Black Iron Crown

Chapter 115: Sit back and wait for the rabbit

After receiving Reiner’s order, the soldiers implemented it firmly and performed meticulously. It is normal for the losers to be brutally slaughtered in this era, and the Redka people can be so widely distributed on this large road. It is not only because of the ability to survive, but the bloodthirsty genes of the ancestors are still flowing in their blood.

In this way, in just ten minutes, there was no one living person in the entire camp. The blood dripped from the house and soaked the soil on the ground. It is conceivable that in a few decades, it will be because of this. The nourishment of the blood of the corpse became extremely fertile.

   "My Lord Baron, everyone in this camp has been killed, and no one is left alive!" Sir Varas walked to Renner and said to him.

   "Very good!" Rainer nodded and said, "Let the soldiers rest on the spot for a while, and we will wait for the rest of the tribe to come back and kill them all!"

   nodded, and Sir Varas left here again to convey Rainer's order.

   After he gave the order to kill, the soldiers not only did not lose their morale, but seemed to be inspired by the **** scene, and their morale became even higher.

Rainer walked into a simple house like this, the blood on the ground flowing freely gave out a strong **** smell, he sniffed his nose, the team was almost used to this smell, and put the long sword beside him. Rainer found a pile of hay and sat down.

   took off the full-covered steel helmet, and sweat dripped down his face. Although the frigid forest was cooler, it still couldn't change the fact that it was summer.

Iron armor will never feel comfortable to wear, but the soldiers still wear it when they are resting. The armor has now become their flesh and blood, which can save their lives in battle. s things.

The militiamen will be much more comfortable at this time. They don’t have iron armor on their bodies, and there are not many people wearing leather armor. With only a layer of armed clothing as protection, they can enjoy the coolness of the forest without hindrance. .

   Time passed quickly, and the soldiers recovered their strength in the Klad’s room. After a slaughter just now, the originally cowardly militias completely experienced the transformation from civilians to soldiers.

   Killing is nothing to them, and there is nothing to dare to kill. The only difference between them and the armed soldiers under Rainer's army is the armor and the level of training.

   It can be said that as long as they are trained, they can be incorporated into the army immediately. It only takes two or three months of training to formally become elite soldiers.

Rainer had entered the system panel at this time and looked at the task completion degree column, and found that the task 2 Blood Lord column had changed to (completion degree 145/1200), which means that in the massacre just now A total of 145 Klads were killed.

   And he discovered that the task was not completed and the conditions were not fulfilled, which made him a little puzzled. Could this task be impossible to complete?

   I didn't think about it and didn't want to understand it. Linus simply didn't pay attention to this matter. There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. Anyway, the mission failed without punishment, and it didn't matter if it was not completed.

   The sun in the sky gradually set to the west, and the sun was no longer visible in the small sky exposed by this camp. Although the afterglow was still falling on the ground, Rainer knew that the night was not far away.

A hunting team composed of about sixty people and all small and unkempt clad women appeared outside the camp. They carried several rattan baskets in their hands. Wild fruits and wild plants, the forest in summer has already had a lot of fruit, and it seems that they might have a full meal tonight if it hadn't been for Reiner to show up here.

   But even Lena didn't show any mercy for these women. He even ordered the unarmed children to be killed. Are there any exceptions for these women?

   What's more, if they are let go, not only will they miss a lot of merit, but if they escape to other tribes, they will also help other tribes increase their population, so these people cannot stay anyway.

   The Scarlet Griffin Riders who were on guard in the dark entered Lena's room lightly and told him the news.

   "Very good!" Rainer stood up and picked up the long sword beside him, and said to the Scarlet Griffin Riders: "Notify all the soldiers, take immediate action and kill all these clad women!"

  At this time, the Cladd women didn't even know what happened in their camp, and they talked and laughed with their friends in Clad German.

   The soldiers responded very quickly to Rainer's orders. They were immediately ready for battle. The archers took out the arrows from the quiver, and the sergeants also took out their swords.

   More than sixty unarmed Cladd women may not be able to cause any harm to the soldiers in heavy They are just a group of living merits.

   Lena, who was hiding in the camp, looked at the other party's movements, and when the group of Clad women appeared in front of them, he immediately gave an order to prepare.

   And the other party seemed to have discovered some clues at this time. The women looked at the empty and silent camp a little suspiciously, and did not continue to move forward, but stood still and looked at the camp suspiciously.

  Rainer did not hesitate to see this scene, and shouted: "Archer! Shoot!"

   The archers scattered and hidden in various places immediately rushed out and drew the bowstrings, and then shot the arrows full of power.

   The sound of arrows breaking through the air suddenly sounded and appeared in the ears of these clad women, but they were not like those men who had participated in the southward plunder, and had never seen such a powerful murder weapon.

Not knowing that the danger was approaching them at all, and the next second, they screamed in panic, because more than a dozen arrows directly hit their companions next to them, watching the blood flow from the strange wooden sticks. Companions all over the floor, they are very panicked.

   screamed and ran around in horror. Although they were not women who grew up in the greenhouse, the most common way to gather fruit and edible vegetables was to encounter attacks from wild animals.

  Liner, no matter how panicked they were, he drew out his sword and rushed out, knocked down a Clad woman, and then grabbed her hair and cut the opponent's neck with a sword.

Holding his head in his hand, blood was sprayed onto his face along the peephole of his helmet. He didn't feel any discomfort at all. He deliberately made himself used to killing people and made himself cold. Only in this way can he be in this darkness. The world’s activities are longer and better.

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