immortal Realm powerhouse.

In the game "Three Realms", Monster Race version 2.0 is invaded. Human Race and Monster Race are fighting in the battlefield of Yun Prefecture. The Secret Realm of White Cliff Mountain suddenly opens, and nearby Human Race monks and Monster Race monks are in succession. Pour into it. However, the Earth Immortal powerhouse who left the inheritance Secret Realm set a threshold and only allowed monks from the Core Condensation Realm and Core Condensation Realm's cultivation base to enter it.

Brother Golden Core and Primordial Spirit cannot break through the restrictions left by the Earth Immortal Realm powerhouse. The Brother Earth Immortal Realm can break in by force, but once the Earth Immortal Realm powerhouse breaks in, Secret Realm will break in. It will be automatically destroyed, completely destroying the treasure and inheritance inside.

In the "Three Realms" game, after the White Cliff Mountain Secret Realm was opened, countless Human Race monks and Monster Race monks entered it, including NPCs and players. And the inheritance in the Secret Realm of Baiya Mountain eventually fell into the hands of an Asura Sect's Core Condensation dísciple.

Until the end of Secret Realm, people discovered that the Inheritor of Secret Realm was already doomed, because before the Asura Sect dísciple entered Secret Realm, he already had the token of Inheritor. Others who entered Secret Realm were doomed to just accompany. .

Although it is an escort, many NPC monks and players have obtained good treasures in Secret Realm, which greatly increases their strength.

Lin Yun is not much interested in the inheritance in Secret Realm. The path of inheritance and his sword cultivator is completely different. He is impossible to give up the sword dao and go to the inheritance in the cultivation Secret Realm. However, a treasure in Secret Realm has a huge appeal to him.

Calculating the time, it will take about a month for Baiyashan Secret Realm to open. This month Lin Yun plans to stay near Liaonan City and wait for Secret Realm to open. Secret Realm has only been opened for three days. If the distance is too far, there will be no time to come after Secret Realm is opened.

The three of Lin Yun entered Liaonan City and settled in the courtyard arranged by Asura Sect. Lin Yun didn't realize that since they left the flying boat, there was a pair of eyes in the city watching them silently.

Myriad Demons Sect dísciple, Ren Wuxue.

"It's Lin Yun, he actually came to Yun Prefecture and was met by me." Ren Wuxue gnashing teeth said, "This time, I will be ashamed!"

Ren Wuxue and Myriad Demons Sect dísciple Su Xiu discovered a soul-raising grass together before agreeing to pick it together when the soul-raising grass matures. But when the soul-raising grass matured, Su Xiu wanted to compete with Sword Sect and asked Lin Yun to help him get the soul-raising grass.

Ren Wuxue saw Lin Yun and wanted to swallow the soul-raising grass, but Lin Yun, Xu Feng, and scaly fire-dragon teamed up to repel it. There was no single leaf of the soul-raising grass. arrive. Since then, Ren Wuxue has held a grudge against Lin Yun and listed Lin Yun as the number one enemy.

Originally, he and Lin Yun were in Yun Prefecture and the other in Yan Prefecture. He wanted to retaliate against Lin Yun and had no chance at all. But he didn't want Lin Yun to come to Yun Prefecture. Yun Prefecture was his site. He wanted to clean up an outsider like Lin Yun, with no difficulty.

Beside Ren Wuxue stood another Asura Sect dísciple, Ming Chengfei.

"Senior Brother Ren, Lin Yun is here to help Asura Sect deal with Monster Race after all. We might not be able to deal with him properly, right?" Ming Chengfei persuaded, "And Lin Yun is not weak. We don’t need to provoke him."

"Come and help us deal with Monster Race? He trifling a Core Condensation monk, how much role can he play in the war?" Ren Wuxue sneered, "He ignored me and Su Hugh's agreement is to swallow the soul-raising grass. Now he is in Yun Prefecture, how can I take good care of him?"

Ren Wuxue said with a grin on his face.

Ming Chengfei shook his head secretly. He has seen Lin Yun's strength, and he has heard that Lin Yun's strength has increased recently. He really does not want to be an enemy of Lin Yun. However, he and Ren Wuxue have a very close friendship. Ren Wuxue wants to deal with Lin Yun, he is almost impossible to stand by.

"What does Senior Brother plan to do?" Ming Chengfei asked.

"After all, he came to support our Asura Sect in name. It is not appropriate to start directly, and Sect will be held accountable." Ren Wuxue said, "I am going to find Junior Brother Gu and let him out Idea."

The Junior Brother Gu mentioned by Ren Wuxue is named Gu Qing. Gu Qing has average strength and is comparable to Zhan Ming in front of the broken arm. But Gu Qing is cunning, and he is full of bad water. It's right to find him for this kind of entrapment.


The three Lin Yun rested in the city for a day, and the next day, they prepared to go out of the city to hunt Monster Race. Although I came to Liaonan City for the opportunity of Baiya Secret Realm, the feat of hunting Monster Race to earn feats cannot be left behind.

"Junior Brother Shen, come with me." Lin Yun said to Shen Yuan.

In order not to affect the efficiency of earning merit, Lin Yun and Xu Feng will act separately. Shen Yuan is weak and acting alone is too dangerous, Lin Yun decides to take him with him.

Shen Yuan shook the head and said: "Senior Brother, I plan to find a few senior Brothers of comparable strength to form a team and go out of the city to hunt Monster Race."

"oh ?" Lin Yun astonished looked at Shen Yuan.

"Senior Brother, you are too strong. I can only enjoy what I do with you. I can't get any experience at all." Shen Yuan said, "I want to become stronger through experience and can really help Senior. Brother."

Shen Yuan looked at Lin Yun firmly. He has been with Lin Yun for three years and is Lin Yun's most trusted confidant except Xu Feng. In the past three years, Lin Yun has trusted him more and more, but his role by Lin Yun's side has been getting smaller and smaller.

Because the strength gap between him and Lin Yun and Xu Feng is getting bigger and bigger. Although Lin Yun took him with him in many things, he was not very helpful at all, and was only responsible for some chores that anyone could do. This feeling made him very uncomfortable.

He wants to become stronger and can truly stand alone for Lin Yun.

Lin Yun naturally understands Shen Yuan’s thoughts, lightly said with a smile: "Also, be cautious in case of trouble, don’t take risks easily, I don’t want to go back to the city one day, I heard that you are dead In the hands of Monster Race."

"Senior Brother, don't worry, I will be careful." Shen Yuan said.

"Junior Brother Shen, take this." Xu Feng took a white porcelain bottle from the storage bag and handed it to Shen Yuan.

"This is?" Shen Yuan asked in doubt after taking the porcelain bottle.

"My blood."

Shen Yuan, hearing this eyes shined, treasured and put the porcelain vase in the storage bag. The blood of Senior Brother Xu is more precious than any Healing Medicine Pill spirit pill and marvelous medicine. No matter how badly the Core Condensation is wounded, the monk can recover even after a few drops of blood.

It's almost like one more life!

"many thanks Senior Brother Xu!" Shen Yuan said gratefully.

"Be careful." Xu Feng warned repeatedly. He has been with Shen Yuan for many years and can be regarded as good friends. Apart from Lin Yun in Myriad Demons Sect, he and Shen Yuan have the closest relationship.

Shen Yuan left to find a team of senior and junior brothers of similar strength. He is from Lin Yun and has a small reputation in Myriad Demons Sect. It is not difficult to find a few Core Condensation Realm teammates. Many Core Condensation monks are also willing to team up with Lin Yun and Xu Feng through him.

"Junior Brother Shen really desires to become stronger." Xu Feng said, looking at the back of Shen Yuan leaving.

"en. ”Lin Yun nodded, looked thoughtful.

The inheritance of Baiyashan Secret Realm is not suitable for him and Xu Feng, but suitable for Shen Yuan. Shen Yuan is just an ordinary sword cultivator, and the innate talent on the sword dao is also average. It is no regrets to give up the cultivation sword dao for the inheritance of Baiyashan.

Just want to get the inheritance of Baiyashan, you must get the Inheritor token in advance. There is a huge crowd, and it is not easy to find the Asura Sect dísciple who has the Inheritor token.

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