Black Iron Crown

Chapter 119: Exchange army

   put the letter in the envelope and sealed it with lacquer melancholy. Rainer slumped on the desk and convulsed in his heart. After a while, he got up from the table, and he was now able to regulate his emotions well.

   squeezed his eyes severely, and Rainer opened the system panel.

  "Role: Rainer Moreland

   "Age: 16"

  "Health 95

   "Current Territory Building: Fort Moreland (First-Class Military Castle

   "Current reputation: 550 (Famous Legend North

   "Current subordinates: Sir Walas, Logan, Sir Leland"

   "Current Title: Despicable Sneak Attacker, Conqueror of Alien Race"

   "Current army: Scarlet Gryphon Rider 5, Sergeant Moreland 77, Armed Soldier 53, Senior Cavalier Archer 25, Archer 20"

   "Current territory: Morelandborg, Goerborg, Kahnburg, Fressenborg, Utunburg"

  " Territory area: 836.52 square kilometers

   "Current Family: Morland"

  " Merit Points: 2195"

   "Wealth: 695 gold coins and five silver coins"

  "Main mission: Northland Lion: 45% completion

   "Main task: Supreme: 3% completion"

   After a period of hard work in the recent past, Rainer's prestige has been improved a lot, from the original small reputation to the famous Northern Territory.

   Although the army has lost some in previous battles, it is still quite a bargain compared to the huge amount of merit points obtained.

   What makes Rainer most happy is that the column of merit points has more than two thousand merit points, which allows him to exchange a large number of troops.

   opened the system store, and Rainer again began to look for a unit that suits his current situation.

   "Winter Crossbowman, price: 10 meritorious service, and the unit price increases by one-half per hundred people"

   "The main force of the formidable long-range armies under the Grand Duke Winter's command, once caused the invading Madathians to pay more than 7,000 casualties under the city wall with an astonishing rain of arrows."

   "Physical fitness: medium, discipline: high, fighting skills: extremely high"

   All of their attributes are pretty good, especially the attributes of combat skills are extremely high, which shows that the accuracy of this unit for the crossbow arrow has reached a very terrifying point.

   After all, even the senior Rodok crossbowmen who came from the same origin as the current sergeants have only received a high level of evaluation in combat skills, which shows how their shooting accuracy has reached the standard.

   This is a very strong unit, and Rainer will mark it up for the time being, and it has not been directly exchanged. There are more cost-effective units behind the gadget, so wouldn't it be a loss for me.

   At this time, Rainer looked at the unit that appeared on the retina and stopped moving, because this unit was too suitable for his current situation.

   "The Scarlet Griffon Servants, Price: 6 Merit Points"

"The Scarlet Gryphon Knights, as a powerful military organization that suppresses the **** plains, does not rely solely on the strong fighting power of the knights. Their followers have also exerted strong strength on the battlefield. They help the knights to withstand the deadly crisis and take care of the knights. Although our daily lives are not as powerful as the knights with the blood of griffon, they can display a powerful combat power on the back of their horses!"

   "Physical fitness: medium, discipline: high, fighting skills: medium"

   This type of attribute really makes Reiner unable to find a reason not to exchange it. This unit is really too bad!

   Although there is no outstanding point just looking at the data now, the exchange price of just six points of merit has made them very cost-effective, and the powerfulness of the Scarlet Griffon followers is not only on this point.

   The most important thing is that if they can stay by the side of the Scarlet Griffin Rider, then their three attributes will gradually rise to a higher level within three months, in addition to combat skills.

   Such a growthable and low-priced unit is simply tailor-made for the Lainer who is short of merits. When two of the attributes grow to a higher level, they can even be comparable to units with more than ten merits.

However, when Rainer looked down, he found that they were not without exchange restrictions. Each Scarlet Gryphon Rider can only have four followers, which means that the number of Scarlet Gryphons can only be four times the number of knights. .

   But you have to know that the price of Scarlet Gryphon Rider is not cheap, and the exchange price of one knight is enough to exchange for two Sergeants Morland.

  Thinking about it, Rainer finally exchanged five Scarlet Gryphon Riders again. Anyway, he still has a large amount of merit. It is nothing to exchange for five Scarlet Gryphon Riders.

   What's more, when there are more Scarlet Griffin Riders, they can lead more followers, which greatly increases Rainer's power.

   After hearing the system's deduction of one hundred merit points, Rainer didn't react too violently. Instead, it took another 240 points to exchange forty Scarlet Griffins.

   They did not appear directly in the barracks. The Scarlet Griffin Knight had their own background when they first appeared, and Rainer estimated that they would use the same excuses to rush to themselves this time.

   After the exchange of these types of soldiers, Rainer did not immediately choose other troops. Instead, he filled up the number of Sergeants Merland and exchanged them to the limit of increasing prices, which is the number of one hundred.

   Two hundred and thirty feats were deducted again ~ Leiner has never been so extravagant since crossing over. In just a few minutes, 570 feats were deducted by the system like this.

   After the exchange of these troops, Rainer began to search for his next target.

In addition to the long-range arms of the current Rainer, most of the troops are exchanged from the system. In the light cavalry, there are experienced cavalry archers, and the heavy cavalry who rushes into the battle also include the Scarlet Griffin Rider and the local Morandburg. Knights.

   The mainstay line infantry on the battlefield is also served by Sergeant Merland and armed soldiers, and now it only has long-range troops.

   But in fact, Reiner is still very satisfied with his archers. Although their shooting accuracy, shooting frequency, and arrow power are not very powerful, they are better balanced and cheap.

   But if they are to deal with the coming crisis, they are obviously not enough.

Pulling the system mall back to the previous Winter Crossbowman, Rainer decided to exchange some Winter Crossbowmen. Although the shooting speed of the crossbow is slow, it is very powerful and has a very long range. In addition to the rate of fire, The performance of this primitive weapon like bow and arrow.

   Exchanged the Winter Crossbowman for fifty people, and spent a full five hundred points of merit, and Rainer's deposit suddenly shrank by half.

   continued to search for a while, Rainer found that there is a unit that is indeed economical and affordable, and the icon looks very powerful.

   This is a heavy infantry, different from the heavy armor of Sergeant Merland, their armor looks extremely strong, and their height is quite tall, which is by no means comparable to ordinary people.

   Although the feat at 20 o'clock made him a little daunting, watching the introduction of this unit made him excited.


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