Black Iron Crown

Chapter 324: The "powerful" Agur cavalry

   The air on the grassland is very good.

   Although there is a faint smell of cow dung and sheep dung, the strong fragrance of grass can cover these smells.

  A golden yellow sun hangs high on the blue sky, and the grass on the grassland becomes more and more plump.

   Rainer's thoughts drifted to the north.

Before I set out on the expedition, the entire northern territory was being reclaimed for the second year. Compared with last year, nearly 500 horses were used to make the reclaiming speed extremely fast. The rural areas around Mekalong were all used for farming horses. Even in some remote areas, you can see several farming horses farming.

Of course, this farming horse is still not enough for a huge background. There are more than 1,300 villages directly under Reiner. Now he only has more than 600 farming horses. The two villages share one horse. not enough.

  In this era, there is no telephone bill or agricultural machinery. The only way to develop a strong agriculture is to have a large number of livestock. To this goal, there is still a long way to go to the North.

   "Sow seeds should have started now, right?" Reiner thought to himself that there was still a large amount of food to eat last year. Reiner began to feel that it was time to start to include the new population in the sparsely populated northern territory.

"My Lord Earl!" Baron Varas rode up to Lena's side and said, "We found a small group of enemy cavalry in front of us. The number is about 20. Although the number is not large, it has been defeated. Thirty riders sent by Baron Samuza."

   "At the same time, their attire is different from what we have seen before. Almost everyone wears tanned leather armor, and some people have the same waists as Tirighan's cavalry, riding a bow!"

   "Riding a bow on one's body? Similar to Tillihan's?" Rainer frowned.

   There are such cavalry on the grassland? It stands to reason that the poor prairie tribes should not be equipped with such equipment, which is almost catching up with the nomads known to Lena in his previous life.

   "Get me Baron Samuza, I have something to ask him!" Rainer said to the translator beside him.

   "Lord Earl, don't have to be so troublesome, I am willing to lead your followers to annihilate them!" Sarang volunteered.

There are many vassals of Lena. The children sent by vassals to him for training are all his vassals. In addition, there are some self-cultivators who spend money to send his children into Lena’s castle, just for the future. Can seek a way out.

   But this time, Leiner did not bring too many obedients. Only some children from the self-employed farmer and the blood relatives of the Merland family played with him, and the rest stayed at Mecalon.

  Rainer glanced back at Sarang's words, and there was a touch of determination on his still immature face.

  Rainer knew that he felt guilty because of his father, and wanted to prove his loyalty on the battlefield.

  Rainer raised his eyebrows, knowing that Sarang was very anxious at this time, and did not intend to refuse.

   then said: "You can't take people there, you are not mature enough for that..."

However, before Leiner could finish speaking, Lumbarley and Wend rushed out. Lumbarley said with a treacherous smile: "If this is the case, then let me take the retinues to attack! I will definitely beat those prairie people. Falling flowers and flowing water!"

   Wend also nodded repeatedly.

   For the two who suddenly appeared, Reiner rolled his eyes mercilessly, and then said: "Just stay honestly, there will be a chance for you to go to the battlefield!"

Regardless of the two dejected people, Rainer said: "I plan to let Tiriehan go for this battle. You can follow them to see how they fight. You are still strong enough to be alone, so don't worry about your father! "

   talked about Baron Azac, and Rainer frowned.

   "You still failed my trust..."

   Tillihan immediately took more than twenty people and rushed towards the enemy's position after receiving the news.

   He was very excited when he heard that the enemy was wearing a riding bow. Defeating powerful enemies and making them bleed in front of him is what these horse archers like to do.

   "Boys, today we should teach our enemies how to fight against the wolves on the prairie!" Samuzha said with a laugh while shaking his whip in his hand.

   The riding archers also yelled up to the sky, howling like wolves.

   Sarang frowned and looked at this group of people. He had not personally participated in a war of this scale, and he was a little unaccustomed to the wild and weird behavior of the horse archers.

   It’s no wonder that he usually gets along with knights who tend to be more prudent in behavior.

   But he is just a resigner. Although he is the heir to the baron, he is not so arrogant that he is arrogant to the army of Lord Earl.

   A group of twenty-five people trot on their horses towards the position of the enemy army.

   After two kilometers in front of the team, Samuzha spotted the group of wanderers.

   They are leading the war horses to search the corpses on the ground. Although most of the prairie people are poor ghosts, they can get a little bit after searching.

   More than twenty corpses were lying on the ground, all of them were Pakuten cavalry who were dealt with by this group of cavalry.

   I have to say that these people do have the qualities of a soldier, and they still don't forget to be vigilant even when searching for the spoils. They know that they are very close to the main force of the enemy.

   Tillihan just showed up with someone, one of the cavalrymen shouted loudly, and the rest of the cavalrymen immediately stopped their movements and turned on their horses and assumed a fighting posture.

   They quickly assembled, formed a slightly loose formation, and began to trot.

   Tillihan laughed when he saw this, and roared: "Destroy them!"

   Without any language provocation, the battle has already begun.

  Tillihan took the lead to launch an He took the riding bow from the horse back in his hand, and then gradually increased the speed of the horse.

   Looking at Tillihan who took out the bow and arrow, the faces of the enemy rangers showed disdain.

   Riding and shooting are superb skills that can only be achieved by the most proficient in riding and archery warriors on the prairie. So far they have not seen any army can use this skill.

   Do these damn, weak yellow-haired people think that if they learn how to ride horses and archery, they can compete with the warriors on the prairie?

   But in fact, these horse archers are not the yellow-haired people in their mouths, they have thick black hair, but they wear helmets so the enemy can't see them.

   The prairie cavalry began to accelerate, and also took out the riding bows around their waists, took out an arrow and put an arrow on the bowstring and started aiming.

   However, what they did not expect was that the archers' shooting speed was faster than theirs. Before they let go, the arrows of the archers flew to them.

   Cavalry shooters are among the hundreds of thousands of Kujit Khanates who are proficient in riding and shooting. The shooting accuracy is naturally not comparable to this group of Rangers. It is just that seven of them fell horses in an instant.

   "How is it possible!" The hearts of all the Rangers were shocked, their eyes widened and they couldn't believe the scene before them. ...


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