Black Iron Crown

Chapter 109: Trafficker in the forest

   Several hunters holding bows and arrows and archers holding recurve bows stood in the forefront, waiting for the sergeant to give the command to shoot.

   I saw the Sergeant Cat stretched out his left hand while pressing his waist, and whispered: "Draw the bow, get ready to shoot!"

   Hearing a squeaky and sour bow-drawing sound, the hunters and archers easily drew their bows and arrows with their strong upper limb muscles and aimed them at the clad in front of them.

   "Shoot!" The sergeant stood up suddenly and whispered to the archers.

Hearing only a few sounds of the bowstrings being stretched, the arrows flew towards the unsuspecting clades with great strength, and the sharp arrows pierced the air and gave out a scream, just like a few saw. The demons who reach their prey generally move forward.

   The arrows were so fast that the Clades didn’t even react, and they shot them. Fortunately, the hunting bows used by the hunters were not powerful, and they didn’t kill them in the first place.

The recurve bow in the hands of archers is different. The weapons produced by the system have only one mission and feature, that is, they are all born for killing. The arrow shot from the archer directly hit a station. The chest of the clad on the ground.

A distance of more than 30 meters showed the power of this arrow to the fullest. After penetrating his fur-protected chest, he left his body and nailed it into the soil. The remaining strength still made the feathered man The tail of the arrow quivered slightly.

   A mouthful of blood protruded, and the pupils of the clad who hit the arrow gradually dilated, and then knelt on the ground weakly and squatted forward.

   This shooting directly caused one death to the enemy and two injuries. Although they are not very concentrated, it is easy to hit the hunters who often use hunting bows for hunting.

   "Someone attacked! Quickly! Get up!" A Kladman suddenly sat up from the ground, picked up the big wooden stick and a simple wooden pier next to him, and began to whisper in Kladish.

   They suffered a sudden attack, and there was some commotion. Some clads didn't even think of resisting. They didn't even take up their weapons and began to look around and fled.

   They are all experienced hunters in the jungle, but they rarely encounter human attacks in this forest. Even if the two tribes fight against each other, they will hardly encounter arrow strikes.

   Before they could see where the enemy was, two people were wounded and one person died. What they faced was extreme fear. For them, the fear was not the enemy, but the unknown.

   Sergeant Molande, who led the team, made a decisive decision and immediately issued an offensive order. In between, a group of more than fifty people rushed up, and the archers continued to shoot at the back.

Klim was holding a two-meter-long spear in his hand, and he was wearing a leather chain armor that didn't fit well. It was handed down from his grandfather's generation. They used to be a serf in his family. Since his grandfather made a contribution on the battlefield and formally joined the army, their family has become richer and richer and eventually became a self-employed farmer.

However, it is a pity that the family business began to decline after it passed to his father's hands. In his generation's family, this leather chain armor was only valuable. This time, he entered the boreal forest to hunt slaves. For the sake of safety, he still Put on this ancestral leather chain armor.

   He and two other companions formed a combat team. The distance between the three is only about two meters. Once any one is in danger, the other two can immediately rescue.

This was given to them by Sergeant Moland. In addition to physical training and weapon training, the only training left is formation training and discipline training. Therefore, they are familiar with this formation. Of course, everything needs to be done. A conclusion can only be made after the battle has officially started.

   "It's the Redka people! They dare to appear in the forest! Let's drive them out!" A Kladman immediately reacted when he saw the appearance of the slave hunters and shouted loudly.

Previously in the North, all territories except Fort Morand were plundered by the Clades. Their racial memory was very short. They had forgotten how terrible they suffered during the invasion of the North many years ago. The tribe paid the price of their lives.

   Now, I'm still clamoring that I want to play more with less.

The sergeant rushed to the forefront with a sword and shield. Next to him were several armed soldiers who accompanied him. After months of intensive training, they had already gained a strong fighting capacity. They flocked in front of the sergeant and hoped to directly take these clades. People defeated in one fell swoop, and then captured the prisoners.

   Several Clades rushed directly in the direction of the sergeant. They waved the wooden sticks in their hands or the sharp animal leg bones with hideous faces, preparing to fight the enemy to the death.

But who is Sergeant Morand? He is an elite who survived dozens of battles in Calradia. His height alone is one head taller than the enemy, and the knotted muscles on his arms are even half of his waist. It's also wide.

   The coldly radiant long sword in his hand knows that it is an extremely sharp The double-layered heavy armor on his body is simply not what they can penetrate.

The sergeant made no extra moves. He swung the long sword in his hands in a big way, and directly cut the head of a clad who rushed forward. The blood spattered out and looked terrifying. After a while, the sword was nothing. The head of the body slowly fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, he swiped the big shield on his left hand to prevent the big stick being swung by a Klad, but unexpectedly, at this moment, a wooden spear with a sharp stone pierced so fiercely. Under his ribs.

  The armed soldiers next to him reacted. After all, they enlisted in the army not long ago. Although they were in the regular army, they had no combat experience. They were completely different from the armed veterans who had enlisted in the army before and participated in several battles.

   The armed soldier yelled and slashed the long sword in his hand at the opponent, only to hear the sound of cracking bones, and the head of this clad was cut off in half.

   The brains burst out, and the rest of the brain was still swaying from the skull, almost tossing out. There was no sound. The clad fell directly on the ground and convulsed, then died.

   And the spear also fell to the ground. The armed soldiers looked at the sergeant with concern, but found that he did not seem to be injured.

Yes, he was unscathed, that spear just caused his piercing armor to drop two leaves, and even the first layer of piercing armor did not penetrate, not to mention that there was a layer of fine full-body chain armor inside. .

Armed soldiers have not participated in the battle shortly after enlisting in the army. They still don’t know that their armor is strong enough to defend against most weapon attacks. Only extremely strong slashing and piercing can damage the armor and cause them to be injured. There will be nothing wrong with the part.

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