Black Iron Crown

Chapter 128: Northland Royalist League

   As soon as I said this, the scene suddenly became much quieter. Some lords looked at Count Redmarah with weird eyes, and it was a bit...

At this time, Count Redmara also realized that his words were a little wrong, and quickly said with a smile: "But of course, we should still help Baron Rainer as much as possible. He is not only my savior, but also a branch of the royal family. , If he can really defeat Earl Zhebo and integrate the entire Northern Territory, then we can also take the initiative in the future!"

   Listening to his remedial bluntness, the others nodded with a smile, and gave out a burst of meaningless laughter in agreement.

After such a discussion, the queen finally made a final decision: "Then, we will act now, and tomorrow I will ask someone to write a letter to Earl Zhebo in the name of the royal family, with the title of the Great Duke of the North. Exchange, in exchange for his support for us!"

"In addition, I will send thirty heavy cavalry and a hundred infantry to the north in secret, and bring enough funds to buy some steel through Baron Rainer. The heavy cavalry will stay there to help Rainer. baron!"

The Queen’s words resolved all the doubts in the hearts of the nobles. Although the Southern Trade Route issue was not resolved, it was only secondary. The issue of steel in the North was the most important issue. During the turbulent times, armed forces like steel were armed forces. The necessities are far more important than trade routes.

The nobles left the magnificent palace, and the queen covered her brows with exhaustion. Count Redmara stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, you should also pay attention to your own body. Now His Majesty is seriously ill. , The royal family can rely on you to support it!"

The queen is a beautiful woman. She was just over 20 years old as the second wife of the emperor. She entered the Redka imperial family. The emperor’s ex-wife died in a dystocia. This death was not only for herself, but also for training. The born little prince was also taken into the grave by her.

   The emperor was distraught after this, and did not marry a new wife for several years. It was not until seven years ago that the current queen was sent to the palace.

   But this is an out-and-out political marriage. As the daughter of King Bukerdern, the emperor chose to marry the queen in order to open the southern trade road and obtain large-scale financial support.

   The queen was only a sixteen-year-old girl. Without her knowledge or consent, she married the 38-year-old emperor under the force of his father.

Because of the coercion, the relationship between the two people after marriage is not very good, and the opportunities for both parties to have **** are not many. Therefore, they have only one child after three years of marriage, and this child has become the sole of the 41-year-old emperor. Becoming the heir to the empire is already a certainty.

   The queen nodded tiredly. She felt overwhelmed by these state affairs. Grand Duke Mabra said: "Then, your Majesty, please rest as soon as possible. We will leave first!"

   Count Redmara took a deep look at the queen's beautiful face, and after bowing and saluting with the other two, he left the palace under the curtain of night.

   At this moment, in the Banquet Hall of Fort Moreland, a grand dinner has already begun.

  The troubadours played with the redkas in their hands and played melodious tunes, and they sang epic stories and heroes one by one, or poignant love stories, or bizarre wizarding talks.

  The actors performed some simple tricks with their own props, making these nobles and knights who are exposed to some entertainment activities on weekdays, laughing, and watching the performance attentively.

   munching on the delicious food provided by Reiner, watching the performance in front of him intently, the lights in the banquet hall light up the whole scene without a trace of darkness at all.

After a period of time, three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, the nobles on this long table of Reiner almost burped, but they didn’t drink too much wine. Everyone knew about the banquet. Subject, should they not want others to make fun of.

   Seeing everyone wiped their greasy lips and stared at him, Rainer knew that business had begun.

   The knight still made waves of cheers and cheers, and they were very satisfied with the performance of the actors and troubadours.

   But the lords here have already turned their attention back.

   He tapped on the table with his index finger lightly, and said, "You should all know, what is the reason for my holding this banquet!"

   "So I won't say anything else. You all know what Earl Zhebo did in the south, right?"

   glanced at the people, and saw that each of them nodded unanimously to express that they understood that if they hadn't known what Earl Zhebo had done, they would not have come to this banquet.

"Since everyone knows, then Earl Zhebo's intentions are obvious! He wants to integrate the entire northern territory!" Rainer frowned, observing everyone's expressions and said: "The royal family is All the lords from all over the world want to rise up. Obviously, Earl Zhebo is no exception!"

"Our northern border is the most important source of steel for the empire. Once the northern border is unified by Earl Zhebo, the empire will lose the initiative in this rebellion, and if Earl Zhebo wants to gain sufficient benefits in this turmoil , Or even to replace the royal family, then the only way is to integrate the entire Northern Territory and seek sufficient benefits through dialogue between the steel and other nobles and the royal family!"

Reiner said: "I'm not alarmist. I believe you are all aware of his current actions. If you are willing to come to me and listen to me, then it proves that you are all loyal nobles who are loyal to the royal family and do not want to give in. Under the **** of Earl Zhebo!"

   "And I, Lena Moreland, as a branch of the royal family, as a descendant of the Moreland family, I think I have to gather you all to fight the ambitious Earl Zeppel!"

Reiner said solemnly: "If we don't unite, our forces will become extremely scattered. Count Jebo and his minions will easily defeat us one by one, and then annex everyone's territory! "

   "In order to prevent this from happening, I propose that we should unite against Earl Zhebo, what do you think?"

After listening to Leiner’s question, the more than twenty lords present immediately began to talk about it. Most of them agreed with Leiner’s proposal. Everyone knew that if they did not unite, there would be no way to fight against Zhe. Count Bo's powerful strength, if it were not for this matter, no one would come.

   After a minute or two of discussion, the nobles said in unison: "Of course we do!"

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