Black Iron Crown

Chapter 153: Counterattack forward

   Regarding the leaving knight, Rainer didn't pay attention. He took a moment to glance at the battle of the other lords, and his brows couldn't help but subconsciously frowned.

The battle situation is really too difficult. Even with the advantage of the terrain, facing more enemy's siege, it is still weak. The knights under their command have also consumed a lot of physical strength. Even Rainer can see that some of the knights have fallen. I don't know the life or death on the ground.

   bit his lower lip lightly, Rainer said to the messenger next to him: "Order the knights to prepare for the charge! Start the charge immediately after my order is given!"

   "Dear Sir Varas, Lord Nayan wants me to tell you to prepare for the charge, and start the charge as soon as his order is given!" The veteran horse archer flew to the side of Sir Varas and said.

Rainer had a lot of cavalry forces at this time, and he could even be called a rare opponent in the north. In addition to the ten Scarlet Griffon knights, there were 21 Merland local knights and forty riding. The scarlet griffin rider on ordinary horses, as well as thirty heavy cavalry from the royal family.

   There are a hundred and one cavalry who can initiate a terrifying charge, and this number is almost the same on the Earl Zhebo.

   "Quickly! Line up and prepare for the charge!" Sir Varas shouted loudly, waving his lance with a pennant tied in his hand.

After all, the knights are all elites who have been trained for many years. It can be said that except for the local knights of Merland, who was entrusted by Rainer, everyone quickly found their position and listed a wedge-shaped formation. This is the most commonly used when charging. The best formation to use.

   The heavy cavalry's charge doesn't have too many fancy formations, it's nothing more than a wedge-shaped formation used for charging, a front arrow formation used for flanking, etc. only a few formations.

   The impact generated by the heavy cavalry charge is too great, and it is simply a group of unmatched ground battle tanks. Therefore, they want to accomplish the tactical goal is very simple, and does not need too much tactical formation.

   Before the emergence of an army with steel-like discipline, strong physique, and sophisticated combat skills, no one could stop the heavy cavalry from charging. Only the same heavy cavalry could deal with them.

   Of course, the development of mature firearms can also do this, but in this low-productivity world, even gunpowder has not appeared. It is impossible to develop mature firearms for hundreds of thousands of years.

   "Lord Earl, the enemy knights seem to be gathering! The number of them seems to be a lot, and they should be preparing to charge!"

   A follower beside Earl Zhebo said to Earl Zhebo.

   "Um...I see..." Let our knights get ready too! When the enemy charges, let our knight meet the enemy immediately! "Earl Zhebo wiped his nose, which was a little red from the excitement.

   Now, it is not Count Jeppe who is nervous anymore, but Rainer has fallen into a passive state.

   Originally, he hoped to rely on his powerful line of resistance infantry Sergeant Merland to inflict too much casualties on the enemy's infantry and cause them to collapse, forcing Count Zhebo to throw his hole cards first.

But he completely forgot that Earl Zeppa had already used superior forces to besiege other royalist lords. Once too many lords were defeated or eliminated, the large amount of troops liberated would inevitably encircle Rainer. Even with a strong army, he must be powerless.

Therefore, it is Reiner, not Count Jeppe, who is anxious now. Rainer hopes to force Count Jeppe to throw all his hole cards for the final battle before the other royalist lords are defeated. Instead, Count Jeppe hopes to delay for a while. , Annihilate more enemy forces.

   The knights who looked at the enemy also moved, and Rainer couldn't help but clenched his hands and bit his teeth tightly.

   "My Lord Baron!" Sir Cod looked a little urgent.

   "Baron Ferrar's army has been defeated. They were attacked by the enemy's two barons. Their knights were gradually killed by the enemy when they charged. Now they have completely collapsed and the soldiers are running away!"

   "Damn it!" Rainer's fist hit the simple fence on the small platform severely, not knowing whether he was cursing the enemy or the Baron Ferrar who didn't hold on.

   "Master Nayan! The enemies who defeated Baron Ferrar are moving towards our right flank! They want to copy us from the side!" A horse archer who was ordered to patrol the battlefield by Rainer came to his side and said.

Reiner gasped in his nostrils and said, "Uncle, I order you to lead the remaining 200 militiamen to stop the invading enemy! To protect our right flank from threats, at least hold on for more than half an hour. ,is it okay?"

   Rainer lifted his mask and stared at Sir Cod's face.

   "As you wish, my lord!" Sir Cod's old face full of vicissitudes was covered with a firm look, and he replied vowedly as he watched Rainer's cheeks turned bright red with excitement.


  Sir Cod raised a banner of the Morland family, and with two followers beside him, he walked towards the 200 militiamen on standby.

   Withdrawing his gaze, Rainer cast his gaze on the battlefield in front of him again.

   The sergeants have begun to suffer casualties. Some enemies broke through the gun forest and killed the armed soldiers who stood in the They used their long swords to attack the heavy armored sergeants again and again.

   Several people died because they were attacked by the enemy on the relatively fragile neck of the armor.

   However, it is impossible for the sergeants to be defeated in such a situation. The sergeants at the rear immediately filled the gap and continued to kill the enemy in front.

   Looking at the front line that has gradually disappeared, Reiner said: "The Golden Lion Guard is going to support the sergeants! You rush up and go straight forward, and the sergeants will cooperate with you in the rear!"

Then he said to a horse archer next to him: "Tell Sir Leiland! They will welcome reinforcements, and what I want them to do is to advance slowly without shaking the formation, deterring the enemy. !"

   "Yes, Lord Yan!" The horse archer rushed out immediately.

The front-line sergeants who received the order immediately followed Leiner’s orders meticulously. They began to advance slowly in unison, moving very slowly, because they had to kill and wound the enemy while advancing, and also maintained their formation. Change.

   "Oh... my god... they... they are moving forward!"

   The soldiers looked at the enemy in front of them slowly moving forward and their voices were trembling. Originally, under the supervision of the supervising team, they had to attack the enemy without fear of death.

But now, the enemy is actually slowly advancing towards themselves. These are completely different feelings. Originally, they thought they had the initiative, but facing the advancing is the enemy. In their hearts, because the enemy massacred their companions, As firm as a rock, the fear that he would not be able to overcome it no matter how impacted by himself and others, once again magnified, the pace that had to be quickened because of someone supervising the battle unexpectedly slowed down.

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