Black Iron Crown

Chapter 135: Reinforcements

   Frowning looking at the army with the royal coat of arms ahead, Reiner immediately ordered the veteran horse archers to fly forward with a white flag.

   "Please stop! Show your identity and purpose!" Fide shouted loudly.

   Looking at the white flag that the other party was playing, they didn't make any drastic actions. The white flag represents negotiation and no malice, so they gradually relaxed their vigilance.

The veteran horse archer ran to the opponent's formation and shouted loudly: "I am the lord of the north, the conqueror of the alien race, the patron of the holy father, the soldier under Baron Lena Moreland! I serve my master. Order to ask you why you are on the edge of my master's territory!"

"It's Baron Rainer!" Fid said with a laugh to Sir Horn beside him, but he didn't know the new owner of Fort Merland. When he left Fort Merland to ask for life in the interior Nay hasn't returned yet, it's Rainer's father who is in charge of Fort Merand.

   Sir Horn subconsciously stroked his chin, his proud light red beard also replied loudly: "We are from Lomas, the imperial capital. Her Majesty the Queen sent us here!"

   In this way, the two sides quickly put down their guard and preparations for battle after showing their identities. They also came to Lena with the veteran horse archer.

   Looking at the young Rainer in front of him, Sir Horn was not too surprised, because he had already known that he was a young and promising lord before he came.

   It was a salute to bend down slightly on the horse. He said to Leiner: "I am a knight Horne who is loyal to the royal family. I have long heard that Baron Leiner is a young hero. Today I finally saw your respect!"

  Leiner didn't care how loud the other party's flattery was, and asked directly: "So, Sir Horn, why are you showing people around my territory?"

"Ah..." Sir Horn smiled and touched his light red beard and said: "You know, your neighbor, Earl Jeppel, is very disloyal to the royal family. He integrated some lords who were in the same trade with him and betrayed the royal family. And cut off the steel supply to the royal family!"

"But now the lords in other regions who are dissatisfied with the royal family can still get a steady stream of steel from the north. The royal family does not want to face those unfaithful lords with a disadvantaged posture, so we are sent to the north and hope to pass you through. Get some steel, of course, we have brought enough gold coins, and you won't pay for it in vain!"

  Leiner glanced at him, his eyes narrowed slightly and asked, "That's it?"

Sir Horn saw Lena's smile, he couldn't help taking a deep breath, and then continued with a smile: "Of course it's not just that, Earl Redmara, Earl Weasley said about your current status before the queen. Situation, they hope you can integrate the ambitions of other lords who are loyal to the royal family to resist Earl Zhebo!"

"For this reason, the royal family will not spare the canonization of the title, maybe you will become a noble earl, maybe the duke!" Then, Sir Horn looked at Rainer with expectant eyes, hoping to see him. The expression changes, and then buy a large amount of steel to go back.

   After all, steel is an important resource no matter where it is. Now that Reiner is facing the coercion of Earl Zhebo, he is really not willing to sell steel to himself.

  Rainer looked at the other party's mind moving fast, thinking about what benefits and what kind of help the other party might bring to him.

Seeing that Rainer did not immediately reply to himself, Sir Horn continued: "Of course, the Queen learned that you are a descendant of the Moreland family, and also actively resisted Earl Gerber not succumbing to his lewdness. Very happy! And appointed us to support you while shipping steel!"

   said, he pointed to the hundred armed soldiers behind and said: "These people are your reinforcements, and they will follow you in the next fight between you and Earl Zhebo!"

   "That's right!" Sir Horn looked at Rainer and said, "You are leading the army to the south with such fanfare... Could it be... you are going to go to war with Count Jeppel?"

Reiner glanced at him, and then said: "Yes, Count Jeppe has sent us a letter of war to the lords who are still loyal to the royal family. He wants to clean up all of us and feel that All the Northern Territory was brought under his rule.

   "What?" Rainer asked, "You came from the south, don't you know about it? Count Jeppa should have set off with the army now?"

  Sir Horn, they smuggled from the forest. Earl Jeppe obviously couldn't let them come to the north to obtain steel through the area under his control, so he didn't know about this.

After explaining the whole story to Leiner, Leiner nodded and said: "Well, I know, but since you are also my reinforcements, then join my army now, if this time we Able to defeat Earl Zhebo, the royal family will regain the source of steel and be supported by all lords in the north!"

Reiner is still very satisfied with Sir Horn’s words. For reinforcements, more strength is always good. At first he was not very happy when he said that he wanted to buy although this could bring him A lot of income, but to be honest, at this time, all he wants is victory, and gold coins can't buy victory. In this situation, the royal family actually wants to benefit from it.

   But when Sir Horn said the latter, Rainer's mood improved a lot. The hundred soldiers were obviously a huge support force, and more troops would have a better chance of winning.

   What's more...Are there 30 heavy cavalry besides the hundred soldiers? These heavy cavalry have a stronger combat effectiveness than the infantry, if they join in, they will undoubtedly be an amazing soldier.

"But...but...our task is to provide the royal family with a batch of steel..." Sir Horn was somewhat speechless, the beard on his chin was trembling slightly, and his frowning brows explained that he was at this moment. Tangled.

"Don't worry! Soon! This war will not last too long anyway. Besides, even if I provide you with a batch of steel, if I fail in this war, then the entire Northern Territory will be fine. All have fallen under the control of Earl Zhebo, except for this batch of iron materials, the royal family will never get any more steel!"

  I am suitable if I want to win over Earl Zeppa, it will not be a small price! So you should help me to win as much as possible! Only in this way can the royal family get the most benefit! Horner was speechless at what Rainer said, and he really couldn't find any reason to reject Rainer.

On the other hand, Phide looked at the current owner of the land in his hometown with curiosity and admiration. Obviously, his wrist is not something that a small local lord in a remote country can have. After a few years in the imperial capital, he has his vision. It was also a lot taller, and he also had some contempt for the knight grandfather whom he had extremely admired before.

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