Black Iron Crown

Chapter 130: Shocked lords

  Rainer told these people about their intentions, and they went to prepare for themselves. The soldiers must know how important this day is today, and these need to be conveyed by them in person.

  Rainer returned to his room and waited for the lords to wake up, while the soldiers were already prepared under the organization of their respective chief officials.

Time flies quickly, and noon soon passed. Those drunk lords who drank last night finally got up from bed one after another, and they just woke up to go to the banquet hall to have something to eat. The servants informed that Baron Rainer was waiting for their news in the lobby.

   The servant didn't say Rainer's intentions, and the lords who were full of doubts rushed to the banquet hall mightily.

   I saw that the hall was slightly dim at this time, and the limited windows were not enough to provide enough light for the huge building. Several oil lamps were flickering brightly and dimly, illuminating the hall slightly dark.

   "What happened? Baron Reiner?" A nobleman sat on the long table in front of Reiner, took a cold piece of meat and asked.

  The other nobles also looked at Lena with searching eyes, hoping to get answers from him.

   "Oh, it's nothing. To welcome you all, I have prepared a military parade. At the same time, it also increases your determination and courage to fight against Earl Zerbo!" Rainer raised his eyebrows and looked at everyone.

   The others also squinted their eyes slightly, and looked at the young Baron Lena faintly. As the lord of a territory, they were not fools, and they all heard what Lena meant.

The lord who first asked the question put the piece of meat in his mouth and chewed. He looked shabby and very informal, not only that, but he was also very heroic when he was eating, chewing the meat in his mouth with bursts of noise. .

   Don't look at his thick beard, but he is only twenty-two years old this year, but he is quite old. If Leiner hadn't known it, he might be regarded as an uncle.

   "That's great, I just want to see how the soldiers under Baron Reiner defeated the huge clad with their own power!" said the bearded young nobleman.

   The behavior and record of his head-on-head blow to the Cladders last winter has spread throughout the north with his several victories, so they also know Lena.

  Rainer glanced at the others, and these lords immediately indicated that they would also like to participate in this event.

   smiled and nodded, Rainer was very happy, so that his goal has been half achieved.

   took a group of lords to the wall of Morandburg, the height of which is six meters high, it can be said that the following situation can be seen at a glance.

   The army that received Leiner's order was already prepared. The heavily armed soldiers lined up in a neat formation against the sun above their heads, waiting for the start of the military parade.

   After politely consulting other lords, Rainer told Sir Cod to start.

   Sir Cod, who was galloping on a fast horse, immediately went to the Merland Army in the distance to convey the news of the start of the military parade.

   The moment the news was released, the whole team moved.

The soldier hasn’t reached the side of the city wall. Reiner took the time to smile and say to the lords around him: “All the troops I participated in this parade are the troops I can fight the most. All my knights are here, but I did not recruit their troops because they were not very useful, so I only used my direct troops!"

  Rainer's implication is to point out that so many people are all directly under their own army, not only showing off their strength in military force, but also conveying to them the message that their financial situation is very good.

Nodded in surprise. Although the Morandians are still far away, they still count the numbers. Such a large army formation is obviously not a small number. In the past, when they recruited the army, they even took all the serfs. All the signs are counted, and there is no such a huge formation.

   As time passed, the soldiers under inspection finally came to the front of the city wall.

Walking in the forefront is undoubtedly the ten Scarlet Griffin Riders under Rainer's command. Sir Varas is walking in the forefront, and the lance he should be holding has been replaced with a red background hanging from the Murland family. The crown iris lion flag, as the summer breeze is slowly swaying, although the amplitude is not large, it looks extraordinary.

The sophisticated and metallic armor of the Scarlet Gryphon Knights shocked everyone. They could clearly feel what a heavy armor it was, and how terrifying it was under the armor. A strong fitness body.

What made them even more surprised was that the horses under their hips were so tall. An ordinary person standing next to the horses could reach the shoulders. The Morand knights behind them were also considered to be excellent. The horses are set off by them as small as The scarlet griffin knights who are tall and sturdy and wear heavy armor, and they all wear a piece of protection. They include the chain armor on the horse's legs.

   lords are people who often come into contact with weapons and armors, and they can still tell at a glance whether they look like they are, which makes them so surprised.

   Some lords glanced at each other with the nobles beside them, and everyone saw in the eyes of each other unconcealable shock and envy, even a trace of fear.

There is nothing to say about the Morand knights behind. On the whole, they are not much different from the knights under their command, but they are more numerous than them. Generally, there are only seven or eight knights like them. It is not surprising that Rainer, who has annexed five territories, has such a number of knights.

At the back, the main force of Reiner’s army, the powerful Sergeants Merland, who are wrapped in double armors make them look very burly and tall, and they hold more than four meters long and have a cold gleaming gun. The spears on the head lined up a neat line and marched forward slowly.

Their movements are as neat as a puppet, but from their inadvertent sturdy aura, people can see that this is definitely a powerful army, and they can afford it. The armor is the best proof.

The lords seen in this military parade are more and more frightened. Having such an army can almost sweep all baron-level lords. In addition to fear and shock, their confidence in uniting against Earl Zhebo has also been strengthened. few.

   The opposition to Reiner's desire to be the dominant player has gradually weakened.

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