Black Iron Crown

Chapter 142: Negotiations before the battle

  The black and heavy people suddenly made the army on Renner's side rustle, the number of enemies is really too much, and it seems that there is such a terrifying visual impact.

Count Zhebo’s marching formation was replaced by a combat array long before he arrived here, and the troops directly belonging to him were placed in a phalanx, and the phalanx was surrounded by the army of his vassals. The formation, and beyond, are the armies of the lords who have taken refuge in Count Jebo.

   Although they are assembled together, they are only coalition forces. They will not cooperate with each other like an army. The Chinese army has two wings and the rear army has all five internal organs.

It does not talk about knights gathering together to launch a powerful and unmatched charge, nor about archers gathering together for a volley that will cover the sky, they will only disperse and let each lord bring their own army to attack the other side. The army of a certain lord.

   Zai Lainer's behavior is very unreasonable, but in fact it is reasonable. Since the army under each lord is not an individual, it is obviously unrealistic to be gathered together to attack the enemy.

   Every lord does not want his army to cause more casualties, let alone who is obeyed after the army is forcibly glued together? Who wants more casualties in his army?

These are all problems. Reiner is also the same. He also proposed to gather the army to fight like that. However, he was opposed by all the lords. Although Reiner could not understand it, he did not force them. .

The system that has existed for thousands of years always has a certain truth. It is like the feudal system of vassals and vassals that have existed on this continent for thousands of years, and they all have their own reasons. I gradually understand With these, Lena chose to get used to these and make changes in some small places.

   For example, the abolition of the vassal system or the sprouting plan to suppress the knights in his mind. After more understanding, he understood that this was obviously impossible to achieve, so he could only choose to compromise.

  Rainer’s state is very strange. The enemy is already under pressure. He should be nervous, but he is still thinking about it.

Seeing the large-scale enemy army lined up in front of their own formation, watching themselves and others eagerly, the other lords and their soldiers trembled a little, well, not only trembled, but the calves were almost irritated. There were too many people. These people probably won't see so many people in their lives.

   And so many people are right in front of them now, what is even more frightening is that these are the enemies who hope to kill them.

   Except for Rainer, almost all the lords swallowed subconsciously and frowned at the enemy ahead.

   "Holy Father...this...!" Lombard was standing next to the small high platform of Rainer, and Rainer could clearly hear his shocked voice.

   "These... are we the enemy?" Little Wende looked the same beside him. He stared at the enemy army in front of him in a daze.

   In his impression, the army represented dozens of brawny men who were wearing various armors and uttering foul language and fighting ceaselessly. This was what he saw from the knight novels.

However, how can people who have fallen into the chaos of knight novels be some big people, even if they rack their brains to think about it, it is only the knight protagonist who defeated dozens of enemy soldiers or the robbers who caused the disaster. That's it, no one ever thought of an army of such a terrifying scale.

  At this time, in the array of Earl Zhebo, a cavalry who was riding a horse and waving a white flag came to the front of the formation.

"Respected Baron Reiner and lords! Our master, Count Jebo, is a benevolent lord. He does not want too many saints, fathers and children to die in this unwarranted war! So he hopes to cause irreparable Let us talk before we lose and see if we can avoid war!"

  His voice was very loud, and he walked to the front of Rainer's side, and the archers in the interest of war did not shoot him, so he could convey these words.

   Rainer also heard it from behind, and after venturing with the other lords through the veteran horse archers, they unified the other's suggestions.

   In this way, with ten Scarlet Gryphon knights and two other lords, including Sir Cod, the group walked out of the army array and walked between the two armies.

  Earl Zhebo was also led by Count Zhebo himself, bringing a dozen knights and some vassals and lords to the front of the two armies.

   The two sides confronted each other like this, staring at each other. Rainer lifted the visor of the visor to reveal his face, while Earl Jeppo took off his fully covered closed helmet and looked at Rainer in front of him.

Count Jeppe was really surprised at this time. He knew that the most threatening of the northern lords against him was the Baron Lena. He also worked **** Lena, although he knew that Lena was a very young nobleman. , But he was still shocked when he really saw Lena.

   The two sides were silent for a moment, and Earl Zhebo took the lead to speak: "Baron Reiner? He is really young. I didn't expect my enemy to be a young man like you!"

  Leiner looked at him coldly and didn't say anything. He didn't want to make trouble with this kind of meaningless bullshit. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

After asking for a boring one, Earl Jeppe said again: "You know that I have always valued you, otherwise I will not sacrifice my daughter to win you over. Now my attitude is the same as before. If you can devote yourself Mekatha still belongs to you under my command!"

Reiner would not believe the lie of Earl Jeppel. He was only winning himself because it was an accident that Reiner had annexed the five-dollar baronian, and of course he would not really sacrifice his only daughter to win one. The ordinary little baron.

   I really deceived myself into the other side's command, but I still don't know who I will marry Mekasha to.

   Even now, Rainer wouldn’t believe a word that Earl Zeppa said, and where the thousands of troops under his own banner were waiting in battle, Earl Zeppa could not fail to see.

   "That's really thanks to Sister Zhebobo for her kindness, but as a descendant of the Merland family, a branch of the royal family, although I very much hope to get Mekatha, I will not betray my family's loyalty to you!"

  Rainer looked at Count Zhebo firmly and said, there was no room for the opponent to turn a half point.

   looked up and down Renner coldly, and Earl Zhebo said gloomily: "Well, since this is the case, then we can only compete on the battlefield!"

   "I am willing to accompany you!" Leiner didn't say much, and directly replied hard.


   Count Zhebo didn't answer, and he turned around and walked away.

   This negotiation broke up unhappily.

However, Reiner didn’t take it seriously. This kind of pre-line negotiation is simply useless. Some of the things that were used at the beginning have become useless. He doesn’t believe that Earl Zhebo really wants to solve it through negotiation. matter.

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