Black Iron Crown

Chapter 110: No. 1 business

Seeing that the sergeant was unscathed, they put their minds down and concentrated on dealing with the clad who charged up. During this period, some people were hit by the enemy's attack, but the other party's simple weapon could not hurt the armored soldiers at all. It caused some bruises but did not affect the battle.

   In this way, the Klads who rushed up to besiege them were immediately killed and wounded. At this time, they were transformed into brutal meat grinders on the battlefield, and they would be mercilessly slaughtered as long as an enemy approached.

   And the militiamen who followed started to fight, Klim held the spear tightly in his hand and looked nervously at the enemy in front of him.

   And this Clade also has a nervous expression on his face, and he will be flustered when facing the three enemies at the same time.

"Ah!" The clad shouted loudly and waved the large beast bone hammer in his hand and rushed up. Klim was trembling with his lip and teeth. This was the first time he faced it so close. enemy.

   Looking at the enemy's hideous face, his blood seemed to freeze, and he didn't even react for a while. When the enemy approached, he came back to his senses.

   But it was too late. The distance between the two of them was no longer the best position for the spear to be deployed. He could only block it, but the inexperienced he did not block the bone hammer that the opponent slammed down.

   The shank hammer hit his shoulder straight, and the piercing pain filled his whole body, and the pain made his face twisted.

   Just as the Clade wanted to win the pursuit, a soldier beside Klim quickly charged up and pushed the opponent back.

   Klim was holding his shoulders, with only cold sweat on his face. If it weren't for the armor he wore to protect his shoulders, I'm afraid his entire arm would not be able to keep it.

   He came back to his senses, yelled with a terrifying expression, and then he held a spear in both hands, which was a stab fiercely.

  The most basic spear movement, he had done at least tens of thousands of times during training. He had already practiced it for a long time. He attacked with anger and pierced the spear with the strength of his whole body.

   He only felt that his spear had fallen into a soft object, and then encountered some obstacles, but was quickly broken through by the sharp spear head.

The warmth was blood splashed out and scattered on Klim's face. He then came back to his senses. It turned out that his spear had pierced the chest of this Clad, and the opponent was holding the spear weakly. At the top, blood was vomiting out of his mouth, and his pupils looked at him dilatedly.


The clad, who uttered desperate cry like a trapped beast, seemed to have finally consumed the next trace of strength in his body, and finally squatted weakly. Klim turned the opponent over with his spear, and stepped on the opponent. On his chest, he pulled out the spear with both hands.

Looking at the blood-stained gun head, Krim's expression was a bit dull. Two comrades in the same group next to him ran to him, extended their thumbs and applauded him: "Good job Krim! Although this A bronze is gone, but you killed the enemy on the battlefield!"

   "I think you will become a real soldier of Lord Baron!" A soldier looked at the corpse on the ground with a slightly distorted expression, enduring his discomfort and praised Klim.

   After all, they are residents of the Dark Ages. Although their knowledge may not be as good as those of later generations, they are far more calm about death, killing, and corpses than later generations.

The battle is still going on. Many militiamen have begun to fight with the Clades. Although they were a little embarrassed by the enemy because of their lack of combat experience, they quickly relied on their equipment skills and physical fitness to press down after they got used to it. The enemy fights.

Soon, under their fierce offensive and the regular army under the leadership of sergeants, the Clades collapsed. Some of them put down their weapons and sat on the ground waiting for the enemy to take prisoners, and some dropped their weapons and fled around hoping to escape here, no matter No matter how this battle was won by the slave hunting team.

   After the war, after statistics, they captured nine Clades. They tied these people with twine, strung them together and started looking for the next prey.

   This time they took so few captives mainly because they lacked experience and did not prepare too many capture tools. It was almost the same as a real battle. Of course, the number of captured captives was not many.

   When they are ready next time, and with more capture equipment, they must have detained more than nine Clades.

And this slave hunting team did not have no casualties. In the previous battle, three militiamen were hit and killed when they were fighting with the Clades. One person was seriously injured and nine people were slightly injured. I have to say this. The first actual combat is quite meaningful.

Even though they have received training, they are nothing more than a group of recruits who have never seen blood and fell into panic at the beginning of the battle. After this battle, although they are still not called veterans, they are at least on the battlefield. Not too embarrassed, Rainer will dare to use them with confidence when the time comes.

As for this is all normal. After all, this is a real actual combat, not an exercise. Only at this time can they have blood and wounds before they can face the flesh and blood on the battlefield. The sight of flying horizontally.

I swept the battlefield hastily. In fact, it was just pulling off the fur from the opponent. As for the corpse, there will be scavengers to help them clean up after a while, ensuring that no residue will be left behind. .

The sergeant sat on the ground like this, and took out a few pieces of armor leaves and hemp rope from the horse cart behind. His tie armor was slightly damaged in the previous battle. He needs to use these armor leaves to repair it. The armor does not affect the use, and will be sent for repair after returning to the territory.

  Fifteen days passed quickly, and this slave-catching team only captured fifteen clad slaves and had to return to the territory.

The other slave-catching teams are also similar. The first time they entered the boreal forest, they did not have a very rich harvest. Basically, there were about a dozen people, and the few were only two, three, three or four. There are even slave traps that have found nothing.

   They just met outside the boreal forest, on the border of Fort Merland, and then walked to Fort Merland with their trophies and captives.

   Looking at the list in front of him, Rainer nodded. There were 97 slaves in total. This is the result of the slave capture team's departure this time. Although it can't be said that there are many, Rainer is more satisfied.

   At least a few iron ore mining can replace certain Klads in, otherwise the output of iron ore will increase on a large scale.

   What's more, what they use is not just actual mining. As a descendant of the infrastructure madman, he has many buildings he hopes to build, and it is estimated that he will rely on these Klad slaves at that time.

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